""" The trainer handles all the logic for running a val loop, training loop, distributing, etc... """ import subprocess import traceback import warnings import os import pdb import re import torch from torch.utils.data.distributed import DistributedSampler import torch.multiprocessing as mp import torch.distributed as dist import numpy as np import tqdm from pytorch_lightning.root_module.memory import get_gpu_memory_map from pytorch_lightning.root_module.model_saving import TrainerIO from pytorch_lightning.pt_overrides.override_data_parallel import LightningDistributedDataParallel, LightningDataParallel from pytorch_lightning.utilities.debugging import MisconfigurationException try: from apex import amp APEX_AVAILABLE = True except Exception: APEX_AVAILABLE = False def reduce_distributed_output(output, nb_gpus): if nb_gpus <= 1: return output # when using DP, we get one output per gpu # average outputs and return if type(output) is torch.Tensor: return output.mean() for k, v in output.items(): # recurse on nested dics if isinstance(output[k], dict): output[k] = reduce_distributed_output(output[k], nb_gpus) # reduce only metrics that have the same nb of gpus elif output[k].size(0) == nb_gpus: reduced = torch.mean(output[k]) output[k] = reduced return output class Trainer(TrainerIO): def __init__(self, experiment, early_stop_callback=None, checkpoint_callback=None, gradient_clip=0, cluster=None, process_position=0, current_gpu_name=0, nb_gpu_nodes=1, gpus=None, progress_bar=True, overfit_pct=0.0, track_grad_norm=-1, check_val_every_n_epoch=1, fast_dev_run=False, accumulate_grad_batches=1, max_nb_epochs=1000, min_nb_epochs=1, train_percent_check=1.0, val_percent_check=1.0, test_percent_check=1.0, val_check_interval=0.95, log_save_interval=100, add_log_row_interval=10, distributed_backend='dp', use_amp=False, print_nan_grads=False, print_weights_summary=True, amp_level='O2', nb_sanity_val_steps=5): """ :param experiment: Test-tube experiment :param early_stop_callback: from pytorch_lightning import EarlyStopping :param checkpoint_callback: from pytorch_lightning import Checkpoint :param gradient_clip: :param cluster: :param process_position: :param current_gpu_name: :param nb_gpu_nodes: :param gpus: :param progress_bar: :param overfit_pct: :param track_grad_norm: :param check_val_every_n_epoch: :param fast_dev_run: :param accumulate_grad_batches: :param max_nb_epochs: :param min_nb_epochs: :param train_percent_check: :param val_percent_check: :param test_percent_check: :param val_check_interval: :param log_save_interval: :param add_log_row_interval: :param distributed_backend: 'np' to use DistributedParallel, 'ddp' to use DistributedDataParallel :param use_amp: :param print_nan_grads: :param print_weights_summary: :param amp_level: :param nb_sanity_val_steps: """ # Transfer params self.nb_gpu_nodes = nb_gpu_nodes self.gradient_clip = gradient_clip self.check_val_every_n_epoch = check_val_every_n_epoch self.enable_early_stop = early_stop_callback is not None self.track_grad_norm = track_grad_norm self.fast_dev_run = fast_dev_run self.on_gpu = gpus is not None and torch.cuda.is_available() self.progress_bar = progress_bar self.experiment = experiment self.exp_save_path = experiment.get_data_path(experiment.name, experiment.version) self.cluster = cluster self.process_position = process_position self.current_gpu_name = current_gpu_name self.print_weights_summary = print_weights_summary self.checkpoint_callback = checkpoint_callback if self.checkpoint_callback is not None: self.checkpoint_callback.save_function = self.save_checkpoint self.early_stop = early_stop_callback self.model = None self.max_nb_epochs = max_nb_epochs self.accumulate_grad_batches = accumulate_grad_batches self.early_stop_callback = early_stop_callback self.min_nb_epochs = min_nb_epochs self.nb_sanity_val_steps = nb_sanity_val_steps self.lr_schedulers = [] self.amp_level = amp_level self.print_nan_grads = print_nan_grads self.data_parallel_device_ids = None self.world_size = 1 self.node_rank = 0 self.use_ddp = False self.use_dp = False # training