# PyTorch-Lightning Tests Most of the tests in PyTorch Lightning train a [BoringModel](https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning/blob/master/tests/helpers/boring_model.py) under various trainer conditions (ddp, ddp2+amp, etc...). Want to add a new test case and not sure how? [Talk to us!](https://join.slack.com/t/pytorch-lightning/shared_invite/zt-12iz3cds1-uyyyBYJLiaL2bqVmMN7n~A) ## Running tests **Local:** Testing your work locally will help you speed up the process since it allows you to focus on particular (failing) test-cases. To setup a local development environment, install both local and test dependencies: ```bash # clone the repo git clone https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning cd pytorch-lightning # install required depedencies python -m pip install ".[dev, examples]" # install pre-commit (optional) python -m pip install pre-commit pre-commit install ``` Additionally, for testing backward compatibility with older versions of PyTorch Lightning, you also need to download all saved version-checkpoints from the public AWS storage. Run the following script to get all saved version-checkpoints: ```bash wget https://pl-public-data.s3.amazonaws.com/legacy/checkpoints.zip -P legacy/ unzip -o legacy/checkpoints.zip -d legacy/ ``` Note: These checkpoints are generated to set baselines for maintaining backward compatibility with legacy versions of PyTorch Lightning. Details of checkpoints for back-compatibility can be found [here](https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning/blob/master/legacy/README.md). You can run the full test suite in your terminal via this make script: ```bash make test ``` Note: if your computer does not have multi-GPU or TPU these tests are skipped. **GitHub Actions:** For convenience, you can also use your own GHActions building which will be triggered with each commit. This is useful if you do not test against all required dependency versions. **Docker:** Another option is to utilize the [pytorch lightning cuda base docker image](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/pytorchlightning/pytorch_lightning/tags?page=1&name=cuda). You can then run: ```bash python -m pytest pytorch_lightning tests pl_examples -v ``` You can also run a single test as follows: ```bash python -m pytest -v tests/trainer/test_trainer_cli.py::test_default_args ``` ### Conditional Tests To test models that require GPU make sure to run the above command on a GPU machine. The GPU machine must have at least 2 GPUs to run distributed tests. Note that this setup will not run tests that require specific packages installed such as Horovod, FairScale, NVIDIA/apex, NVIDIA/DALI, etc. You can rely on our CI to make sure all these tests pass. ### Standalone Tests There are certain standalone tests, which you can run using: ```bash PL_RUN_STANDALONE_TESTS=1 python -m pytest -v tests/trainer/ # or ./tests/standalone_tests.sh tests/trainer ``` ## Running Coverage Make sure to run coverage on a GPU machine with at least 2 GPUs and NVIDIA apex installed. ```bash cd pytorch-lightning # generate coverage (coverage is also installed as part of dev dependencies under requirements/devel.txt) coverage run --source pytorch_lightning -m pytest pytorch_lightning tests pl_examples -v # print coverage stats coverage report -m # exporting results coverage xml ``` ## Building test image You can build it on your own, note it takes lots of time, be prepared. ```bash git clone docker image build -t pytorch_lightning:devel-torch1.9 -f dockers/cuda-extras/Dockerfile --build-arg TORCH_VERSION=1.9 . ``` To build other versions, select different Dockerfile. ```bash docker image list docker run --rm -it pytorch_lightning:devel-torch1.9 bash docker image rm pytorch_lightning:devel-torch1.9 ```