# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import time from datetime import timedelta from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import pytest from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint from pytorch_lightning.callbacks.timer import Timer from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException from tests.helpers import BoringModel from tests.helpers.runif import RunIf def test_trainer_flag(caplog): class TestModel(BoringModel): def on_fit_start(self): raise SystemExit() trainer = Trainer(max_time=dict(seconds=1337)) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): trainer.fit(TestModel()) timer = [c for c in trainer.callbacks if isinstance(c, Timer)][0] assert timer._duration == 1337 trainer = Trainer(max_time=dict(seconds=1337), callbacks=[Timer()]) with pytest.raises(SystemExit), caplog.at_level(level=logging.INFO): trainer.fit(TestModel()) assert "callbacks list already contains a Timer" in caplog.text # Make sure max_time still honored even if max_epochs == -1 trainer = Trainer(max_time=dict(seconds=1), max_epochs=-1) with pytest.raises(SystemExit): trainer.fit(TestModel()) timer = [c for c in trainer.callbacks if isinstance(c, Timer)][0] assert timer._duration == 1 assert trainer.max_epochs == -1 assert trainer.max_steps == -1 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "duration,expected", [ (None, None), ("00:00:00:22", timedelta(seconds=22)), ("12:34:56:65", timedelta(days=12, hours=34, minutes=56, seconds=65)), (timedelta(weeks=52, milliseconds=1), timedelta(weeks=52, milliseconds=1)), (dict(weeks=52, days=1), timedelta(weeks=52, days=1)), ], ) def test_timer_parse_duration(duration, expected): timer = Timer(duration=duration) assert (timer.time_remaining() == expected is None) or (timer.time_remaining() == expected.total_seconds()) def test_timer_interval_choice(): Timer(duration=timedelta(), interval="step") Timer(duration=timedelta(), interval="epoch") with pytest.raises(MisconfigurationException, match="Unsupported parameter value"): Timer(duration=timedelta(), interval="invalid") @patch("pytorch_lightning.callbacks.timer.time") def test_timer_time_remaining(time_mock): """Test that the timer tracks the elapsed and remaining time correctly.""" start_time = time.monotonic() duration = timedelta(seconds=10) time_mock.monotonic.return_value = start_time timer = Timer(duration=duration) assert timer.time_remaining() == duration.total_seconds() assert timer.time_elapsed() == 0 # timer not started yet time_mock.monotonic.return_value = start_time + 60 assert timer.start_time() is None assert timer.time_remaining() == 10 assert timer.time_elapsed() == 0 # start timer time_mock.monotonic.return_value = start_time timer.on_train_start(trainer=Mock(), pl_module=Mock()) assert timer.start_time() == start_time # pretend time has elapsed elapsed = 3 time_mock.monotonic.return_value = start_time + elapsed assert timer.start_time() == start_time assert round(timer.time_remaining()) == 7 assert round(timer.time_elapsed()) == 3 def test_timer_stops_training(tmpdir, caplog): """Test that the timer stops training before reaching max_epochs.""" model = BoringModel() duration = timedelta(milliseconds=100) timer = Timer(duration=duration) trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1000, callbacks=[timer]) with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): trainer.fit(model) assert trainer.global_step > 1 assert trainer.current_epoch < 999 assert "Time limit reached." in caplog.text assert "Signaling Trainer to stop." in caplog.text @pytest.mark.parametrize("interval", ["step", "epoch"]) def test_timer_zero_duration_stop(tmpdir, interval): """Test that the timer stops training immediately after the first check occurs.""" model = BoringModel() duration = timedelta(0) timer = Timer(duration=duration, interval=interval) trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir=tmpdir, callbacks=[timer]) trainer.fit(model) if interval == "step": # timer triggers stop on step end assert trainer.global_step == 1 assert trainer.current_epoch == 0 else: # timer triggers stop on epoch end assert trainer.global_step == len(trainer.train_dataloader) assert trainer.current_epoch == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("min_steps,min_epochs", [(None, 2), (3, None), (3, 2)]) def test_timer_duration_min_steps_override(tmpdir, min_steps, min_epochs): model = BoringModel() duration = timedelta(0) timer = Timer(duration=duration) trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir=tmpdir, callbacks=[timer], min_steps=min_steps, min_epochs=min_epochs) trainer.fit(model) if min_epochs: assert trainer.current_epoch >= min_epochs - 1 if min_steps: assert trainer.global_step >= min_steps - 1 assert timer.time_elapsed() > duration.total_seconds() def test_timer_resume_training(tmpdir): """Test that the timer can resume together with the Trainer.""" model = BoringModel() timer = Timer(duration=timedelta(milliseconds=200)) checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(dirpath=tmpdir, save_top_k=-1) # initial training trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=100, callbacks=[timer, checkpoint_callback], ) trainer.fit(model) assert not timer._offset assert timer.time_remaining() <= 0 assert trainer.current_epoch < 99 saved_global_step = trainer.global_step # resume training (with depleted timer timer = Timer(duration=timedelta(milliseconds=200)) trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, callbacks=[timer, checkpoint_callback], ) trainer.fit(model, ckpt_path=checkpoint_callback.best_model_path) assert timer._offset > 0 assert trainer.global_step == saved_global_step + 1 @RunIf(skip_windows=True) def test_timer_track_stages(tmpdir): """Test that the timer tracks time also for other stages (train/val/test).""" # note: skipped on windows because time resolution of time.monotonic() is not high enough for this fast test model = BoringModel() timer = Timer() trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_steps=5, callbacks=[timer]) trainer.fit(model) assert timer.time_elapsed() == timer.time_elapsed("train") > 0 assert timer.time_elapsed("validate") > 0 assert timer.time_elapsed("test") == 0 trainer.test(model) assert timer.time_elapsed("test") > 0