Fast Training ================ There are multiple options to speed up different parts of the training by choosing to train on a subset of data. This could be done for speed or debugging purposes. Check validation every n epochs ------------------------------------- If you have a small dataset you might want to check validation every n epochs .. code-block:: python # DEFAULT trainer = Trainer(check_val_every_n_epoch=1) Force training for min or max epochs ------------------------------------- It can be useful to force training for a minimum number of epochs or limit to a max number. .. note:: See: :ref:`trainer` .. code-block:: python # DEFAULT trainer = Trainer(min_epochs=1, max_epochs=1000) Set validation check frequency within 1 training epoch ------------------------------------------------------- For large datasets it's often desirable to check validation multiple times within a training loop. Pass in a float to check that often within 1 training epoch. Pass in an int k to check every k training batches. Must use an int if using an IterableDataset. .. code-block:: python # DEFAULT trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=0.95) # check every .25 of an epoch trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=0.25) # check every 100 train batches (ie: for IterableDatasets or fixed frequency) trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=100) Use training data subset ---------------------------------- If you don't want to check 100% of the training set (for debugging or if it's huge), set this flag. .. code-block:: python # DEFAULT trainer = Trainer(train_percent_check=1.0) # check 10% only trainer = Trainer(train_percent_check=0.1) .. note:: train_percent_check will be overwritten by overfit_pct if overfit_pct > 0 Use test data subset ------------------------------------- If you don't want to check 100% of the test set (for debugging or if it's huge), set this flag test_percent_check will be overwritten by overfit_pct if overfit_pct > 0. .. code-block:: python # DEFAULT trainer = Trainer(test_percent_check=1.0) # check 10% only trainer = Trainer(test_percent_check=0.1) Use validation data subset -------------------------------------------- If you don't want to check 100% of the validation set (for debugging or if it's huge), set this flag val_percent_check will be overwritten by overfit_pct if overfit_pct > 0 .. code-block:: python # DEFAULT trainer = Trainer(val_percent_check=1.0) # check 10% only trainer = Trainer(val_percent_check=0.1)