.. _test_set: Test set ======== Lightning forces the user to run the test set separately to make sure it isn't evaluated by mistake. Testing is performed using the ``trainer`` object's ``.test()`` method. .. automethod:: pytorch_lightning.trainer.Trainer.test :noindex: ---------- Test after fit -------------- To run the test set after training completes, use this method. .. code-block:: python # run full training trainer.fit(model) # (1) load the best checkpoint automatically (lightning tracks this for you) trainer.test() # (2) don't load a checkpoint, instead use the model with the latest weights trainer.test(ckpt_path=None) # (3) test using a specific checkpoint trainer.test(ckpt_path='/path/to/my_checkpoint.ckpt') # (4) test with an explicit model (will use this model and not load a checkpoint) trainer.test(model) ---------- Test multiple models -------------------- You can run the test set on multiple models using the same trainer instance. .. code-block:: python model1 = LitModel() model2 = GANModel() trainer = Trainer() trainer.test(model1) trainer.test(model2) ---------- Test pre-trained model ---------------------- To run the test set on a pre-trained model, use this method. .. code-block:: python model = MyLightningModule.load_from_checkpoint( checkpoint_path='/path/to/pytorch_checkpoint.ckpt', hparams_file='/path/to/test_tube/experiment/version/hparams.yaml', map_location=None ) # init trainer with whatever options trainer = Trainer(...) # test (pass in the model) trainer.test(model) In this case, the options you pass to trainer will be used when running the test set (ie: 16-bit, dp, ddp, etc...) ---------- Test with additional data loaders --------------------------------- You can still run inference on a test set even if the `test_dataloader` method hasn't been defined within your :doc:`lightning module <../common/lightning_module>` instance. This would be the case when your test data is not available at the time your model was declared. .. code-block:: python # setup your data loader test_dataloader = DataLoader(...) # test (pass in the loader) trainer.test(dataloaders=test_dataloader) You can either pass in a single dataloader or a list of them. This optional named parameter can be used in conjunction with any of the above use cases. Additionally, you can also pass in an :doc:`datamodules <../extensions/datamodules>` that have overridden the :ref:`datamodule-test-dataloader-label` method. .. code-block:: python class MyDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): ... def test_dataloader(self): return DataLoader(...) # setup your datamodule dm = MyDataModule(...) # test (pass in datamodule) trainer.test(datamodule=dm)