# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import torch from pytorch_lightning import Callback, LightningModule, Trainer from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ( EarlyStopping, GradientAccumulationScheduler, LearningRateMonitor, ModelCheckpoint, ProgressBar, ) from pytorch_lightning.trainer.connectors.callback_connector import CallbackConnector from tests.helpers import BoringModel def test_checkpoint_callbacks_are_last(tmpdir): """Test that checkpoint callbacks always get moved to the end of the list, with preserved order.""" checkpoint1 = ModelCheckpoint(tmpdir) checkpoint2 = ModelCheckpoint(tmpdir) early_stopping = EarlyStopping() lr_monitor = LearningRateMonitor() progress_bar = ProgressBar() # no model reference trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[checkpoint1, progress_bar, lr_monitor, checkpoint2]) cb_connector = CallbackConnector(trainer) cb_connector._attach_model_callbacks() assert trainer.callbacks == [progress_bar, lr_monitor, checkpoint1, checkpoint2] # no model callbacks model = LightningModule() model.configure_callbacks = lambda: [] trainer.model = model cb_connector._attach_model_callbacks() assert trainer.callbacks == [progress_bar, lr_monitor, checkpoint1, checkpoint2] # with model-specific callbacks that substitute ones in Trainer model = LightningModule() model.configure_callbacks = lambda: [checkpoint1, early_stopping, checkpoint2] trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[progress_bar, lr_monitor, ModelCheckpoint(tmpdir)]) trainer.model = model cb_connector = CallbackConnector(trainer) cb_connector._attach_model_callbacks() assert trainer.callbacks == [progress_bar, lr_monitor, early_stopping, checkpoint1, checkpoint2] class StatefulCallback0(Callback): def on_save_checkpoint(self, *args): return {"content0": 0} class StatefulCallback1(Callback): def __init__(self, unique=None, other=None): self._unique = unique self._other = other @property def state_key(self): return self._generate_state_key(unique=self._unique) def on_save_checkpoint(self, *args): return {"content1": self._unique} def test_all_callback_states_saved_before_checkpoint_callback(tmpdir): """Test that all callback states get saved even if the ModelCheckpoint is not given as last and when there are multiple callbacks of the same type.""" callback0 = StatefulCallback0() callback1 = StatefulCallback1(unique="one") callback2 = StatefulCallback1(unique="two", other=2) checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(dirpath=tmpdir, filename="all_states") model = BoringModel() trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_steps=1, limit_val_batches=1, callbacks=[ callback0, # checkpoint callback does not have to be at the end checkpoint_callback, # callback2 and callback3 have the same type callback1, callback2, ], ) trainer.fit(model) ckpt = torch.load(str(tmpdir / "all_states.ckpt")) state0 = ckpt["callbacks"]["StatefulCallback0"] state1 = ckpt["callbacks"]["StatefulCallback1{'unique': 'one'}"] state2 = ckpt["callbacks"]["StatefulCallback1{'unique': 'two'}"] assert "content0" in state0 and state0["content0"] == 0 assert "content1" in state1 and state1["content1"] == "one" assert "content1" in state2 and state2["content1"] == "two" assert ( "ModelCheckpoint{'monitor': None, 'mode': 'min', 'every_n_train_steps': 0, 'every_n_epochs': 1," " 'train_time_interval': None, 'save_on_train_epoch_end': True}" in ckpt["callbacks"] ) def test_attach_model_callbacks(): """Test that the callbacks defined in the model and through Trainer get merged correctly.""" def assert_composition(trainer_callbacks, model_callbacks, expected): model = LightningModule() model.configure_callbacks = lambda: model_callbacks trainer = Trainer(checkpoint_callback=False, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, callbacks=trainer_callbacks) trainer.model = model cb_connector = CallbackConnector(trainer) cb_connector._attach_model_callbacks() assert trainer.callbacks == expected early_stopping = EarlyStopping() progress_bar = ProgressBar() lr_monitor = LearningRateMonitor() grad_accumulation = GradientAccumulationScheduler({1: 1}) # no callbacks assert_composition(trainer_callbacks=[], model_callbacks=[], expected=[]) # callbacks of different types assert_composition( trainer_callbacks=[early_stopping], model_callbacks=[progress_bar], expected=[early_stopping, progress_bar] ) # same callback type twice, different instance assert_composition( trainer_callbacks=[progress_bar, EarlyStopping()], model_callbacks=[early_stopping], expected=[progress_bar, early_stopping], ) # multiple callbacks of the same type in trainer assert_composition( trainer_callbacks=[LearningRateMonitor(), EarlyStopping(), LearningRateMonitor(), EarlyStopping()], model_callbacks=[early_stopping, lr_monitor], expected=[early_stopping, lr_monitor], ) # multiple callbacks of the same type, in both trainer and model assert_composition( trainer_callbacks=[ LearningRateMonitor(), progress_bar, EarlyStopping(), LearningRateMonitor(), EarlyStopping(), ], model_callbacks=[early_stopping, lr_monitor, grad_accumulation, early_stopping], expected=[progress_bar, early_stopping, lr_monitor, grad_accumulation, early_stopping], ) def test_attach_model_callbacks_override_info(caplog): """Test that the logs contain the info about overriding callbacks returned by configure_callbacks.""" model = LightningModule() model.configure_callbacks = lambda: [LearningRateMonitor(), EarlyStopping()] trainer = Trainer(checkpoint_callback=False, callbacks=[EarlyStopping(), LearningRateMonitor(), ProgressBar()]) trainer.model = model cb_connector = CallbackConnector(trainer) with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): cb_connector._attach_model_callbacks() assert "existing callbacks passed to Trainer: EarlyStopping, LearningRateMonitor" in caplog.text