# Copyright The Lightning AI team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from functools import partial, update_wrapper from inspect import getmembers, isfunction from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import ANY, PropertyMock import pytest import torch from torch import Tensor from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from lightning.pytorch import __version__, Callback, LightningDataModule, LightningModule, Trainer from lightning.pytorch.demos.boring_classes import BoringDataModule, BoringModel, RandomDataset from tests_pytorch.helpers.runif import RunIf class HookedDataModule(BoringDataModule): def __init__(self, called): super().__init__() def call(hook, fn, *args, **kwargs): out = fn(*args, **kwargs) d = {"name": hook} if args: d["args"] = args if kwargs: d["kwargs"] = kwargs called.append(d) return out for h in get_members(LightningDataModule): attr = getattr(self, h) partial_h = partial(call, h, attr) update_wrapper(partial_h, attr) setattr(self, h, partial_h) @pytest.mark.parametrize("max_steps", [1, 2, 3]) def test_on_before_zero_grad_called(tmpdir, max_steps): class CurrentTestModel(BoringModel): on_before_zero_grad_called = 0 def on_before_zero_grad(self, optimizer): self.on_before_zero_grad_called += 1 model = CurrentTestModel() trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_steps=max_steps, max_epochs=2) assert model.on_before_zero_grad_called == 0 trainer.fit(model) assert max_steps == model.on_before_zero_grad_called model.on_before_zero_grad_called = 0 trainer.test(model) assert model.on_before_zero_grad_called == 0 def test_on_train_epoch_end_metrics_collection(tmpdir): """Test that progress bar metrics also get collected at the end of an epoch.""" num_epochs = 3 class CurrentModel(BoringModel): def training_step(self, *args, **kwargs): output = super().training_step(*args, **kwargs) self.log_dict({"step_metric": torch.tensor(-1), "shared_metric": 100}, logger=False, prog_bar=True) return output def on_train_epoch_end(self): epoch = self.current_epoch # both scalar tensors and Python numbers are accepted self.log_dict( {f"epoch_metric_{epoch}": torch.tensor(epoch), "shared_metric": 111}, logger=False, prog_bar=True ) model = CurrentModel() trainer = Trainer(max_epochs=num_epochs, default_root_dir=tmpdir, overfit_batches=2) trainer.fit(model) assert trainer.state.finished, f"Training failed with {trainer.state}" metrics = trainer.progress_bar_callback.get_metrics(trainer, model) # metrics added in training step should be unchanged by epoch end method assert metrics["step_metric"] == -1 # a metric shared in both methods gets overwritten by epoch_end assert metrics["shared_metric"] == 111 # metrics are kept after each epoch for i in range(num_epochs): assert metrics[f"epoch_metric_{i}"] == i @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("accelerator", "expected_device_str"), [ pytest.param("gpu", "cuda:0", marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)), pytest.param("mps", "mps:0", marks=RunIf(mps=True)), ], ) @mock.patch( "lightning.pytorch.strategies.Strategy.lightning_module", new_callable=PropertyMock, ) def test_apply_batch_transfer_handler(model_getter_mock, accelerator, expected_device_str): expected_device = torch.device(expected_device_str) class CustomBatch: def __init__(self, data): self.samples = data[0] self.targets = data[1] class CurrentTestModel(BoringModel): rank = 0 transfer_batch_to_device_hook_rank = None on_after_batch_transfer_hook_rank = None def on_after_batch_transfer(self, batch, dataloader_idx): assert dataloader_idx == 0 assert batch.samples.device == batch.targets.device == expected_device self.on_after_batch_transfer_hook_rank = self.rank self.rank += 1 batch.targets *= 2 return batch def transfer_batch_to_device(self, batch, device, dataloader_idx): assert dataloader_idx == 0 self.transfer_batch_to_device_hook_rank = self.rank self.rank += 1 batch.samples = batch.samples.to(device) batch.targets = batch.targets.to(device) return batch model = CurrentTestModel() batch = CustomBatch((torch.zeros(5, 32), torch.ones(5, 1, dtype=torch.long))) trainer = Trainer(accelerator=accelerator, devices=1) # running .fit() would require us to implement custom