import torch from pytorch_lightning.root_module import memory class TrainerLoggingMixin(object): def log_metrics(self, metrics, grad_norm_dic): """ Logs the metric dict passed in :param metrics: :param grad_norm_dic: :return: """ # added metrics by Lightning for convenience metrics['epoch'] = self.current_epoch # add gpu memory if self.on_gpu and self.log_gpu_memory: mem_map = memory.get_memory_profile(self.log_gpu_memory) metrics.update(mem_map) # add norms metrics.update(grad_norm_dic) # turn all tensors to scalars scalar_metrics = self.metrics_to_scalars(metrics) # log actual metrics if self.proc_rank == 0 and self.logger is not None: self.logger.log_metrics(scalar_metrics, step_num=self.global_step) def add_tqdm_metrics(self, metrics): for k, v in metrics.items(): if type(v) is torch.Tensor: v = v.item() self.tqdm_metrics[k] = v def metrics_to_scalars(self, metrics): new_metrics = {} for k, v in metrics.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): v = v.item() if type(v) is dict: v = self.metrics_to_scalars(v) new_metrics[k] = v return new_metrics def process_output(self, output, train=False): """ Reduces output according to the training mode. Separates loss from logging and tqdm metrics :param output: :return: """ # --------------- # EXTRACT CALLBACK KEYS # --------------- # all keys not progress_bar or log are candidates for callbacks callback_metrics = {} for k, v in output.items(): if k not in ['progress_bar', 'log', 'hiddens']: callback_metrics[k] = v if train and (self.use_dp or self.use_ddp2): nb_gpus = self.num_gpus callback_metrics = self.reduce_distributed_output(callback_metrics, nb_gpus) for k, v in callback_metrics.items(): callback_metrics[k] = v.item() # --------------- # EXTRACT PROGRESS BAR KEYS # --------------- try: progress_output = output['progress_bar'] # reduce progress metrics for tqdm when using dp if train and (self.use_dp or self.use_ddp2): nb_gpus = self.num_gpus progress_output = self.reduce_distributed_output(progress_output, nb_gpus) progress_bar_metrics = progress_output except Exception: progress_bar_metrics = {} # --------------- # EXTRACT LOGGING KEYS # --------------- # extract metrics to log to experiment try: log_output = output['log'] # reduce progress metrics for tqdm when using dp if train and (self.use_dp or self.use_ddp2): nb_gpus = self.num_gpus log_output = self.reduce_distributed_output(log_output, nb_gpus) log_metrics = log_output except Exception: log_metrics = {} # --------------- # EXTRACT LOSS # --------------- # if output dict doesn't have the keyword loss # then assume the output=loss if scalar loss = None if train: try: loss = output['loss'] except Exception: if type(output) is torch.Tensor: loss = output else: raise RuntimeError( 'No `loss` value in the dictionary returned from `model.training_step()`.' ) # when using dp need to reduce the loss if self.use_dp or self.use_ddp2: loss = self.reduce_distributed_output(loss, self.num_gpus) # --------------- # EXTRACT HIDDEN # --------------- hiddens = output.get('hiddens') # use every metric passed in as a candidate for callback callback_metrics.update(progress_bar_metrics) callback_metrics.update(log_metrics) # convert tensors to numpy for k, v in callback_metrics.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): callback_metrics[k] = v.item() return loss, progress_bar_metrics, log_metrics, callback_metrics, hiddens def reduce_distributed_output(self, output, nb_gpus): if nb_gpus <= 1: return output # when using DP, we get one output per gpu # average outputs and return if type(output) is torch.Tensor: return output.mean() for k, v in output.items(): # recurse on nested dics if isinstance(output[k], dict): output[k] = self.reduce_distributed_output(output[k], nb_gpus) # do nothing when there's a scalar elif isinstance(output[k], torch.Tensor) and output[k].dim() == 0: pass # reduce only metrics that have the same nb of gpus elif output[k].size(0) == nb_gpus: reduced = torch.mean(output[k]) output[k] = reduced return output