# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import time from collections import Counter from functools import wraps from typing import Callable, Any, Optional def enabled_only(fn: Callable): """Decorate a logger method to run it only on the process with rank 0. Args: fn: Function to decorate """ @wraps(fn) def wrapped_fn(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.enabled: fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped_fn class InternalDebugger(object): def __init__(self, trainer): self.enabled = os.environ.get('PL_DEV_DEBUG', '0') == '1' self.trainer = trainer self.logged_metrics = [] self.pbar_added_metrics = [] self.saved_train_losses = [] self.saved_val_losses = [] self.saved_test_losses = [] self.early_stopping_history = [] self.checkpoint_callback_history = [] self.events = [] self.saved_lr_scheduler_updates = [] self.train_dataloader_calls = [] self.val_dataloader_calls = [] self.test_dataloader_calls = [] self.dataloader_sequence_calls = [] def track_event( self, evt_type: str, evt_value: Any = None, global_rank: Optional[int] = None, local_rank: Optional[int] = None, comment: str = '' ) -> None: self.events.append({ "timestamp": time.time(), "event": evt_type, "value": evt_value, "global_rank": global_rank, "local_rank": local_rank, "comment": comment, }) def count_events(self, evt_type: str, strict=False) -> int: count = 0 for evt in self.events: if strict and evt["event"] == evt_type: count += 1 elif not strict and evt_type in evt["event"]: count += 1 return count @enabled_only def track_load_dataloader_call(self, name, dataloaders): loader_counts = len(dataloaders) lengths = [] for dl in dataloaders: try: length = len(dl) except Exception: length = -1 lengths.append(length) values = { 'global_step': self.trainer.global_step, 'epoch': self.trainer.current_epoch, 'num_loaders': loader_counts, 'lengths': lengths, 'name': name } # track the sequence in case we need to verify the sequence self.dataloader_sequence_calls.append(values) if 'train' in name: self.train_dataloader_calls.append(values) elif 'val' in name: self.val_dataloader_calls.append(values) elif 'test' in name: self.test_dataloader_calls.append(values) @enabled_only def track_logged_metrics_history(self, scalar_metrics): scalar_metrics['global_step'] = self.trainer.global_step self.logged_metrics.append(scalar_metrics) @enabled_only def track_train_loss_history(self, batch_idx, loss): loss_dict = {'batch_idx': batch_idx, 'epoch': self.trainer.current_epoch, 'loss': loss.detach()} self.saved_train_losses.append(loss_dict) @enabled_only def track_lr_schedulers_update(self, batch_idx, interval, scheduler_idx, old_lr, new_lr, monitor_key=None): loss_dict = { 'batch_idx': batch_idx, 'interval': interval, 'scheduler_idx': scheduler_idx, 'epoch': self.trainer.current_epoch, 'monitor_key': monitor_key, 'old_lr': old_lr, 'new_lr': new_lr } self.saved_lr_scheduler_updates.append(loss_dict) @enabled_only def track_eval_loss_history(self, test_mode, batch_idx, dataloader_idx, output): loss_dict = { 'sanity_check': self.trainer.running_sanity_check, 'dataloader_idx': dataloader_idx, 'batch_idx': batch_idx, 'epoch': self.trainer.current_epoch, 'output': output } if test_mode: self.saved_test_losses.append(loss_dict) else: self.saved_val_losses.append(loss_dict) @enabled_only def track_pbar_metrics_history(self, metrics): metrics['debug_epoch'] = self.trainer.current_epoch self.pbar_added_metrics.append(metrics) @enabled_only def track_early_stopping_history(self, callback, current): debug_dict = { 'epoch': self.trainer.current_epoch, 'global_step': self.trainer.global_step, 'rank': self.trainer.global_rank, 'current': current, 'best': callback.best_score, 'patience': callback.wait_count } self.early_stopping_history.append(debug_dict) @enabled_only def track_checkpointing_history(self, filepath): cb = self.trainer.checkpoint_callback debug_dict = { 'epoch': self.trainer.current_epoch, 'global_step': self.trainer.global_step, 'monitor': cb.monitor, 'rank': self.trainer.global_rank, 'filepath': filepath } self.checkpoint_callback_history.append(debug_dict) @property def num_seen_sanity_check_batches(self): count = len([x for x in self.saved_val_losses if x['sanity_check']]) return count @property def num_seen_val_check_batches(self): counts = Counter() for x in self.saved_val_losses: if not x['sanity_check']: counts.update({x['dataloader_idx']: 1}) return counts @property def num_seen_test_check_batches(self): counts = Counter() for x in self.saved_test_losses: if not x['sanity_check']: counts.update({x['dataloader_idx']: 1}) return counts