# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import glob import logging import os import pathlib import re import shutil import tarfile import tempfile import urllib.request from datetime import datetime from distutils.version import LooseVersion from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location from itertools import chain, groupby from types import ModuleType from typing import List, Sequence from pkg_resources import parse_requirements _PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) _PACKAGE_MAPPING = {"pytorch": "pytorch_lightning", "app": "lightning_app"} # TODO: remove this once lightning-ui package is ready as a dependency _LIGHTNING_FRONTEND_RELEASE_URL = "https://storage.googleapis.com/grid-packages/lightning-ui/v0.0.0/build.tar.gz" def _load_py_module(name: str, location: str) -> ModuleType: spec = spec_from_file_location(name, location) assert spec, f"Failed to load module {name} from {location}" py = module_from_spec(spec) assert spec.loader, f"ModuleSpec.loader is None for {name} from {location}" spec.loader.exec_module(py) return py def _augment_requirement(ln: str, comment_char: str = "#", unfreeze: str = "all") -> str: """Adjust the upper version contrains. Args: ln: raw line from requirement comment_char: charter marking comment unfreeze: Enum or "all"|"major"|"" Returns: adjusted requirement >>> _augment_requirement("arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # anything", unfreeze="") 'arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2' >>> _augment_requirement("arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # strict", unfreeze="") 'arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # strict' >>> _augment_requirement("arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # my name", unfreeze="all") 'arrow>=1.2.0' >>> _augment_requirement("arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # strict", unfreeze="all") 'arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # strict' >>> _augment_requirement("arrow", unfreeze="all") 'arrow' >>> _augment_requirement("arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # cool", unfreeze="major") 'arrow>=1.2.0, <2.0 # strict' >>> _augment_requirement("arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # strict", unfreeze="major") 'arrow>=1.2.0, <=1.2.2 # strict' >>> _augment_requirement("arrow>=1.2.0", unfreeze="major") 'arrow>=1.2.0, <2.0 # strict' >>> _augment_requirement("arrow", unfreeze="major") 'arrow' """ # filer all comments if comment_char in ln: comment = ln[ln.index(comment_char) :] ln = ln[: ln.index(comment_char)] is_strict = "strict" in comment else: is_strict = False req = ln.strip() # skip directly installed dependencies if not req or req.startswith("http") or "@http" in req: return "" # extract the major version from all listed versions if unfreeze == "major": req_ = list(parse_requirements([req]))[0] vers = [LooseVersion(v) for s, v in req_.specs if s not in ("==", "~=")] ver_major = sorted(vers)[-1].version[0] if vers else None else: ver_major = None # remove version restrictions unless they are strict if unfreeze and "<" in req and not is_strict: req = re.sub(r",? *<=? *[\d\.\*]+", "", req).strip() if ver_major is not None and not is_strict: # add , only if there are already some versions req += f"{',' if any(c in req for c in '<=>') else ''} <{int(ver_major) + 1}.0" # adding strict back to the comment if is_strict or ver_major is not None: req += " # strict" return req def load_requirements( path_dir: str, file_name: str = "base.txt", comment_char: str = "#", unfreeze: str = "all" ) -> List[str]: """Loading requirements from a file. >>> path_req = os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "requirements") >>> load_requirements(path_req, unfreeze="major") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['pytorch_lightning...', 'lightning_app...'] """ with open(os.path.join(path_dir, file_name)) as file: lines = [ln.strip() for ln in file.readlines()] reqs = [] for ln in lines: reqs.append(_augment_requirement(ln, comment_char=comment_char, unfreeze=unfreeze)) # filter empty lines return [str(req) for req in reqs if req] def load_readme_description(path_dir: str, homepage: str, version: str) -> str: """Load readme as decribtion. >>> load_readme_description(_PROJECT_ROOT, "", "") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE '...' """ path_readme = os.path.join(path_dir, "README.md") text = open(path_readme, encoding="utf-8").read() # drop images from readme text = text.replace("![PT to PL](docs/source/_static/images/general/pl_quick_start_full_compressed.gif)", "") # https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/raw/master/docs/source/_static/images/lightning_module/pt_to_pl.png github_source_url = os.path.join(homepage, "raw", version) # replace relative repository path to absolute link to the release # do not replace all "docs" as in the readme we reger some other sources with particular path to docs text = text.replace("docs/source/_static/", f"{os.path.join(github_source_url, 'docs/source/_static/')}") # readthedocs badge text = text.replace("badge/?version=stable", f"badge/?version={version}") text = text.replace("pytorch-lightning.