from collections import Sequence from functools import wraps from typing import Optional, Tuple, Callable import torch from pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.reduction import reduce def to_onehot( tensor: torch.Tensor, n_classes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts a dense label tensor to one-hot format Args: tensor: dense label tensor, with shape [N, d1, d2, ...] n_classes: number of classes C Output: A sparse label tensor with shape [N, C, d1, d2, ...] """ if n_classes is None: n_classes = int(tensor.max().detach().item() + 1) dtype, device, shape = tensor.dtype, tensor.device, tensor.shape tensor_onehot = torch.zeros(shape[0], n_classes, *shape[1:], dtype=dtype, device=device) index = tensor.long().unsqueeze(1).expand_as(tensor_onehot) return tensor_onehot.scatter_(1, index, 1.0) def to_categorical(tensor: torch.Tensor, argmax_dim: int = 1) -> torch.Tensor: """ Converts a tensor of probabilities to a dense label tensor Args: tensor: probabilities to get the categorical label [N, d1, d2, ...] argmax_dim: dimension to apply (default: 1) Return: A tensor with categorical labels [N, d2, ...] """ return torch.argmax(tensor, dim=argmax_dim) def get_num_classes( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, num_classes: Optional[int], ) -> int: """ Returns the number of classes for a given prediction and target tensor. Args: pred: predicted values target: true labels num_classes: number of classes if known (default: None) Return: An integer that represents the number of classes. """ if num_classes is None: if pred.ndim > target.ndim: num_classes = pred.size(1) else: num_classes = int(target.max().detach().item() + 1) return num_classes def stat_scores( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, class_index: int, argmax_dim: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Calculates the number of true positive, falsepositivee, true negative and false negative for a specific class Args: pred: prediction tensor target: target tensor class_index: class to calculate over argmax_dim: if pred is a tensor of probabilities, this indicates the axis the argmax transformation will be applied over Return: Tensors in the following order: True Positive, False Positive, True Negative, False Negative """ if pred.ndim == target.ndim + 1: pred = to_categorical(pred, argmax_dim=argmax_dim) tp = ((pred == class_index) * (target == class_index)).to(torch.long).sum() fp = ((pred == class_index) * (target != class_index)).to(torch.long).sum() tn = ((pred != class_index) * (target != class_index)).to(torch.long).sum() fn = ((pred != class_index) * (target == class_index)).to(torch.long).sum() return tp, fp, tn, fn def stat_scores_multiple_classes( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, argmax_dim: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Calls the stat_scores function iteratively for all classes, thus calculating the number of true postive, false postive, true negative and false negative for each class Args: pred: prediction tensor target: target tensor class_index: class to calculate over argmax_dim: if pred is a tensor of probabilities, this indicates the axis the argmax transformation will be applied over Return: Returns tensors for: tp, fp, tn, fn """ num_classes = get_num_classes(pred=pred, target=target, num_classes=num_classes) if pred.ndim == target.ndim + 1: pred = to_categorical(pred, argmax_dim=argmax_dim) tps = torch.zeros((num_classes,), device=pred.device) fps = torch.zeros((num_classes,), device=pred.device) tns = torch.zeros((num_classes,), device=pred.device) fns = torch.zeros((num_classes,), device=pred.device) for c in range(num_classes): tps[c], fps[c], tns[c], fns[c] = stat_scores(pred=pred, target=target, class_index=c) return tps, fps, tns, fns def accuracy( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, reduction='elementwise_mean', ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the accuracy classification score Args: pred: predicted labels target: ground truth labels num_classes: number of classes reduction: a method for reducing accuracies over labels (default: takes the mean) Available reduction methods: - elementwise_mean: takes the mean - none: pass array - sum: add elements Return: A Tensor with the classification score. """ tps, fps, tns, fns = stat_scores_multiple_classes(pred=pred, target=target, num_classes=num_classes) if not (target > 0).any() and num_classes is None: raise RuntimeError("cannot infer num_classes when target is all zero") accuracies = (tps + tns) / (tps + tns + fps + fns) return reduce(accuracies, reduction=reduction) def confusion_matrix( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, normalize: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the confusion matrix C where each entry C_{i,j} is the number of observations in group i that were predicted in group j. Args: pred: estimated targets target: ground truth labels normalize: normalizes confusion matrix Return: Tensor, confusion matrix C [num_classes, num_classes ] """ num_classes = get_num_classes(pred, target, None) d = target.size(-1) batch_vec = torch.arange(target.size(-1)) # this will account for multilabel unique_labels = batch_vec * num_classes ** 2 + target.view(-1) * num_classes + pred.view(-1) bins = torch.bincount(unique_labels, minlength=d * num_classes ** 2) cm = bins.reshape(d, num_classes, num_classes).squeeze().float() if normalize: cm = cm / cm.sum(-1) return cm def precision_recall( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, reduction: str = 'elementwise_mean', ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Computes precision and recall for different thresholds Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels num_classes: number of classes reduction: method for reducing precision-recall values (default: takes the mean) Available reduction methods: - elementwise_mean: takes the mean - none: pass array - sum: add elements Return: Tensor with precision and recall """ tps, fps, tns, fns = stat_scores_multiple_classes(pred=pred, target=target, num_classes=num_classes) tps = fps = fns = precision = tps / (tps + fps) recall = tps / (tps + fns) precision = reduce(precision, reduction=reduction) recall = reduce(recall, reduction=reduction) return precision, recall def precision( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, reduction: str = 'elementwise_mean', ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes precision score. Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels num_classes: number of classes reduction: method for reducing precision values (default: takes the mean) Available reduction methods: - elementwise_mean: takes the mean - none: pass array - sum: add elements Return: Tensor with precision. """ return precision_recall(pred=pred, target=target, num_classes=num_classes, reduction=reduction)[0] def recall( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, reduction: str = 'elementwise_mean', ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes recall score. Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels num_classes: number of classes reduction: method for reducing recall values (default: takes the mean) Available reduction methods: - elementwise_mean: takes the mean - none: pass array - sum: add elements Return: Tensor with recall. """ return precision_recall(pred=pred, target=target, num_classes=num_classes, reduction=reduction)[1] def fbeta_score( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, beta: float, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, reduction: str = 'elementwise_mean', ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the F-beta score which is a weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall. It ranges between 1 and 0, where 1 is perfect and the worst value is 0. Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels beta: weights recall when combining the score. beta < 1: more weight to precision. beta > 1 more weight to recall beta = 0: only precision beta -> inf: only recall num_classes: number of classes reduction: method for reducing F-score (default: takes the mean) Available reduction methods: - elementwise_mean: takes the mean - none: pass array - sum: add elements. Return: Tensor with the value of F-score. It is a value between 0-1. """ prec, rec = precision_recall(pred=pred, target=target, num_classes=num_classes, reduction='none') nom = (1 + beta ** 2) * prec * rec denom = ((beta ** 2) * prec + rec) fbeta = nom / denom return reduce(fbeta, reduction=reduction) def f1_score( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, reduction='elementwise_mean', ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes F1-score a.k.a F-measure. Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels num_classes: number of classes reduction: method for reducing F1-score (default: takes the mean) Available reduction methods: - elementwise_mean: takes the mean - none: pass array - sum: add elements. Return: Tensor containing F1-score """ return fbeta_score(pred=pred, target=target, beta=1., num_classes=num_classes, reduction=reduction) def _binary_clf_curve( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: Optional[Sequence] = None, pos_label: int = 1., ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ adapted from """ if sample_weight is not None and not isinstance(sample_weight, torch.Tensor): sample_weight = torch.tensor(sample_weight, device=pred.device, dtype=torch.float) # remove class dimension if necessary if pred.ndim > target.ndim: pred = pred[:, 0] desc_score_indices = torch.argsort(pred, descending=True) pred = pred[desc_score_indices] target = target[desc_score_indices] if sample_weight is not None: weight = sample_weight[desc_score_indices] else: weight = 1. # pred typically has many tied values. Here we extract # the indices associated with the distinct values. We also # concatenate a value for the end of the curve. distinct_value_indices = torch.where(pred[1:] - pred[:-1])[0] threshold_idxs =[distinct_value_indices, torch.tensor([target.size(0) - 1])]) target = (target == pos_label).to(torch.long) tps = torch.cumsum(target * weight, dim=0)[threshold_idxs] if sample_weight is not None: # express fps as a cumsum to ensure fps is increasing even in # the presence of floating point errors fps = torch.cumsum((1 - target) * weight, dim=0)[threshold_idxs] else: fps = 1 + threshold_idxs - tps return fps, tps, pred[threshold_idxs] def roc( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: Optional[Sequence] = None, pos_label: int = 1., ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Computes the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC). It assumes classifier is binary. Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels sample_weight: sample weights pos_label: the label for the positive class (default: 1) Return: [Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: false-positive rate (fpr), true-positive rate (tpr), thresholds """ fps, tps, thresholds = _binary_clf_curve(pred=pred, target=target, sample_weight=sample_weight, pos_label=pos_label) # Add an extra threshold position # to make sure that the curve starts at (0, 0) tps =[torch.zeros(1, dtype=tps.dtype, device=tps.device), tps]) fps =[torch.zeros(1, dtype=fps.dtype, device=fps.device), fps]) thresholds =[thresholds[0][None] + 1, thresholds]) if fps[-1] <= 0: raise ValueError("No negative samples in targets, false positive value should be meaningless") fpr = fps / fps[-1] if tps[-1] <= 0: raise ValueError("No positive samples in targets, true positive value should be meaningless") tpr = tps / tps[-1] return fpr, tpr, thresholds def multiclass_roc( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: Optional[Sequence] = None, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: """ Computes the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) for multiclass predictors. Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels sample_weight: sample weights num_classes: number of classes (default: None, computes automatically from data) Return: [num_classes, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: returns roc for each class. number of classes, false-positive rate (fpr), true-positive rate (tpr), thresholds """ num_classes = get_num_classes(pred, target, num_classes) class_roc_vals = [] for c in range(num_classes): pred_c = pred[:, c] class_roc_vals.append(roc(pred=pred_c, target=target, sample_weight=sample_weight, pos_label=c)) return tuple(class_roc_vals) def precision_recall_curve( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: Optional[Sequence] = None, pos_label: int = 1., ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Computes precision-recall pairs for different thresholds. Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels sample_weight: sample weights pos_label: the label for the positive class (default: 1.) Return: [Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: precision, recall, thresholds """ fps, tps, thresholds = _binary_clf_curve(pred=pred, target=target, sample_weight=sample_weight, pos_label=pos_label) precision = tps / (tps + fps) recall = tps / tps[-1] # stop when full recall attained # and reverse the outputs so recall is decreasing last_ind = torch.where(tps == tps[-1])[0][0] sl = slice(0, last_ind.item() + 1) # need to call reversed explicitly, since including that to slice would # introduce negative strides that are not yet supported in pytorch precision =[reversed(precision[sl]), torch.ones(1, dtype=precision.dtype, device=precision.device)]) recall =[reversed(recall[sl]), torch.zeros(1, dtype=recall.dtype, device=recall.device)]) thresholds = torch.tensor(reversed(thresholds[sl])) return precision, recall, thresholds def multiclass_precision_recall_curve( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: Optional[Sequence] = None, num_classes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: """ Computes precision-recall pairs for different thresholds given a multiclass scores. Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels sample_weight: sample weight num_classes: number of classes Return: [num_classes, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: number of classes, precision, recall, thresholds """ num_classes = get_num_classes(pred, target, num_classes) class_pr_vals = [] for c in range(num_classes): pred_c = pred[:, c] class_pr_vals.append(precision_recall_curve( pred=pred_c, target=target, sample_weight=sample_weight, pos_label=c)) return tuple(class_pr_vals) def auc(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, reorder: bool = True): """ Computes Area Under the Curve (AUC) using the trapezoidal rule Args: x: x-coordinates y: y-coordinates reorder: reorder coordinates, so they are increasing. Return: AUC score (float) """ direction = 1. if reorder: # can't use lexsort here since it is not implemented for torch order = torch.argsort(x) x, y = x[order], y[order] else: dx = x[1:] - x[:-1] if (dx < 0).any(): if (dx, 0).all(): direction = -1. else: raise ValueError("Reordering is not turned on, and " "the x array is not increasing: %s" % x) return direction * torch.trapz(y, x) def auc_decorator(reorder: bool = True) -> Callable: def wrapper(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable: @wraps(func_to_decorate) def new_func(*args, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: x, y = func_to_decorate(*args, **kwargs)[:2] return auc(x, y, reorder=reorder) return new_func return wrapper def multiclass_auc_decorator(reorder: bool = True) -> Callable: def wrapper(func_to_decorate: Callable) -> Callable: def new_func(*args, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: results = [] for class_result in func_to_decorate(*args, **kwargs): x, y = class_result[:2] results.append(auc(x, y, reorder=reorder)) return return new_func return wrapper def auroc( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: Optional[Sequence] = None, pos_label: int = 1., ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC AUC) from prediction scores Args: pred: estimated probabilities target: ground-truth labels sample_weight: sample weights pos_label: the label for the positive class (default: 1.) """ @auc_decorator(reorder=True) def _auroc(pred, target, sample_weight, pos_label): return roc(pred, target, sample_weight, pos_label) return _auroc(pred=pred, target=target, sample_weight=sample_weight, pos_label=pos_label) def average_precision( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: Optional[Sequence] = None, pos_label: int = 1., ) -> torch.Tensor: precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(pred=pred, target=target, sample_weight=sample_weight, pos_label=pos_label) # Return the step function integral # The following works because the last entry of precision is # guaranteed to be 1, as returned by precision_recall_curve return -torch.sum(recall[1:] - recall[:-1] * precision[:-1]) def dice_score( pred: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, bg: bool = False, nan_score: float = 0.0, no_fg_score: float = 0.0, reduction: str = 'elementwise_mean', ) -> torch.Tensor: n_classes = pred.shape[1] bg = (1 - int(bool(bg))) scores = torch.zeros(n_classes - bg, device=pred.device, dtype=torch.float32) for i in range(bg, n_classes): if not (target == i).any(): # no foreground class scores[i - bg] += no_fg_score continue tp, fp, tn, fn = stat_scores(pred=pred, target=target, class_index=i) denom = (2 * tp + fp + fn).to(torch.float) if torch.isclose(denom, torch.zeros_like(denom)).any(): # nan result score_cls = nan_score else: score_cls = (2 * tp).to(torch.float) / denom scores[i - bg] += score_cls return reduce(scores, reduction=reduction)