data loaders, we mock the model reference instead model_getter_mock.return_value = model batch_gpu = trainer.strategy.batch_to_device(batch, expected_device) assert model.transfer_batch_to_device_hook_rank == 0 assert model.on_after_batch_transfer_hook_rank == 1 assert batch_gpu.samples.device == batch_gpu.targets.device == expected_device assert torch.allclose(batch_gpu.samples.cpu(), torch.zeros(5, 32)) assert torch.allclose(batch_gpu.targets.cpu(), torch.ones(5, 1, dtype=torch.long) * 2) @RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=2, standalone=True) def test_transfer_batch_hook_ddp(tmpdir): """Test custom data are properly moved to the right device using ddp.""" class CustomBatch: def __init__(self, data): self.samples = data[0] def to(self, device, **kwargs): self.samples = self.samples.to(device, **kwargs) return self def collate_fn(batch): return CustomBatch(batch) class TestModel(BoringModel): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): assert batch.samples.device == self.device assert isinstance(batch_idx, int) def train_dataloader(self): return torch.utils.data.DataLoader(RandomDataset(32, 64), collate_fn=collate_fn) model = TestModel() model.validation_step = None trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, limit_train_batches=2, limit_val_batches=0, max_epochs=1, strategy="ddp", accelerator="gpu", devices=2, enable_progress_bar=False, enable_model_summary=False, ) trainer.fit(model) def get_members(cls): return {h for h, _ in getmembers(cls, predicate=isfunction) if not h.startswith("_")} class HookedCallback(Callback): def __init__(self, called): def call(hook, fn, *args, **kwargs): out = fn(*args, **kwargs) d = {"name": f"Callback.{hook}"} if args: d["args"] = args if kwargs: d["kwargs"] = kwargs called.append(d) return out for h in get_members(Callback): attr = getattr(self, h) partial_h = partial(call, h, attr) update_wrapper(partial_h, attr) setattr(self, h, partial_h) def state_dict(*args, **kwargs): return {"foo": True} class HookedModel(BoringModel): def __init__(self, called): super().__init__() pl_module_hooks = get_members(LightningModule) # remove non-hooks pl_module_hooks.difference_update({"optimizers", "log", "log_dict"}) # remove most `nn.Module` hooks module_hooks = get_members(torch.nn.Module) module_hooks.difference_update({"forward", "zero_grad", "train"}) pl_module_hooks.difference_update(module_hooks) def call(hook, fn, *args, **kwargs): out = fn(*args, **kwargs) d = {"name": hook} if args: d["args"] = args elif hook == "train": # DeepSpeed calls `train(mode)` but we do not. Standardize # https://github.com/microsoft/DeepSpeed/pull/571 d["args"] = (True,) if kwargs: d["kwargs"] = kwargs called.append(d) return out for h in pl_module_hooks: attr = getattr(self, h) partial_h = partial(call, h, attr) update_wrapper(partial_h, attr) setattr(self, h, partial_h) def _train_batch(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.automatic_optimization: return self._auto_train_batch(*args, **kwargs) return self._manual_train_batch(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _auto_train_batch( trainer, model, batches, device=torch.device("cpu"), current_epoch=0, current_batch=0, **kwargs ): using_deepspeed = kwargs.get("strategy") == "deepspeed" out = [] for i in range(current_batch, batches): out.extend( [ {"name": "on_before_batch_transfer", "args": (ANY, 0)}, {"name": "transfer_batch_to_device", "args": (ANY, device, 0)}, {"name": "on_after_batch_transfer", "args": (ANY, 0)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_batch_start", "args": (trainer, model, ANY, i)}, {"name": "on_train_batch_start", "args": (ANY, i)}, {"name": "forward", "args": (ANY,)}, {"name": "training_step", "args": (ANY, i)}, {"name": "Callback.on_before_zero_grad", "args": (trainer, model, ANY)}, {"name": "on_before_zero_grad", "args": (ANY,)}, {"name": "optimizer_zero_grad", "args": (current_epoch, i, ANY)}, {"name": "Callback.on_before_backward", "args": (trainer, model, ANY)}, {"name": "on_before_backward", "args": (ANY,)}, # DeepSpeed handles backward internally *([{"name": "backward", "args": (ANY,)}] if not using_deepspeed else []), {"name": "Callback.on_after_backward", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_after_backward"}, # note: unscaling happens here in the case of AMP {"name": "Callback.on_before_optimizer_step", "args": (trainer, model, ANY)}, {"name": "on_before_optimizer_step", "args": (ANY,)}, { "name": "clip_gradients", "args": (ANY,), "kwargs": {"gradient_clip_val": None, "gradient_clip_algorithm": None}, }, { "name": "configure_gradient_clipping", "args": (ANY,), "kwargs": {"gradient_clip_val": None, "gradient_clip_algorithm": None}, }, # this is after because it refers to the `LightningModule.optimizer_step` hook which encapsulates # the actual call to `PrecisionPlugin.optimizer_step` { "name": "optimizer_step", "args": (current_epoch, i, ANY, ANY), }, *( [{"name": "lr_scheduler_step", "args": (ANY, None)}] if i == (trainer.num_training_batches - 1) else [] ), {"name": "Callback.on_train_batch_end", "args": (trainer, model, {"loss": ANY}, ANY, i)}, {"name": "on_train_batch_end", "args": ({"loss": ANY}, ANY, i)}, ] ) return out @staticmethod def _manual_train_batch(trainer, model, batches, device=torch.device("cpu"), **kwargs): using_deepspeed = kwargs.get("strategy") == "deepspeed" out = [] for i in range(batches): out.extend( [ {"name": "on_before_batch_transfer", "args": (ANY, 0)}, {"name": "transfer_batch_to_device", "args": (ANY, device, 0)}, {"name": "on_after_batch_transfer", "args": (ANY, 0)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_batch_start", "args": (trainer, model, ANY, i)}, {"name": "on_train_batch_start", "args": (ANY, i)}, {"name": "forward", "args": (ANY,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_before_backward", "args": (trainer, model, ANY)}, {"name": "on_before_backward", "args": (ANY,)}, # DeepSpeed handles backward internally *([{"name": "backward", "args": (ANY,)}] if not using_deepspeed else []), {"name": "Callback.on_after_backward", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_after_backward"}, # `manual_backward` calls the previous 3 {"name": "manual_backward", "args": (ANY,)}, {"name": "closure"}, {"name": "Callback.on_before_optimizer_step", "args": (trainer, model, ANY)}, {"name": "on_before_optimizer_step", "args": (ANY,)}, {"name": "training_step", "args": (ANY, i)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_batch_end", "args": (trainer, model, {"loss": ANY}, ANY, i)}, {"name": "on_train_batch_end", "args": ({"loss": ANY}, ANY, i)}, ] ) return out @staticmethod def _eval_epoch(fn, trainer, model, batches, key, device=torch.device("cpu")): return [ {"name": f"Callback.on_{fn}_epoch_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": f"on_{fn}_epoch_start"}, *HookedModel._eval_batch(fn, trainer, model, batches, key, device=device), {"name": f"Callback.on_{fn}_epoch_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": f"on_{fn}_epoch_end"}, ] @staticmethod def _eval_batch(fn, trainer, model, batches, key, device=torch.device("cpu")): out = [] outputs = {key: ANY} for i in range(batches): out.extend( [ {"name": "on_before_batch_transfer", "args": (ANY, 0)}, {"name": "transfer_batch_to_device", "args": (ANY, device, 0)}, {"name": "on_after_batch_transfer", "args": (ANY, 0)}, {"name": f"Callback.on_{fn}_batch_start", "args": (trainer, model, ANY, i)}, {"name": f"on_{fn}_batch_start", "args": (ANY, i)}, {"name": "forward", "args": (ANY,)}, {"name": f"{fn}_step", "args": (ANY, i)}, {"name": f"Callback.on_{fn}_batch_end", "args": (trainer, model, outputs, ANY, i)}, {"name": f"on_{fn}_batch_end", "args": (outputs, ANY, i)}, ] ) return out @staticmethod def _predict_batch(trainer, model, batches): out = [] for i in range(batches): out.extend( [ {"name": "on_before_batch_transfer", "args": (ANY, 0)}, {"name": "transfer_batch_to_device", "args": (ANY, torch.device("cpu"), 0)}, {"name": "on_after_batch_transfer", "args": (ANY, 0)}, {"name": "Callback.on_predict_batch_start", "args": (trainer, model, ANY, i)}, {"name": "on_predict_batch_start", "args": (ANY, i)}, {"name": "forward", "args": (ANY,)}, {"name": "predict_step", "args": (ANY, i)}, {"name": "Callback.on_predict_batch_end", "args": (trainer, model, ANY, ANY, i)}, {"name": "on_predict_batch_end", "args": (ANY, ANY, i)}, ] ) return out @pytest.mark.parametrize( "kwargs", [ {}, # these precision plugins modify