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", f"pytorch-lightning.readthedocs.io/en/{version}") # codecov badge text = text.replace("/branch/master/graph/badge.svg", f"/release/{version}/graph/badge.svg") # github actions badge text = text.replace("badge.svg?branch=master&event=push", f"badge.svg?tag={version}") # azure pipelines badge text = text.replace("?branchName=master", f"?branchName=refs%2Ftags%2F{version}") skip_begin = r"" skip_end = r"" # todo: wrap content as commented description text = re.sub(rf"{skip_begin}.+?{skip_end}", "", text, flags=re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL) # # https://github.com/Borda/pytorch-lightning/releases/download/1.1.0a6/codecov_badge.png # github_release_url = os.path.join(homepage, "releases", "download", version) # # download badge and replace url with local file # text = _parse_for_badge(text, github_release_url) return text def replace_block_with_imports(lines: List[str], import_path: str, kword: str = "class") -> List[str]: """Parse a file and replace implementtaions bodies of function or class. >>> py_file = os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "src", "pytorch_lightning", "loggers", "logger.py") >>> import_path = ".".join(["pytorch_lightning", "loggers", "logger"]) >>> with open(py_file, encoding="utf-8") as fp: ... lines = [ln.rstrip() for ln in fp.readlines()] >>> lines = replace_block_with_imports(lines, import_path, "class") >>> lines = replace_block_with_imports(lines, import_path, "def") """ body, tracking, skip_offset = [], False, 0 for i, ln in enumerate(lines): # support for defining a class with this condition conditional_class_definitions = ("if TYPE_CHECKING", "if typing.TYPE_CHECKING", "if torch.", "if _TORCH_") if ( any(ln.startswith(pattern) for pattern in conditional_class_definitions) # avoid bug in CI for the <1.7 meta code and "pytorch_lightning.utilities.meta" not in import_path ): # dedent the next line lines[i + 1] = lines[i + 1].lstrip() continue offset = len(ln) - len(ln.lstrip()) # in case of mating the class args are multi-line if tracking and ln and offset <= skip_offset and not any(ln.lstrip().startswith(c) for c in ")]"): tracking = False if ln.lstrip().startswith(f"{kword} ") and not tracking: name = ln.replace(f"{kword} ", "").strip() idxs = [name.index(c) for c in ":(" if c in name] name = name[: min(idxs)] # skip private, TODO: consider skip even protected if not name.startswith("__"): body.append(f"{' ' * offset}from {import_path} import {name} # noqa: F401") tracking, skip_offset = True, offset continue if not tracking: body.append(ln) return body def replace_vars_with_imports(lines: List[str], import_path: str) -> List[str]: """Parse a file and replace variable filling with import. >>> py_file = os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "src", "pytorch_lightning", "utilities", "imports.py") >>> import_path = ".".join(["pytorch_lightning", "utilities", "imports"]) >>> with open(py_file, encoding="utf-8") as fp: ... lines = [ln.rstrip() for ln in fp.readlines()] >>> lines = replace_vars_with_imports(lines, import_path) """ copied = [] body, tracking, skip_offset = [], False, 0 for ln in lines: offset = len(ln) - len(ln.lstrip()) # in case of mating the class args are multi-line if tracking and ln and offset <= skip_offset and not any(ln.lstrip().startswith(c) for c in ")]}"): tracking = False var = re.match(r"^([\w_\d]+)[: [\w\., \[\]]*]? = ", ln.lstrip()) if var: name = var.groups()[0] # skip private or apply white-list for allowed vars if name not in copied and (not name.startswith("__") or name in ("__all__",)): body.append(f"{' ' * offset}from {import_path} import {name} # noqa: F401") copied.append(name) tracking, skip_offset = True, offset continue if not tracking: body.append(ln) return body def prune_imports_callables(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Prune imports and calling functions from a file, even multi-line. >>> py_file = os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "src", "pytorch_lightning", "utilities", "cli.py") >>> import_path = ".".join(["pytorch_lightning", "utilities", "cli"]) >>> with open(py_file, encoding="utf-8") as fp: ... lines = [ln.rstrip() for ln in fp.readlines()] >>> lines = prune_imports_callables(lines) """ body, tracking, skip_offset = [], False, 0 for ln in lines: if ln.lstrip().startswith("import "): continue offset = len(ln) - len(ln.lstrip()) # in case of mating the class args are multi-line if tracking and ln and offset <= skip_offset and not any(ln.lstrip().startswith(c) for c in ")]}"): tracking = False # catching callable call = re.match(r"^[\w_\d\.]