set -e # exit on error echo "--- Install packages ---" # show what's already installed pip3 list # typing-extensions==4.5.0 comes pre-installed in the environment, and pydantic doesnt support that, however, # pip cannot upgrade it because it's in the system folder: needs sudo sudo pip3 install -U typing-extensions # set particular PyTorch version pip3 install -q wget packaging python3 -m wget for fpath in `ls requirements/**/*.txt`; do python3 $fpath {PYTORCH_VERSION}; done pip3 install .[pytorch-extra,pytorch-test] pytest-timeout pip3 list # export ALLOW_MULTIPLE_LIBTPU_LOAD=1 if [ "{RUNTIME}" = "xrt" ]; then export XRT_TPU_CONFIG="localservice;0;localhost:51011" export TPU_NUM_DEVICES=4 else export PJRT_DEVICE=TPU fi echo "--- Sanity check TPU availability ---" python3 -c "import torch_xla; print(torch_xla)" python3 -c "from lightning.pytorch.accelerators import XLAAccelerator; assert XLAAccelerator.is_available()" echo "Sanity check passed!" echo "--- Running PL tests ---" cd tests/tests_pytorch PL_RUN_TPU_TESTS=1 python3 -m coverage run --source=lightning -m pytest -vv --durations=0 --timeout 60 ./ echo "--- Running standalone PL tests ---" PL_RUN_TPU_TESTS=1 PL_STANDALONE_TESTS_BATCH_SIZE=1 bash echo "--- Generating coverage ---" python3 -m coverage xml mv coverage.xml ~