bookeeping self.total_batch_nb = 0 self.running_loss = [] self.avg_loss = 0 self.batch_nb = 0 self.tqdm_metrics = {} self.nb_val_batches = None self.nb_tng_batches = None self.nb_test_batches = None # gpus come in as a string. # if gpus = -1 then use all available devices # otherwise, split the string using commas if gpus is not None: if type(gpus) is list: self.data_parallel_device_ids = gpus elif type(gpus) is str: if gpus == '-1': self.data_parallel_device_ids = list(range(0, torch.cuda.device_count())) else: self.data_parallel_device_ids = [int(x.strip()) for x in gpus.split(',')] else: raise Exception('gpus has to be a string or list of ids') # set the correct cuda visible devices (using pci order) os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ','.join([str(x) for x in self.data_parallel_device_ids]) print(f'VISIBLE GPUS: {os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]}') # make DP and DDP mutually exclusive # single GPU will also use DP with devices=[0] have_gpus = self.data_parallel_device_ids is not None and len(self.data_parallel_device_ids) > 0 if have_gpus: self.use_dp = distributed_backend == 'dp' self.use_ddp = distributed_backend == 'ddp' # use ddp automatically if nb_gpu_nodes > 1 if nb_gpu_nodes > 1 and self.use_dp: # pragma: no cover self.use_ddp = True self.use_dp = False w = 'DataParallel does not support nb_gpu_nodes > 1. ' \ 'Switching to DistributedDataParallel for you. ' \ 'To silence this warning set distributed_backend=ddp' warnings.warn(w) # extract SLURM flag vars # whenever we have the correct number of tasks, we let slurm manage processes # otherwise we launch the required number of processes if self.use_ddp: self.nb_requested_gpus = len(self.data_parallel_device_ids) * self.nb_gpu_nodes self.nb_slurm_tasks = 0 try: self.nb_slurm_tasks = int(os.environ['SLURM_NTASKS']) self.is_slurm_managing_tasks = self.nb_slurm_tasks == self.nb_requested_gpus except Exception as e: # likely not on slurm, so set the slurm managed flag to false self.is_slurm_managing_tasks = False # process info self.proc_rank = 0 # training state self.optimizers = None self.prog_bar = None self.global_step = 0 self.current_epoch = 0 self.total_batches = 0 # logging self.log_save_interval = log_save_interval self.val_check_interval = val_check_interval self.add_log_row_interval = add_log_row_interval # dataloaders self.tng_dataloader = None self.test_dataloader = None self.val_dataloader = None # how much of the data to use self.__determine_data_use_amount(train_percent_check, val_percent_check, test_percent_check, overfit_pct) print('gpu available: {}, used: {}'.format(torch.cuda.is_available(), self.on_gpu)) # 16 bit mixed precision training using apex self.use_amp = use_amp and APEX_AVAILABLE if self.use_amp: print('using 16bit precision') if use_amp and not APEX_AVAILABLE: # pragma: no cover msg = ''' You set use_amp=True but do not have apex installed. Install apex first using this guide and rerun with use_amp=True: https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex#linux this run will NOT use 16 bit precision ''' raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg) @property def data_parallel(self): return self.use_dp or self.use_ddp def __determine_data_use_amount(self, train_percent_check, val_percent_check, test_percent_check, overfit_pct): """ Use less data for debugging purposes """ self.train_percent_check = train_percent_check self.val_percent_check = val_percent_check self.test_percent_check = test_percent_check if overfit_pct > 0: self.train_percent_check = overfit_pct self.val_percent_check = overfit_pct self.test_percent_check = overfit_pct def __get_model(self): return self.model.module if self.data_parallel else self.model def __is_function_implemented(self, f_name): model = self.__get_model() f_op = getattr(model, f_name, None) return callable(f_op) @property def __tng_tqdm_dic(self): # ForkedPdb().set_trace() tqdm_dic = { 'tng_loss': '{0:.3f}'.format(self.avg_loss), 'v_nb': '{}'.format(self.experiment.version), 'epoch': '{}'.format(self.current_epoch), 'batch_nb':'{}'.format(self.batch_nb), } tqdm_dic.update(self.tqdm_metrics) if self.on_gpu: tqdm_dic['gpu'] = '{}'.format(self.current_gpu_name) return tqdm_dic @property def tng_tqdm_dic(self): """ Read-only for tqdm metrics :return: """ return self.