############################## Level 5: Debug A Lightning app ############################## **Audience:** Users who want to debug a distributed app locally. **Prereqs:** You must have finished the `Basic levels <../basic/>`_. ---- ****************** Enable breakpoints ****************** To enable a breakpoint, use :func:`~lightning.app.pdb.set_trace()` (note direct python pdb support is work in progress and open to contributions). .. lit_tabs:: :descriptions: Toy app; Add a breakpoint. When the program runs, it will stop at this line. :code_files: ./debug_app_scripts/toy_app_1_component.py; ./debug_app_scripts/toy_app_1_component_pdb.py :highlights: ; 7 :enable_run: true :tab_rows: 3 :height: 350px ---- ********************************* Next: Run a component in parallel ********************************* Learn to run components in parallel to enable more powerful workflows. .. raw:: html