**The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research.
Scale your models, not the boilerplate.**
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## PyTorch Lightning is just organized PyTorch
Lightning disentangles PyTorch code to decouple the science from the engineering.
![PT to PL](/docs/source/_images/general/pl_quick_start_full_compressed.gif)
## Lightning Philosophy
Lightning is designed with these principles in mind:
Principle 1: Enable maximal flexibility.
Principle 2: Abstract away unecessary boilerplate, but make it accessible when needed.
Principle 3: Systems should be self-contained (ie: optimizers, computation code, etc).
Principle 4: Deep learning code should be organized into 4 distinct categories.
- Research code (the LightningModule).
- Engineering code (you delete, and is handled by the Trainer).
- Non-essential research code (logging, etc... this goes in Callbacks).
- Data (use PyTorch Dataloaders or organize them into a LightningDataModule).
Once you do this, you can train on multiple-GPUs, TPUs, CPUs and even in 16-bit precision without changing your code!
Get started with our [2 step guide](https://pytorch-lightning.readthedocs.io/en/stable/new-project.html)
## Inference
Lightning is also designed for the fast inference AI researchers and production teams need to scale up things like BERT and self-supervised learning.
Lightning can automatically export to ONNX or TorchScript for those cases.
## Trending contributors
## Continuous Integration