__tng_tqdm_dic def __layout_bookeeping(self): # determine number of training batches self.nb_tng_batches = len(self.tng_dataloader) self.nb_tng_batches = int(self.nb_tng_batches * self.train_percent_check) # determine number of validation batches self.nb_val_batches = len(self.val_dataloader) self.nb_val_batches = int(self.nb_val_batches * self.val_percent_check) self.nb_val_batches = max(1, self.nb_val_batches) self.nb_val_batches = self.nb_val_batches # determine number of test batches self.nb_test_batches = len(self.test_dataloader) self.nb_test_batches = int(self.nb_test_batches * self.test_percent_check) # determine when to check validation self.val_check_batch = int(self.nb_tng_batches * self.val_check_interval) def __add_tqdm_metrics(self, metrics): for k, v in metrics.items(): if type(v) is torch.Tensor: v = v.item() self.tqdm_metrics[k] = v def validate(self, model, dataloader, max_batches): """ Run validation code :param model: PT model :param dataloader: PT dataloader :param max_batches: Scalar :return: """ # enable eval mode model.zero_grad() model.eval() # disable gradients to save memory torch.set_grad_enabled(False) # bookkeeping outputs = [] # run training for batch_i, data_batch in enumerate(dataloader): if data_batch is None: # pragma: no cover continue # stop short when on fast dev run if max_batches is not None and batch_i >= max_batches: break # ----------------- # RUN VALIDATION STEP # ----------------- if self.use_ddp: output = model(data_batch, batch_i) elif self.use_dp: output = model(data_batch, batch_i) output = reduce_distributed_output(output, len(self.data_parallel_device_ids)) else: output = model.validation_step(data_batch, batch_i) outputs.append(output) # batch done if self.progress_bar and self.prog_bar is not None: self.prog_bar.update(1) # give model a chance to do something with the outputs if self.data_parallel: val_results = model.module.validation_end(outputs) else: val_results = model.validation_end(outputs) # enable train mode again model.train() # enable gradients to save memory torch.set_grad_enabled(True) return val_results def get_dataloaders(self, model): """ Dataloaders are provided by the model :param model: :return: """ self.tng_dataloader = model.tng_dataloader self.test_dataloader = model.test_dataloader self.val_dataloader = model.val_dataloader if self.use_ddp and not isinstance(self.tng_dataloader.sampler, DistributedSampler): msg = ''' when using multiple gpus and multiple nodes you must pass a DistributedSampler to DataLoader(sampler). ie: this: dataset = myDataset() dataloader = Dataloader(dataset) becomes: dataset = myDataset() dist_sampler = torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler(dataset) dataloader = Dataloader(dataset, sampler=dist_sampler) ''' raise MisconfigurationException(msg) # ----------------------------- # MODEL TRAINING # ----------------------------- def fit(self, model): # when using multi-node or DDP within a node start each module in a separate process if self.use_ddp: # must copy only the meta of the exp so it survives pickle/unpickle when going to new process self.experiment = self.experiment.get_meta_copy() if self.is_slurm_managing_tasks: task = int(os.environ['SLURM_LOCALID']) self.ddp_train(task, model) else: msg = f""" You requested {self.nb_requested_gpus} GPUs but launched {self.nb_slurm_tasks} slurm tasks. We will launch {self.nb_requested_gpus} processes for you. We recommend you let slurm manage the processes by setting: --ntasks-per-node={self.nb_requested_gpus} If you're not using SLURM, ignore this message! """ warnings.warn(msg) mp.spawn(self.ddp_train, nprocs=len(self.data_parallel_device_ids), args=(model, )) # 1 gpu or dp option triggers training using DP module # easier to avoid NCCL issues elif self.use_dp: self.