the optimization flow, so testing them explicitly pytest.param({"accelerator": "gpu", "devices": 1, "precision": "16-mixed"}, marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1)), pytest.param( {"accelerator": "gpu", "devices": 1, "precision": "16-mixed", "strategy": "deepspeed"}, marks=RunIf(min_cuda_gpus=1, standalone=True, deepspeed=True), ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("automatic_optimization", [True, False]) def test_trainer_model_hook_system_fit(tmpdir, kwargs, automatic_optimization): called = [] class TestModel(HookedModel): def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.automatic_optimization = automatic_optimization def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): if self.automatic_optimization: return super().training_step(batch, batch_idx) loss = self.step(batch[0]) opt = self.optimizers() opt.zero_grad() self.manual_backward(loss) opt.step(lambda: called.append({"name": "closure"})) return {"loss": loss} model = TestModel(called) callback = HookedCallback(called) train_batches = 2 val_batches = 2 trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, limit_train_batches=train_batches, limit_val_batches=val_batches, enable_progress_bar=False, enable_model_summary=False, callbacks=[callback], **kwargs, ) trainer.fit(model) saved_ckpt = { "callbacks": ANY, "epoch": 0, "global_step": train_batches, "lr_schedulers": ANY, "optimizer_states": ANY, "pytorch-lightning_version": __version__, "state_dict": ANY, "loops": ANY, } using_deepspeed = kwargs.get("strategy") == "deepspeed" if kwargs.get("precision") == "16-mixed" and not using_deepspeed: saved_ckpt[trainer.precision_plugin.__class__.__qualname__] = ANY device = torch.device("cuda:0" if "accelerator" in kwargs and kwargs["accelerator"] == "gpu" else "cpu") expected = [ {"name": "configure_callbacks"}, {"name": "prepare_data"}, # DeepSpeed needs the batch size to figure out throughput logging *([{"name": "train_dataloader"}] if using_deepspeed else []), {"name": "Callback.setup", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "configure_sharded_model"}, {"name": "configure_optimizers"}, {"name": "Callback.on_fit_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_fit_start"}, {"name": "Callback.on_sanity_check_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "val_dataloader"}, {"name": "train", "args": (False,)}, {"name": "on_validation_model_eval"}, {"name": "zero_grad"}, {"name": "Callback.on_validation_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_validation_start"}, *model._eval_epoch("validation", trainer, model, val_batches, "x", device=device), {"name": "Callback.on_validation_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_validation_end"}, {"name": "train", "args": (True,)}, {"name": "on_validation_model_train"}, {"name": "Callback.on_sanity_check_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "train_dataloader"}, # duplicate `train` because `_run_stage` calls it again in case validation wasn't run {"name": "train", "args": (True,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_start"}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_epoch_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_epoch_start"}, *model._train_batch(trainer, model, train_batches, device=device, **kwargs), {"name": "train", "args": (False,)}, {"name": "on_validation_model_eval"}, {"name": "zero_grad"}, {"name": "Callback.on_validation_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_validation_start"}, *model._eval_epoch("validation", trainer, model, val_batches, "x", device=device), {"name": "Callback.on_validation_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_validation_end"}, {"name": "train", "args": (True,)}, {"name": "on_validation_model_train"}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_epoch_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_epoch_end"}, # before ModelCheckpoint because it's a "monitoring callback" # `ModelCheckpoint.save_checkpoint` is called here {"name": "Callback.state_dict"}, {"name": "Callback.on_save_checkpoint", "args": (trainer, model, saved_ckpt)}, {"name": "on_save_checkpoint", "args": (saved_ckpt,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_end"}, {"name": "Callback.on_fit_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_fit_end"}, {"name": "Callback.teardown", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, ] assert