[tool:pytest] norecursedirs = .git dist build python_files = test_*.py # doctest_plus = disabled addopts = --strict --doctest-modules --durations=0 markers = slow remote_data filterwarnings gpus_param_tests junit_duration_report = call [coverage:report] exclude_lines = pragma: no-cover warnings pass rank_zero_warn [flake8] # TODO: this should be 88 or 100 according PEP8 max-line-length = 120 exclude = .tox,*.egg,build,temp select = E,W,F doctests = True verbose = 2 # https://pep8.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#error-codes format = pylint ignore = E731 W504 F401 F841 # setup.cfg or tox.ini [check-manifest] ignore = *.yml .github .github/* .circleci [metadata] license_file = LICENSE # long_description = file:README.md # long_description_content_type = text/markdown [pydocstyle] convention = pep257 # D104, D107: Ignore missing docstrings in __init__ files and methods. # D202: Ignore a blank line after docstring (collision with Python Black in decorators) add-ignore = D104,D107,D202 max-line-length = 120