Enable any server (basic)
**Audience:** Users who want to enable an arbitrary server/UI.
**Prereqs:** Basic python knowledge.
What is a server?
A server is a program that enables other programs or users to connect to it. As long as your server can listen on a port,
you can enable it with a Lightning App.
Add a server to a component
Any server that listens on a port, can be enabled via a work. For example, here's a plain python server:
.. code:: python
:emphasize-lines: 11-12
import socketserver
from http import HTTPStatus, server
class PlainServer(server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
# Data must be passed as bytes to the `self.wfile.write` call
html = b"
Hello lit world "
httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(("localhost", "3000"), PlainServer)
To enable the server inside the component, start the server in the run method and use the ``self.host`` and ``self.port`` properties:
.. code:: python
:emphasize-lines: 14-15
import lightning as L
import socketserver
from http import HTTPStatus, server
class PlainServer(server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
# Data must be passed as bytes to the `self.wfile.write` call
html = b" Hello lit world "
class LitServer(L.LightningWork):
def run(self):
httpd = socketserver.TCPServer((self.host, self.port), PlainServer)
Route the server in the root component
The final step, is to tell the Root component in which tab to render this component's output:
In this case, we render the ``LitServer`` output in the ``home`` tab of the application.
.. code:: python
:emphasize-lines: 20, 23, 28
import lightning as L
import socketserver
from http import HTTPStatus, server
class PlainServer(server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
# Data must be passed as bytes to the `self.wfile.write` call
html = b" Hello lit world "
class LitServer(L.LightningWork):
def run(self):
httpd = socketserver.TCPServer((self.host, self.port), PlainServer)
class Root(L.LightningFlow):
def __init__(self):
self.lit_server = LitServer(parallel=True)
def run(self):
def configure_layout(self):
tab1 = {"name": "home", "content": self.lit_server}
return tab1
app = L.LightningApp(Root())
We use the ``parallel=True`` argument of ``LightningWork`` to run the server in parallel
while the rest of the Lightning App runs everything else.
Run the app
Start the app to see your new UI!
.. code:: bash
lightning run app app.py
To run the app on the cloud, use the ``--cloud`` argument.
.. code:: bash
lightning run app app.py --cloud
Interact with a component from the server
TODO: how do we do this?
Interact with the server from a component
TODO: how do we do this?
Here are a few example apps that expose a server via a component:
.. raw:: html
.. Add callout items below this line
.. displayitem::
:header: Example: Tensorboard
:description: TODO
:col_css: col-md-4
:button_link: example_app.html
:height: 150
.. displayitem::
:header: Example: Streamlit
:description: TODO
:col_css: col-md-4
:button_link: example_app.html
:height: 150
.. displayitem::
:header: Example: React
:description: TODO
:col_css: col-md-4
:button_link: example_app.html
:height: 150
.. raw:: html