__dp_train(model) # ON CPU else: # run through amp wrapper if self.use_amp: raise MisconfigurationException('amp + cpu is not supported. Please use a GPU option') # CHOOSE OPTIMIZER # allow for lr schedulers as well self.optimizers = model.configure_optimizers() if len(self.optimizers) == 2: self.optimizers, self.lr_schedulers = self.optimizers self.__run_pretrain_routine(model) # return 1 when finished # used for testing or when we need to know that training succeeded return 1 def __dp_train(self, model): # CHOOSE OPTIMIZER # allow for lr schedulers as well self.optimizers = model.configure_optimizers() if len(self.optimizers) == 2: self.optimizers, self.lr_schedulers = self.optimizers model.cuda(self.data_parallel_device_ids[0]) # check for this bug (amp + dp + !01 doesn't work) # https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex/issues/227 if self.use_dp and self.use_amp: m = f'amp level {self.amp_level} with DataParallel is not supported. ' \ f'See this note from NVIDIA for more info: https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex/issues/227. ' \ f'We recommend you switch to ddp if you want to use amp' raise MisconfigurationException(m) model = LightningDataParallel(model, device_ids=self.data_parallel_device_ids) self.__run_pretrain_routine(model) def ddp_train(self, gpu_nb, model): """ Entry point into a DP thread :param gpu_nb: :param model: :param cluster_obj: :return: """ # node rank using relative slurm id # otherwise default to node rank 0 try: node_id = os.environ['SLURM_NODEID'] self.node_rank = int(node_id) except Exception as e: self.node_rank = 0 # recover original exp before went into process # init in write mode only on proc 0 self.experiment.debug = self.proc_rank > 0 self.experiment = self.experiment.get_non_ddp_exp() # show progbar only on prog_rank 0 self.prog_bar = self.prog_bar and self.node_rank == 0 and gpu_nb == 0 # determine which process we are and world size self.proc_rank = self.node_rank * len(self.data_parallel_device_ids) + gpu_nb self.world_size = self.nb_gpu_nodes * len(self.data_parallel_device_ids) # let the exp know the rank to avoid overwriting logs self.experiment.rank = self.proc_rank # set up server using proc 0's ip address # try to init for 20 times at max in case ports are taken # where to store ip_table self.__init_tcp_connection() # CHOOSE OPTIMIZER # allow for lr schedulers as well self.optimizers = model.configure_optimizers() if len(self.optimizers) == 2: self.optimizers, self.lr_schedulers = self.optimizers # MODEL # copy model to each gpu torch.cuda.set_device(gpu_nb) model.cuda(gpu_nb) # AMP # run through amp wrapper before going to distributed DP if self.use_amp: # An example model, optimizers = amp.initialize( model, self.optimizers, opt_level=self.amp_level, ) self.optimizers = optimizers model = LightningDistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[gpu_nb], find_unused_parameters=True) # continue training routine self.__run_pretrain_routine(model) def __init_tcp_connection(self): """ Connect all procs in the world using the env:// init Use the first node as the root address :param port: :param tries: :return: """ # sets the appropriate port try: port = os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] except Exception as e: port = 12910 os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = f'{port}' # figure out the root node addr try: root_node = os.environ['SLURM_NODELIST'].split(' ')[0] except Exception as e: root_node = '' root_node = self.resolve_root_node_address(root_node) os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = root_node dist.init_process_group("nccl", rank=self.proc_rank, world_size=self.world_size) def resolve_root_node_address(self, root_node): if '[' in root_node: name = root_node.split('[')[0] number = root_node.split(',')[0] if '-' in number: number = number.split('-')[0] number = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', number) root_node = name + number return root_node def __run_pretrain_routine(self, model): """ Sanity check a few things before starting actual training :param model: :return: """ ref_model = model if self.data_parallel: ref_model = model.module ref_model.trainer = self # set local properties on the model ref_model.on_gpu = self.on_gpu # transfer data loaders from model self.get_dataloaders(ref_model) # init training constants self.