import os import re import torch from ..pt_overrides.override_data_parallel import LightningDistributedDataParallel, LightningDataParallel class ModelIO(object): def on_load_checkpoint(self, checkpoint): """ Do something with the checkpoint Gives model a chance to load something before state_dict is restored :param checkpoint: :return: """ pass def on_save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint): """ Give the model a chance to add something to the checkpoint. state_dict is already there """ pass # ------------------------- # OPTIONAL HOOKS # ------------------------- def on_hpc_save(self, checkpoint): """ Hook to do whatever you need right before Slurm manager saves the model :return: """ pass def on_hpc_load(self, checkpoint): """ Hook to do whatever you need right before Slurm manager loads the model :return: """ pass class TrainerIO(object): def __get_model(self): is_dp_module = type(self.model) is LightningDistributedDataParallel or type(self.model) is LightningDataParallel model = self.model.module if is_dp_module else self.model return model # -------------------- # MODEL SAVE CHECKPOINT # -------------------- def save_checkpoint(self, filepath): checkpoint = self.dump_checkpoint() # do the actual save, filepath) def dump_checkpoint(self): checkpoint = { 'epoch': self.current_epoch, 'global_step': self.global_step } if self.checkpoint_callback is not None: checkpoint['checkpoint_callback_best'] = if self.early_stop_callback is not None: checkpoint['early_stop_callback_wait'] = self.early_stop_callback.wait checkpoint['early_stop_callback_patience'] = self.early_stop_callback.patience # save optimizers optimizer_states = [] for i, optimizer in enumerate(self.optimizers): optimizer_states.append(optimizer.state_dict()) checkpoint['optimizer_states'] = optimizer_states # save lr schedulers lr_schedulers = [] for i, scheduler in enumerate(self.lr_schedulers): lr_schedulers.append(scheduler.state_dict()) checkpoint['lr_schedulers'] = lr_schedulers # add the state_dict from the model model = self.__get_model() checkpoint['state_dict'] = model.state_dict() # give the model a chance to add a few things model.on_save_checkpoint(checkpoint) return checkpoint # -------------------- # HPC IO # -------------------- def enable_auto_hpc_walltime_manager(self): if self.cluster is None: return # allow test tube to handle model check pointing automatically # only if proc 0 so we don't trigger world_size resubmits if self.proc_rank == 0: self.cluster.set_checkpoint_save_function( self.hpc_save, kwargs={ 'folderpath': self.checkpoint_callback.filepath, 'experiment': self.experiment } ) self.cluster.set_checkpoint_load_function( self.hpc_load, kwargs={ 'folderpath': self.checkpoint_callback.filepath, 'on_gpu': self.on_gpu } ) def restore_training_state(self, checkpoint): """ Restore trainer state. Model will get its change to update :param checkpoint: :return: """ if self.checkpoint_callback is not None: = checkpoint['checkpoint_callback_best'] if self.early_stop_callback is not None: self.early_stop_callback.wait = checkpoint['early_stop_callback_wait'] self.early_stop_callback.patience = checkpoint['early_stop_callback_patience'] self.global_step = checkpoint['global_step'] self.current_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] # restore the optimizers optimizer_states = checkpoint['optimizer_states'] for optimizer, opt_state in zip(self.optimizers, optimizer_states): optimizer.load_state_dict(opt_state) # restore the lr schedulers lr_schedulers = checkpoint['lr_schedulers'] for scheduler, lrs_state in zip(self.lr_schedulers, lr_schedulers): scheduler.load_state_dict(lrs_state) # ---------------------------------- # PRIVATE OPS # ---------------------------------- def hpc_save(self, folderpath, experiment): # make sure the checkpoint folder exists os.makedirs(folderpath, exist_ok=True) # save exp to make sure we get all the metrics # close experiment to avoid issues experiment.close() ckpt_number = self.max_ckpt_in_folder(folderpath) + 1 if not os.path.exists(folderpath): os.makedirs(folderpath, exist_ok=True) filepath = '{}/hpc_ckpt_{}.ckpt'.format(folderpath, ckpt_number) # give model a chance to do something on hpc_save model = self.__get_model() checkpoint = self.dump_checkpoint() model.on_hpc_save(checkpoint) # do the actual save, filepath) return filepath def hpc_load(self, folderpath, on_gpu): filepath = '{}/hpc_ckpt_{}.ckpt'.format(folderpath, self.max_ckpt_in_folder(folderpath)) if on_gpu: checkpoint = torch.load(filepath) else: checkpoint = torch.load(filepath, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) # load training state (affects trainer only) self.restore_training_state(checkpoint) # load model state model = self.__get_model() # load the state_dict on the model automatically model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) # call model hook model.on_hpc_load(checkpoint) def max_ckpt_in_folder(self, path): files = os.listdir(path) files = [x for x in files if 'ckpt_' in x] if len(files) == 0: return 0 ckpt_vs = [] for name in files: name = name.split('ckpt_')[-1] name = re.sub('[^0-9]', '', name) ckpt_vs.append(int(name)) return max(ckpt_vs) def load_hparams_from_tags_csv(tags_csv): from argparse import Namespace import pandas as pd tags_df = pd.read_csv(tags_csv) dic = tags_df.to_dict(orient='records') ns_dict = {row['key']: convert(row['value']) for row in dic} ns = Namespace(**ns_dict) return ns def convert(val): constructors = [int, float, str] if type(val) is str: if val.lower() == 'true': return True if val.lower() == 'false': return False for c in constructors: try: return c(val) except ValueError: pass return val