+\(", ln.lstrip()) if (ln.lstrip().startswith("from ") and " import " in ln) or call: tracking, skip_offset = True, offset continue if not tracking: body.append(ln) return body def prune_func_calls(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Prune calling functions from a file, even multi-line. >>> py_file = os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "src", "pytorch_lightning", "loggers", "__init__.py") >>> import_path = ".".join(["pytorch_lightning", "loggers"]) >>> with open(py_file, encoding="utf-8") as fp: ... lines = [ln.rstrip() for ln in fp.readlines()] >>> lines = prune_func_calls(lines) """ body, tracking, score = [], False, 0 for ln in lines: # catching callable calling = re.match(r"^@?[\w_\d\.]+ *\(", ln.lstrip()) if calling and " import " not in ln: tracking = True score = 0 if tracking: score += ln.count("(") - ln.count(")") if score == 0: tracking = False else: body.append(ln) return body def prune_empty_statements(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Prune emprty if/else and try/except. >>> py_file = os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "src", "pytorch_lightning", "utilities", "cli.py") >>> import_path = ".".join(["pytorch_lightning", "utilities", "cli"]) >>> with open(py_file, encoding="utf-8") as fp: ... lines = [ln.rstrip() for ln in fp.readlines()] >>> lines = prune_imports_callables(lines) >>> lines = prune_empty_statements(lines) """ kwords_pairs = ("with", "if ", "elif ", "else", "try", "except") body, tracking, skip_offset, last_count = [], False, 0, 0 # todo: consider some more complex logic as for example only some leaves of if/else tree are empty for i, ln in enumerate(lines): offset = len(ln) - len(ln.lstrip()) # skipp all decorators if ln.lstrip().startswith("@"): # consider also multi-line decorators if "(" in ln and ")" not in ln: tracking, skip_offset = True, offset continue # in case of mating the class args are multi-line if tracking and ln and offset <= skip_offset and not any(ln.lstrip().startswith(c) for c in ")]}"): tracking = False starts = [k for k in kwords_pairs if ln.lstrip().startswith(k)] if starts: start, count = starts[0], -1 # look forward if this statement has a body for ln_ in lines[i:]: offset_ = len(ln_) - len(ln_.lstrip()) if count == -1 and ln_.rstrip().endswith(":"): count = 0 elif ln_ and offset_ <= offset: break # skipp all til end of statement elif ln_.lstrip(): # count non-zero body lines count += 1 # cache the last key body as the supplement canot be without if start in ("if", "elif", "try"): last_count = count if count <= 0 or (start in ("else", "except") and last_count <= 0): tracking, skip_offset = True, offset if not tracking: body.append(ln) return body def prune_comments_docstrings(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Prune all doctsrings with triple " notation. >>> py_file = os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "src", "pytorch_lightning", "loggers", "csv_logs.py") >>> import_path = ".".join(["pytorch_lightning", "loggers", "csv_logs"]) >>> with open(py_file, encoding="utf-8") as fp: ... lines = [ln.rstrip() for ln in fp.readlines()] >>> lines = prune_comments_docstrings(lines) """ body, tracking = [], False for ln in lines: if "#" in ln and "noqa:" not in ln: ln = ln[: ln.index("#")] if not tracking and any(ln.lstrip().startswith(s) for s in ['"""', 'r"""']): # oneliners skip directly if len(ln.strip()) >= 6 and ln.rstrip().endswith('"""'): continue tracking = True elif ln.rstrip().endswith('"""'): tracking = False continue if not tracking: body.append(ln.rstrip()) return body def wrap_try_except(body: List[str], pkg: str, ver: str) -> List[str]: """Wrap the file with try/except for better traceability of import misalignment.""" not_empty = sum(1 for ln in body if ln) if not_empty == 0: return body body = ["try:"] + [f" {ln}" if ln else "" for ln in body] body += [ "", "except ImportError as err:", "", " from os import linesep", f" from {pkg} import __version__", f" msg = f'Your `lightning` package was built for `{pkg}=={ver}`," + " but you are running {__version__}'", " raise type(err)(str(err) + linesep + msg)", ] return body def parse_version_from_file(pkg_root: str) -> str: """Loading the package version from file.""" file_ver = os.path.join(pkg_root, "__version__.py") file_about = os.path.join(pkg_root, "__about__.py") if os.path.isfile(file_ver): ver = _load_py_module("version", file_ver).version elif os.path.isfile(file_about): ver = _load_py_module("about", file_about).