__layout_bookeeping() # print model summary if self.proc_rank == 0 and self.print_weights_summary: ref_model.summarize() # give model convenience properties ref_model.trainer = self ref_model.experiment = self.experiment # run tiny validation to make sure program won't crash during val _ = self.validate(model, self.val_dataloader, max_batches=self.nb_sanity_val_steps) # save exp to get started if self.proc_rank == 0: self.experiment.save() # track model now. # if cluster resets state, the model will update with the saved weights self.model = model # enable cluster checkpointing # also restores training state if self.cluster is not None: # pragma: no cover self.enable_auto_hpc_walltime_manager() # --------------------------- # CORE TRAINING LOOP # --------------------------- self.__train() def __train(self): # run all epochs for epoch_nb in range(self.current_epoch, self.max_nb_epochs): # update the lr scheduler if self.lr_schedulers is not None: for lr_scheduler in self.lr_schedulers: lr_scheduler.step() model = self.__get_model() model.current_epoch = epoch_nb # hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_epoch_start'): model = self.__get_model() model.on_epoch_start() self.current_epoch = epoch_nb self.total_batches = self.nb_tng_batches + self.nb_val_batches self.batch_loss_value = 0 # accumulated grads # init progbar when requested if self.progress_bar: self.prog_bar = tqdm.tqdm(range(self.total_batches), position=self.process_position) for batch_nb, data_batch in enumerate(self.tng_dataloader): self.batch_nb = batch_nb self.global_step += 1 model = self.__get_model() model.global_step = self.global_step # stop when the flag is changed or we've gone past the amount requested in the batches self.total_batch_nb += 1 met_batch_limit = batch_nb > self.nb_tng_batches if met_batch_limit: break # --------------- # RUN TRAIN STEP # --------------- batch_result = self.__run_tng_batch(data_batch, batch_nb) early_stop_epoch = batch_result == -1 # --------------- # RUN VAL STEP # --------------- is_val_check_batch = (batch_nb + 1) % self.val_check_batch == 0 if self.fast_dev_run or is_val_check_batch or early_stop_epoch: self.__run_validation() # when batch should be saved if (batch_nb + 1) % self.log_save_interval == 0 or early_stop_epoch: if self.proc_rank == 0: self.experiment.save() # when metrics should be logged if batch_nb % self.add_log_row_interval == 0 or early_stop_epoch: # count items in memory # nb_params, nb_tensors = count_mem_items() model = self.__get_model() metrics = self.__tng_tqdm_dic # add gpu memory if self.on_gpu: mem_map = get_gpu_memory_map() metrics.update(mem_map) # add norms if self.track_grad_norm > 0: model = self.__get_model() grad_norm_dic = model.grad_norm(self.track_grad_norm) metrics.update(grad_norm_dic) if self.__is_function_implemented('on_tng_metrics'): model.on_tng_metrics(metrics) # log metrics scalar_metrics = self.__metrics_to_scalars(metrics, blacklist=self.__log_vals_blacklist()) if self.proc_rank == 0: self.experiment.log(scalar_metrics, global_step=self.global_step) self.experiment.save() # hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_batch_end'): model = self.__get_model() model.on_batch_end() # end epoch early if early_stop_epoch: break # hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_epoch_end'): model = self.__get_model() model.on_epoch_end() # early stopping met_min_epochs = epoch_nb > self.min_nb_epochs if self.enable_early_stop and met_min_epochs: should_stop = self.early_stop_callback.on_epoch_end(epoch=epoch_nb, logs=self.__tng_tqdm_dic) # stop training stop = should_stop and met_min_epochs if stop: return def __metrics_to_scalars(self, metrics, blacklist=[]): new_metrics = {} for k, v in metrics.items(): if type(v) is torch.Tensor: v = v.item() if type(v) is dict: v = self.