# Existing images: # --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 --build-arg PYTORCH_VERSION=1.7 --build-arg PYTORCH_CHANNEL=pytorch-nightly --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=10.1 # --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 --build-arg PYTORCH_VERSION=1.6 --build-arg PYTORCH_CHANNEL=pytorch --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=10.1 # --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 --build-arg PYTORCH_VERSION=1.5 --build-arg PYTORCH_CHANNEL=pytorch --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=10.1 # --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 --build-arg PYTORCH_VERSION=1.4 --build-arg PYTORCH_CHANNEL=pytorch --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=10.1 # --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 --build-arg PYTORCH_VERSION=1.3 --build-arg PYTORCH_CHANNEL=pytorch --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=10.1 ARG CUDNN_VERSION=7 ARG CUDA_VERSION=10.1 FROM nvidia/cuda:${CUDA_VERSION}-cudnn${CUDNN_VERSION}-devel ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 ARG PYTORCH_VERSION=1.6 ARG PYTORCH_CHANNEL=pytorch ARG CONDA_VERSION=4.7.12 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] ENV HOROVOD_GPU_OPERATIONS=NCCL ENV HOROVOD_WITH_PYTORCH=1 ENV HOROVOD_WITHOUT_TENSORFLOW=1 ENV HOROVOD_WITHOUT_MXNET=1 ENV HOROVOD_WITH_GLOO=1 ENV HOROVOD_WITHOUT_MPI=1 ENV PATH="$PATH:/root/.local/bin" # TODO: uncomment in horovod next release, https://github.com/horovod/horovod/pull/2239 # ENV MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ build-essential \ cmake \ git \ curl \ ca-certificates \ && \ # Cleaning apt-get autoremove -y && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /root/.cache && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # add non-root user RUN useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash flash USER flash ENV CONDA_ENV=lightning ENV WORKDIR=/home/flash WORKDIR $WORKDIR COPY --chown=flash environment.yml environment.yml # install conda and python RUN curl -o ~/miniconda.sh https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-${CONDA_VERSION}-Linux-x86_64.sh && \ chmod +x ~/miniconda.sh && \ ~/miniconda.sh -b -p ${WORKDIR}/miniconda && \ rm ~/miniconda.sh # add conda to path ENV PATH="${WORKDIR}/miniconda/bin:$PATH" ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${WORKDIR}/miniconda/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ENV CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR="/usr/local/cuda" # conda init RUN conda create -y --name $CONDA_ENV python=$PYTHON_VERSION pytorch=$PYTORCH_VERSION torchvision cudatoolkit=$CUDA_VERSION --channel=$PYTORCH_CHANNEL && \ conda init bash && \ # NOTE: this requires that the channel is presented in the yaml before packages python -c "fname = 'environment.yml' ; req = open(fname).read().replace('pytorch', '${PYTORCH_CHANNEL}', 1) ; open(fname, 'w').write(req)" && \ conda env update --file environment.yml && \ conda clean -ya && \ rm environment.yml && \ # Disable cache conda install "pip>20.1" -y && \ pip config set global.cache-dir false ENV PATH ${WORKDIR}/miniconda/envs/${CONDA_ENV}/bin:$PATH ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${WORKDIR}/miniconda/envs/${CONDA_ENV}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" # if you want this environment to be the default one, uncomment the following line: ENV CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV=${CONDA_ENV} COPY ./requirements/test.txt requirements-tests.txt COPY ./requirements/examples.txt requirements-examples.txt RUN \ echo ". ${WORKDIR}/miniconda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" >> ~/.bashrc && \ echo "conda activate ${CONDA_ENV}" >> ~/.bashrc && \ source ~/.bashrc && \ # Install all requirements pip install -r requirements-tests.txt --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed && \ pip install -r requirements-examples.txt --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed && \ rm requirements* && \ # Show what we have pip --version && \ conda info && \ conda list && \ pip list CMD ["bin/bash"]