called == expected def test_trainer_model_hook_system_fit_no_val_and_resume_max_epochs(tmpdir): # initial training to get a checkpoint model = BoringModel() trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, limit_train_batches=2, limit_val_batches=0, enable_progress_bar=False, enable_model_summary=False, callbacks=[HookedCallback([])], ) trainer.fit(model) best_model_path = trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path called = [] callback = HookedCallback(called) # already performed 1 step, resume and do 2 more trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=2, limit_train_batches=2, limit_val_batches=0, enable_progress_bar=False, enable_model_summary=False, callbacks=[callback], ) # resume from checkpoint with HookedModel model = HookedModel(called) trainer.fit(model, ckpt_path=best_model_path) loaded_ckpt = { "callbacks": ANY, "epoch": 0, "global_step": 2, "lr_schedulers": ANY, "optimizer_states": ANY, "pytorch-lightning_version": __version__, "state_dict": ANY, "loops": ANY, } saved_ckpt = {**loaded_ckpt, "global_step": 4, "epoch": 1} expected = [ {"name": "configure_callbacks"}, {"name": "prepare_data"}, {"name": "Callback.setup", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "on_load_checkpoint", "args": (loaded_ckpt,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_load_checkpoint", "args": (trainer, model, loaded_ckpt)}, {"name": "Callback.load_state_dict", "args": ({"foo": True},)}, {"name": "configure_sharded_model"}, {"name": "configure_optimizers"}, {"name": "Callback.on_fit_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_fit_start"}, {"name": "train_dataloader"}, {"name": "train", "args": (True,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_start"}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_epoch_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_epoch_start"}, *model._train_batch(trainer, model, 2, current_epoch=1, current_batch=0), {"name": "Callback.on_train_epoch_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_epoch_end"}, # before ModelCheckpoint because it's a "monitoring callback" # `ModelCheckpoint.save_checkpoint` is called here {"name": "Callback.state_dict"}, {"name": "Callback.on_save_checkpoint", "args": (trainer, model, saved_ckpt)}, {"name": "on_save_checkpoint", "args": (saved_ckpt,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_end"}, {"name": "Callback.on_fit_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_fit_end"}, {"name": "Callback.teardown", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, ] assert called == expected def test_trainer_model_hook_system_fit_no_val_and_resume_max_steps(tmpdir): # initial training to get a checkpoint model = BoringModel() trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_steps=1, limit_val_batches=0, enable_progress_bar=False, enable_model_summary=False, callbacks=[HookedCallback([])], ) trainer.fit(model) best_model_path = trainer.checkpoint_callback.best_model_path # resume from checkpoint with HookedModel called = [] model = HookedModel(called) callback = HookedCallback(called) # already performed 1 step, resume and do 2 more train_batches = 2 steps_after_reload = 1 + train_batches trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_steps=steps_after_reload, limit_val_batches=0, enable_progress_bar=False, enable_model_summary=False, callbacks=[callback], ) trainer.fit(model, ckpt_path=best_model_path) loaded_ckpt = { "callbacks": ANY, "epoch": 0, "global_step": 1, "lr_schedulers": ANY, "optimizer_states": ANY, "pytorch-lightning_version": __version__, "state_dict": ANY, "loops": ANY, } saved_ckpt = {**loaded_ckpt, "global_step": steps_after_reload} expected = [ {"name": "configure_callbacks"}, {"name": "prepare_data"}, {"name": "Callback.setup", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "on_load_checkpoint", "args": (loaded_ckpt,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_load_checkpoint", "args": (trainer, model, loaded_ckpt)}, {"name": "Callback.load_state_dict", "args": ({"foo": True},)}, {"name": "configure_sharded_model"}, {"name": "configure_optimizers"}, {"name": "Callback.on_fit_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_fit_start"}, {"name": "train_dataloader"}, {"name": "train", "args": (True,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_start"}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_epoch_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_epoch_start"}, *model._train_batch(trainer, model, steps_after_reload, current_batch=1), {"name": "Callback.on_train_epoch_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_epoch_end"}, # before ModelCheckpoint because it's a "monitoring callback" # `ModelCheckpoint.save_checkpoint` is called here {"name": "Callback.state_dict"}, {"name": "Callback.on_save_checkpoint", "args": (trainer, model, saved_ckpt)}, {"name": "on_save_checkpoint", "args": (saved_ckpt,)}, {"name": "Callback.on_train_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_train_end"}, {"name": "Callback.on_fit_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_fit_end"}, {"name": "Callback.teardown", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, ] assert called == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("batches", [0, 2]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("verb", "noun", "dataloader", "key"), [("validate", "validation", "val", "x"), ("test", "test", "test", "y")] ) def test_trainer_model_hook_system_eval(tmpdir, batches, verb, noun, dataloader, key): called = [] model = HookedModel(called) callback = HookedCallback(called) trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, limit_val_batches=batches, limit_test_batches=batches, enable_progress_bar=False, enable_model_summary=False, callbacks=[callback], ) fn = getattr(trainer, verb) fn(model, verbose=False) hooks = [ {"name": f"{dataloader}_dataloader"}, {"name": "train", "args": (False,)}, {"name": f"on_{noun}_model_eval"}, {"name": "zero_grad"}, {"name": f"Callback.on_{noun}_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": f"on_{noun}_start"}, *model._eval_epoch(noun, trainer, model, batches, key), {"name": f"Callback.on_{noun}_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": f"on_{noun}_end"}, {"name": "train", "args": (True,)}, {"name": f"on_{noun}_model_train"}, ] expected = [ {"name": "configure_callbacks"}, {"name": "prepare_data"}, {"name": "Callback.setup", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": verb}}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": verb}}, {"name": "configure_sharded_model"}, *(hooks if batches else []), {"name": "Callback.teardown", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": verb}}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": verb}}, ] assert called == expected def test_trainer_model_hook_system_predict(tmpdir): called = [] model = HookedModel(called) callback = HookedCallback(called) batches = 2 trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, limit_predict_batches=batches, enable_progress_bar=False, callbacks=[callback] ) trainer.predict(model) expected = [ {"name": "configure_callbacks"}, {"name": "prepare_data"}, {"name": "Callback.setup", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": "predict"}}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": "predict"}}, {"name": "configure_sharded_model"}, {"name": "predict_dataloader"}, {"name": "train", "args": (False,)}, {"name": "on_predict_model_eval"}, {"name": "zero_grad"}, {"name": "Callback.on_predict_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_predict_start"}, {"name": "Callback.on_predict_epoch_start", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_predict_epoch_start"}, *model._predict_batch(trainer, model, batches), {"name": "Callback.on_predict_epoch_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_predict_epoch_end"}, {"name": "Callback.on_predict_end", "args": (trainer, model)}, {"name": "on_predict_end"}, # TODO: `on_predict_model_train` {"name": "Callback.teardown", "args": (trainer, model), "kwargs": {"stage": "predict"}}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": "predict"}}, ] assert called == expected def test_hooks_with_different_argument_names(tmpdir): """Test that argument names can be anything in the hooks.""" class