.. list-table:: reg. user 1.4 :widths: 40 40 20 :header-rows: 1 * - If - Then - Ref * - relied on the ``outputs`` in your ``LightningModule.on_train_epoch_end`` or ``Callback.on_train_epoch_end`` hooks - rely on either ``on_train_epoch_end`` or set outputs as attributes in your ``LightningModule`` instances and access them from the hook - `PR7339`_ * - accessed ``Trainer.truncated_bptt_steps`` - swicth to manual optimization - `PR7323`_ * - called ``LightningModule.write_predictions`` and ``LightningModule.write_predictions_dict`` - rely on ``predict_step`` and ``Trainer.predict`` + callbacks to write out predictions - `PR7066`_ * - passed the ``period`` argument to the ``ModelCheckpoint`` callback - pass the ``every_n_epochs`` argument to the ``ModelCheckpoint`` callback - `PR6146`_ * - passed the ``output_filename`` argument to ``Profiler`` - now pass ``dirpath`` and ``filename``, that is ``Profiler(dirpath=...., filename=...)`` - `PR6621`_ * - passed the ``profiled_functions`` argument in ``PytorchProfiler`` - now pass the ``record_functions`` argument - `PR6349`_ * - relied on the ``@auto_move_data`` decorator to use the ``LightningModule`` outside of the ``Trainer`` for inference - use ``Trainer.predict`` - `PR6993`_ * - implemented ``on_load_checkpoint`` with a ``checkpoint`` only argument, as in ``Callback.on_load_checkpoint(checkpoint)`` - now update the signature to include ``pl_module`` and ``trainer``, as in ``Callback.on_load_checkpoint(trainer, pl_module, checkpoint)`` - `PR7253`_ * - relied on ``pl.metrics`` - now import separate package ``torchmetrics`` - `torchmetrics`_ * - accessed ``datamodule`` attribute of ``LightningModule``, that is ``model.datamodule`` - now access ``Trainer.datamodule``, that is ``model.trainer.datamodule`` - `PR7168`_ .. _torchmetrics: https://torchmetrics.readthedocs.io/en/stable .. _pr7339: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/7339 .. _pr7323: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/7323 .. _pr7066: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/7066 .. _pr6146: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/6146 .. _pr6621: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/6621 .. _pr6349: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/6349 .. _pr6993: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/6993 .. _pr7253: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/7253 .. _pr7168: https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning/pull/7168