__version__ else: # this covers case you have build only meta-package so not additional source files are present ver = "" return ver def prune_duplicate_lines(body): body_ = [] # drop duplicated lines for ln in body: if ln.lstrip() not in body_ or ln.lstrip() in (")", ""): body_.append(ln) return body_ def create_meta_package(src_folder: str, pkg_name: str = "pytorch_lightning", lit_name: str = "pytorch"): """Parse the real python package and for each module create a mirroe version with repalcing all function and class implementations by cross-imports to the true package. As validation run in termnal: `flake8 src/lightning/ --ignore E402,F401,E501` >>> create_meta_package(os.path.join(_PROJECT_ROOT, "src")) """ package_dir = os.path.join(src_folder, pkg_name) pkg_ver = parse_version_from_file(package_dir) # shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(src_folder, "lightning", lit_name)) py_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_folder, pkg_name, "**", "*.py"), recursive=True) for py_file in py_files: local_path = py_file.replace(package_dir + os.path.sep, "") fname = os.path.basename(py_file) if "-" in local_path: continue with open(py_file, encoding="utf-8") as fp: lines = [ln.rstrip() for ln in fp.readlines()] import_path = pkg_name + "." + local_path.replace(".py", "").replace(os.path.sep, ".") import_path = import_path.replace(".__init__", "") if fname in ("__about__.py", "__version__.py"): body = lines else: if fname.startswith("_") and fname not in ("__init__.py", "__main__.py"): logging.warning(f"unsupported file: {local_path}") continue # ToDO: perform some smarter parsing - preserve Constants, lambdas, etc body = prune_comments_docstrings([ln.rstrip() for ln in lines]) if fname not in ("__init__.py", "__main__.py"): body = prune_imports_callables(body) for key_word in ("class", "def", "async def"): body = replace_block_with_imports(body, import_path, key_word) # TODO: fix reimporting which is artefact after replacing var assignment with import; # after fixing , update CI by remove F811 from CI/check pkg body = replace_vars_with_imports(body, import_path) if fname not in ("__main__.py",): body = prune_func_calls(body) body_len = -1 # in case of several in-depth statements while body_len != len(body): body_len = len(body) body = prune_duplicate_lines(body) body = prune_empty_statements(body) # add try/catch wrapper for whole body, # so when import fails it tells you what is the package version this meta package was generated for... body = wrap_try_except(body, pkg_name, pkg_ver) # todo: apply pre-commit formatting # clean to many empty lines body = [ln for ln, _group in groupby(body)] # drop duplicated lines body = prune_duplicate_lines(body) # compose the target file name new_file = os.path.join(src_folder, "lightning", lit_name, local_path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_file), exist_ok=True) with open(new_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.writelines([ln + os.linesep for ln in body]) def set_version_today(fpath: str) -> None: """Replace the template date with today.""" with open(fpath) as fp: lines = fp.readlines() def _replace_today(ln): today = datetime.now() return ln.replace("YYYY.-M.-D", f"{today.year}.{today.month}.{today.day}") lines = list(map(_replace_today, lines)) with open(fpath, "w") as fp: fp.writelines(lines) def _download_frontend(root: str = _PROJECT_ROOT): """Downloads an archive file for a specific release of the Lightning frontend and extracts it to the correct directory.""" try: frontend_dir = pathlib.Path(root, "src", "lightning_app", "ui") download_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() shutil.rmtree(frontend_dir, ignore_errors=True) response = urllib.request.urlopen(_LIGHTNING_FRONTEND_RELEASE_URL) file = tarfile.open(fileobj=response, mode="r|gz") file.extractall(path=download_dir) shutil.move(os.path.join(download_dir, "build"), frontend_dir) print("The Lightning UI has successfully been downloaded!") # If installing from source without internet connection, we don't want to break the installation except Exception: print("The Lightning UI downloading has failed!") def _relax_require_versions( source_dir: str = "src", req_dir: str = "requirements", strict_pkgs: Sequence[str] = ("lightning_app",) ) -> None: """Parse the base requirements and append as version adjustments if needed `pkg>=X1.Y1.Z1,==X2.Y2.*`. >>> _relax_require_versions("../src", "../requirements") """ strict_pkgs = strict_pkgs or tuple() reqs = load_requirements(req_dir, file_name="base.txt") for i, req in enumerate(parse_requirements(reqs)): ver = parse_version_from_file(os.path.join(source_dir, req.name)) if not ver: continue if req.name not in strict_pkgs: ver = ".".join(ver.split(".")[:2] + ["*"]) reqs[i] = f"{req}, =={ver}" with open(os.path.join(req_dir, "base.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.writelines([ln + os.linesep for ln in reqs]) def _load_aggregate_requirements(req_dir: str = "requirements", freeze_requirements: bool = False) -> None: """Load all base requirements from all particular packages and prune duplicates.""" requires = [ load_requirements(d, file_name="base.txt", unfreeze=not freeze_requirements) for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(req_dir, "*")) # skip empty folder as git artefacts, and resolving Will's special issue if os.path.isdir(d) and len(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, "*"))) > 0 ] if not requires: return None # TODO: add some smarter version aggregation per each package requires = list(chain(*requires)) with open(os.path.join(req_dir, "base.txt"), "w") as fp: fp.writelines([ln + os.linesep for ln in requires])