########### Style guide ########### A main goal of Lightning is to improve readability and reproducibility. Imagine looking into any GitHub repo, finding a lightning module and knowing exactly where to look to find the things you care about. The goal of this style guide is to encourage Lightning code to be structured similarly. -------------- *************** LightningModule *************** These are best practices about structuring your LightningModule Systems vs models ================= .. figure:: https://pl-bolts-doc-images.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/pl_docs/model_system.png :width: 400 The main principle behind a LightningModule is that a full system should be self-contained. In Lightning we differentiate between a system and a model. A model is something like a resnet18, RNN, etc. A system defines how a collection of models interact with each other. Examples of this are: * GANs * Seq2Seq * BERT * etc A LightningModule can define both a system and a model. Here's a LightningModule that defines a model: .. code-block:: python class LitModel(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self, num_layers: int = 3) super().__init__() self.layer_1 = nn.Linear(...) self.layer_2 = nn.Linear(...) self.layer_3 = nn.Linear(...) Here's a lightningModule that defines a system: .. testcode:: class LitModel(LightningModule): def __init__(self, encoder: nn.Module = None, decoder: nn.Module = None): super().__init__() self.encoder = encoder self.decoder = decoder For fast prototyping it's often useful to define all the computations in a LightningModule. For reusability and scalability it might be better to pass in the relevant backbones. Self-contained ============== A Lightning module should be self-contained. A good test to see how self-contained your model is, is to ask yourself this question: "Can someone drop this file into a Trainer without knowing anything about the internals?" For example, we couple the optimizer with a model because the majority of models require a specific optimizer with a specific learning rate scheduler to work well. Init ==== The first place where LightningModules tend to stop being self-contained is in the init. Try to define all the relevant sensible defaults in the init so that the user doesn't have to guess. Here's an example where a user will have to go hunt through files to figure out how to init this LightningModule. .. testcode:: class LitModel(LightningModule): def __init__(self, params): self.lr = params.lr self.coef_x = params.coef_x Models defined as such leave you with many questions; what is coef_x? is it a string? a float? what is the range? etc... Instead, be explicit in your init .. testcode:: class LitModel(LightningModule): def __init__(self, encoder: nn.Module, coeff_x: float = 0.2, lr: float = 1e-3): ... Now the user doesn't have to guess. Instead they know the value type and the model has a sensible default where the user can see the value immediately. Method order ============ The only required methods in the LightningModule are: * init * training_step * configure_optimizers However, if you decide to implement the rest of the optional methods, the recommended order is: * model/system definition (init) * if doing inference, define forward * training hooks * validation hooks * test hooks * configure_optimizers * any other hooks In practice, this code looks like: .. code-block:: python class LitModel(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(...): def forward(...): def training_step(...) def training_step_end(...) def training_epoch_end(...) def validation_step(...) def validation_step_end(...) def validation_epoch_end(...) def test_step(...) def test_step_end(...) def test_epoch_end(...) def configure_optimizers(...) def any_extra_hook(...) Forward vs training_step ======================== We recommend using forward for inference/predictions and keeping training_step independent .. code-block:: python def forward(...): embeddings = self.encoder(x) def training_step(...): x, y = ... z = self.encoder(x) pred = self.decoder(z) ... However, when using DataParallel, you will need to call forward manually .. code-block:: python def training_step(...): x, y = ... z = self(x) # < ---------- instead of self.encoder(x) pred = self.decoder(z) ... -------------- **** Data **** These are best practices for handling data. Dataloaders =========== Lightning uses dataloaders to handle all the data flow through the system. Whenever you structure dataloaders, make sure to tune the number of workers for maximum efficiency. .. warning:: Make sure not to use ddp_spawn with num_workers > 0 or you will bottleneck your code. DataModules =========== Lightning introduced datamodules. The problem with dataloaders is that sharing full datasets is often still challenging because all these questions need to be answered: * What splits were used? * How many samples does this dataset have? * What transforms were used? * etc... It's for this reason that we recommend you use datamodules. This is specially important when collaborating because it will save your team a lot of time as well. All they need to do is drop a datamodule into a lightning trainer and not worry about what was done to the data. This is true for both academic and corporate settings where data cleaning and ad-hoc instructions slow down the progress of iterating through ideas.