""" Generates a summary of a model's layers and dimensionality """ import gc import os import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE from typing import Tuple, Dict, Union, List import numpy as np import torch from torch.nn import Module import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning import _logger as log class ModelSummary(object): def __init__(self, model: 'pl.LightningModule', mode: str = 'full'): """ Generates summaries of model layers and dimensions. """ self.model = model self.mode = mode self.in_sizes = [] self.out_sizes = [] self.summarize() def __str__(self): return self.summary.__str__() def __repr__(self): return self.summary.__str__() def named_modules(self) -> List[Tuple[str, Module]]: if self.mode == 'full': mods = self.model.named_modules() mods = list(mods)[1:] # do not include root module (LightningModule) elif self.mode == 'top': # the children are the top-level modules mods = self.model.named_children() else: mods = [] return list(mods) def get_variable_sizes(self) -> None: """ Run sample input through each layer to get output sizes """ mods = self.named_modules() in_sizes = [] out_sizes = [] input_ = self.model.example_input_array if self.model.on_gpu: device = next(self.model.parameters()).get_device() # test if input is a list or a tuple if isinstance(input_, (list, tuple)): input_ = [input_i.cuda(device) if torch.is_tensor(input_i) else input_i for input_i in input_] else: input_ = input_.cuda(device) if self.model.trainer.use_amp: # test if it is not a list or a tuple if isinstance(input_, (list, tuple)): input_ = [input_i.half() if torch.is_tensor(input_i) else input_i for input_i in input_] else: input_ = input_.half() with torch.no_grad(): for _, m in mods: if isinstance(input_, (list, tuple)): # pragma: no-cover out = m(*input_) else: out = m(input_) if isinstance(input_, (list, tuple)): # pragma: no-cover in_size = [] for x in input_: if isinstance(x, list): in_size.append(len(x)) else: in_size.append(x.size()) else: in_size = np.array(input_.size()) in_sizes.append(in_size) if isinstance(out, (list, tuple)): # pragma: no-cover out_size = np.asarray([x.size() for x in out]) else: out_size = np.array(out.size()) out_sizes.append(out_size) input_ = out self.in_sizes = in_sizes self.out_sizes = out_sizes assert len(in_sizes) == len(out_sizes) def get_layer_names(self) -> None: """ Collect Layer Names """ mods = self.named_modules() names = [] layers = [] for name, m in mods: names += [name] layers += [str(m.__class__)] layer_types = [x.split('.')[-1][:-2] for x in layers] self.layer_names = names self.layer_types = layer_types def get_parameter_sizes(self) -> None: """ Get sizes of all parameters in `model` """ mods = self.named_modules() sizes = [] for _, m in mods: p = list(m.parameters()) modsz = [np.array(param.size()) for param in p] sizes.append(modsz) self.param_sizes = sizes def get_parameter_nums(self) -> None: """ Get number of parameters in each layer """ param_nums = [] for mod in self.param_sizes: all_params = 0 for p in mod: all_params += np.prod(p) param_nums.append(all_params) self.param_nums = param_nums def make_summary(self) -> None: """ Makes a summary listing with: Layer Name, Layer Type, Input Size, Output Size, Number of Parameters """ arrays = [['Name', self.layer_names], ['Type', self.layer_types], ['Params', list(map(get_human_readable_count, self.param_nums))]] if self.model.example_input_array is not None: arrays.append(['In sizes', self.in_sizes]) arrays.append(['Out sizes', self.out_sizes]) self.summary = _format_summary_table(*arrays) def summarize(self) -> None: self.get_layer_names() self.get_parameter_sizes() self.get_parameter_nums() if self.model.example_input_array is not None: self.get_variable_sizes() self.make_summary() def _format_summary_table(*cols) -> str: """ Takes in a number of arrays, each specifying a column in the summary table, and combines them all into one big string defining the summary table that are nicely formatted. """ n_rows = len(cols[0][1]) n_cols = 1 + len(cols) # Layer counter counter = list(map(str, list(range(n_rows)))) counter_len = max([len(c) for c in counter]) # Get formatting length of each column length = [] for c in cols: str_l = len(c[0]) # default length is header length for a in c[1]: if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): array_string = '[' + ', '.join([str(j) for j in a]) + ']' str_l = max(len(array_string), str_l) else: str_l = max(len(a), str_l) length.append(str_l) # Formatting s = '{:<{}}' full_length = sum(length) + 3 * n_cols header = [s.format(' ', counter_len)] + [s.format(c[0], l) for c, l in zip(cols, length)] # Summary = header + divider + Rest of table summary = ' | '.join(header) + '\n' + '-' * full_length for i in range(n_rows): line = s.format(counter[i], counter_len) for c, l in zip(cols, length): if isinstance(c[1][i], np.ndarray): array_string = '[' + ', '.join([str(j) for j in c[1][i]]) + ']' line += ' | ' + array_string + ' ' * (l - len(array_string)) else: line += ' | ' + s.format(c[1][i], l) summary += '\n' + line return summary def print_mem_stack() -> None: # pragma: no-cover for obj in gc.get_objects(): try: if torch.is_tensor(obj) or (hasattr(obj, 'data') and torch.is_tensor(obj.data)): log.info(type(obj), obj.size()) except Exception: pass def count_mem_items() -> Tuple[int, int]: # pragma: no-cover num_params = 0 num_tensors = 0 for obj in gc.get_objects(): try: if torch.is_tensor(obj) or (hasattr(obj, 'data') and torch.is_tensor(obj.data)): obj_type = str(type(obj)) if 'parameter' in obj_type: num_params += 1 else: num_tensors += 1 except Exception: pass return num_params, num_tensors def get_memory_profile(mode: str) -> Union[Dict[str, int], Dict[int, int]]: """ Get a profile of the current memory usage. :param mode: There are two modes: - 'all' means return memory for all gpus - 'min_max' means return memory for max and min :return: """ memory_map = get_gpu_memory_map() if mode == 'min_max': min_index, min_memory = min(memory_map.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]) max_index, max_memory = max(memory_map.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]) memory_map = {'min_gpu_mem': min_memory, 'max_gpu_mem': max_memory} return memory_map def get_gpu_memory_map() -> Dict[str, int]: """Get the current gpu usage. Return: A dictionary in which the keys are device ids as integers and values are memory usage as integers in MB. """ result = subprocess.run( [ 'nvidia-smi', '--query-gpu=memory.used', '--format=csv,nounits,noheader', ], encoding='utf-8', # capture_output=True, # valid for python version >=3.7 stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, # for backward compatibility with python version 3.6 check=True) # Convert lines into a dictionary gpu_memory = [int(x) for x in result.stdout.strip().split(os.linesep)] gpu_memory_map = {f'gpu_{index}': memory for index, memory in enumerate(gpu_memory)} return gpu_memory_map def get_human_readable_count(number: int) -> str: """ Abbreviates an integer number with K, M, B, T for thousands, millions, billions and trillions, respectively. Examples: 123 -> 123 1234 -> 1 K (one thousand) 2e6 -> 2 M (two million) 3e9 -> 3 B (three billion) 4e12 -> 4 T (four trillion) 5e15 -> 5,000 T :param number: a positive integer number :return: a string formatted according to the pattern described above. """ assert number >= 0 labels = [' ', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'] num_digits = int(np.floor(np.log10(number)) + 1 if number > 0 else 1) num_groups = int(np.ceil(num_digits / 3)) num_groups = min(num_groups, len(labels)) # don't abbreviate beyond trillions shift = -3 * (num_groups - 1) number = number * (10 ** shift) index = num_groups - 1 return f'{int(number):,d} {labels[index]}'