:orphan: ################################################# Step 3: Implement a File Server Testing Component ################################################# Let's dive in on how to implement a testing component for a server. This component needs to test two things: * The **/upload_file/** endpoint by creating a file and sending its content to it. * The **/** endpoint listing files, by validating the that previously uploaded file is present in the response. .. literalinclude:: ./app.py :lines: 165-182 ******** Tutorial ******** .. raw:: html
.. displayitem:: :header: Step 1: Implement the File Server general structure :description: Put together the shape of the Component :col_css: col-md-4 :button_link: file_server_step_1.html :height: 180 :tag: Basic .. displayitem:: :header: Step 2: Implement the File Server upload and list files methods :description: Add the core functionalities to the Component :col_css: col-md-4 :button_link: file_server_step_2.html :height: 180 :tag: Basic .. displayitem:: :header: Step 4: Implement tests for the File Server component with pytest :description: Create an App to validate the upload and list files endpoints :col_css: col-md-4 :button_link: file_server_step_4.html :height: 180 :tag: Intermediate .. raw:: html