CustomBoringModel(BoringModel): def assert_args(self, x, batch_nb): assert isinstance(x, Tensor) assert x.size() == (1, 32) assert isinstance(batch_nb, int) def training_step(self, x1, batch_nb1): self.assert_args(x1, batch_nb1) return super().training_step(x1, batch_nb1) def validation_step(self, x2, batch_nb2): self.assert_args(x2, batch_nb2) return super().validation_step(x2, batch_nb2) # we don't support a different name for `dataloader_idx` def test_step(self, x3, batch_nb3, dataloader_idx): self.assert_args(x3, batch_nb3) assert isinstance(dataloader_idx, int) return super().test_step(x3, batch_nb3) # we don't support a different name for `dataloader_idx` def predict_step(self, x4, batch_nb4, dataloader_idx): self.assert_args(x4, batch_nb4) assert isinstance(dataloader_idx, int) return super().predict_step(x4, batch_nb4, dataloader_idx) def test_dataloader(self): return [DataLoader(RandomDataset(32, 64)), DataLoader(RandomDataset(32, 64))] def predict_dataloader(self): return [DataLoader(RandomDataset(32, 64)), DataLoader(RandomDataset(32, 64))] model = CustomBoringModel() trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir=tmpdir, fast_dev_run=5) trainer.fit(model) trainer.test(model) preds = trainer.predict(model) assert len(preds) == 2 assert all(len(x) == 5 for x in preds) def test_trainer_datamodule_hook_system(tmpdir): """Test the LightningDataModule hook system.""" model = BoringModel() batches = 2 trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, limit_train_batches=batches, limit_val_batches=batches, limit_test_batches=batches, limit_predict_batches=batches, enable_progress_bar=False, enable_model_summary=False, reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs=1, ) called = [] dm = HookedDataModule(called) trainer.fit(model, datamodule=dm) expected = [ {"name": "prepare_data"}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, {"name": "val_dataloader"}, {"name": "train_dataloader"}, {"name": "state_dict"}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": "fit"}}, ] assert called == expected called = [] dm = HookedDataModule(called) trainer.validate(model, datamodule=dm, verbose=False) expected = [ {"name": "prepare_data"}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": "validate"}}, {"name": "val_dataloader"}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": "validate"}}, ] assert called == expected called = [] dm = HookedDataModule(called) trainer.test(model, datamodule=dm, verbose=False) expected = [ {"name": "prepare_data"}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": "test"}}, {"name": "test_dataloader"}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": "test"}}, ] assert called == expected called = [] dm = HookedDataModule(called) trainer.predict(model, datamodule=dm) expected = [ {"name": "prepare_data"}, {"name": "setup", "kwargs": {"stage": "predict"}}, {"name": "predict_dataloader"}, {"name": "teardown", "kwargs": {"stage": "predict"}}, ] assert called == expected def test_load_from_checkpoint_hook_calls(tmpdir): class CustomHookedDataModule(HookedDataModule): def state_dict(self): return {"foo": "bar"} lm_called, ldm_called = [], [] model = HookedModel(lm_called) datamodule = CustomHookedDataModule(ldm_called) trainer = Trainer() trainer.strategy.connect(model) trainer._data_connector.attach_data(model, datamodule=datamodule) ckpt_path = str(tmpdir / "file.ckpt") trainer.save_checkpoint(ckpt_path) datamodule_state_dict_key = datamodule.__class__.__qualname__ saved_ckpt = { "callbacks": ANY, "epoch": 0, "global_step": 0, "lr_schedulers": ANY, "optimizer_states": ANY, "pytorch-lightning_version": __version__, "state_dict": ANY, "loops": ANY, datamodule_state_dict_key: {"foo": "bar"}, } assert lm_called == [{"name": "on_save_checkpoint", "args": (saved_ckpt,)}] assert ldm_called == [{"name": "state_dict"}] lm_called, ldm_called = [], [] _ = HookedModel.load_from_checkpoint(ckpt_path, called=lm_called) _ = CustomHookedDataModule.load_from_checkpoint(ckpt_path, called=ldm_called) assert lm_called == [{"name": "on_load_checkpoint", "args": ({**saved_ckpt, "hyper_parameters": ANY},)}] assert ldm_called == [{"name": "load_state_dict", "args": (saved_ckpt[datamodule_state_dict_key],)}]