__metrics_to_scalars(v) if k not in blacklist: new_metrics[k] = float(v) return new_metrics def __log_vals_blacklist(self): """avoid logging some vals lightning uses to maintain state""" blacklist = {'batch_nb', 'v_nb', 'gpu'} return blacklist def __run_tng_batch(self, data_batch, batch_nb): if data_batch is None: return 0 # hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_batch_start'): model_ref = self.__get_model() response = model_ref.on_batch_start(data_batch) if response == -1: return -1 if self.progress_bar: self.prog_bar.update(1) # forward pass # return a scalar value and a dic with tqdm metrics if self.use_ddp: output = self.model(data_batch, batch_nb) elif self.use_dp: output = self.model(data_batch, batch_nb) output = reduce_distributed_output(output, len(self.data_parallel_device_ids)) else: output = self.model.training_step(data_batch, batch_nb) try: model_specific_tqdm_metrics_dic = output['prog'] except Exception as e: model_specific_tqdm_metrics_dic = {} # if output dict doesn't have the keyword loss # then assume the output=loss if scalar try: loss = output['loss'] except Exception as e: if type(output) is torch.Tensor: loss = output self.__add_tqdm_metrics(model_specific_tqdm_metrics_dic) # backward pass if self.use_amp: # scale loss when using amp for optimizer in self.optimizers: with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss: scaled_loss.backward() else: loss.backward() # insert after step hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_after_backward'): model_ref = self.__get_model() response = model_ref.on_after_backward() if self.print_nan_grads: model = self.__get_model() for param in model.parameters(): print(param.grad.float().sum()) # avoid memory leaks self.batch_loss_value += loss.item() # gradient update with accumulated gradients if (self.batch_nb + 1) % self.accumulate_grad_batches == 0: # clip gradients if self.gradient_clip > 0: model = self.__get_model() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), self.gradient_clip) # update gradients across all optimizers for optimizer in self.optimizers: optimizer.step() # insert after step hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_before_zero_grad'): model_ref = self.__get_model() response = model_ref.on_before_zero_grad(optimizer) # clear gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # queuing loss across batches blows it up proportionally... divide out the number accumulated self.batch_loss_value = self.batch_loss_value / self.accumulate_grad_batches # track loss self.running_loss.append(self.batch_loss_value) self.batch_loss_value = 0 self.avg_loss = np.mean(self.running_loss[-100:]) # update progbar if self.progress_bar: # add model specific metrics tqdm_metrics = self.__tng_tqdm_dic self.prog_bar.set_postfix(**tqdm_metrics) # activate batch end hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_batch_end'): model = self.__get_model() model.on_batch_end() return 0 def __run_validation(self): # decide if can check epochs can_check_epoch = (self.current_epoch + 1) % self.check_val_every_n_epoch == 0 if self.fast_dev_run: print('skipping to check performance bc of --fast_dev_run') elif not can_check_epoch: return # hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_pre_performance_check'): model = self.__get_model() model.on_pre_performance_check() # use full val set on end of epoch # use a small portion otherwise max_batches = None if not self.fast_dev_run else 1 model_specific_tqdm_metrics_dic = self.validate( self.model, self.val_dataloader, max_batches ) self.__add_tqdm_metrics(model_specific_tqdm_metrics_dic) # hook if self.__is_function_implemented('on_post_performance_check'): model = self.__get_model() model.on_post_performance_check() if self.progress_bar: # add model specific metrics tqdm_metrics = self.__tng_tqdm_dic self.prog_bar.set_postfix(**tqdm_metrics) # model checkpointing if self.proc_rank == 0 and self.checkpoint_callback is not None: print('save callback...') self.checkpoint_callback.on_epoch_end(epoch=self.current_epoch, logs=self.__tng_tqdm_dic)