from tests.base.boring_model import BoringModel import os from pytorch_lightning import Trainer import warnings def test_no_depre_without_epoch_end(tmpdir): """ Tests that only training_step can be used """ os.environ['PL_DEV_DEBUG'] = '1' class TestModel(BoringModel): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): acc = self.step(batch[0]) return acc model = TestModel() model.validation_epoch_end = None trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, limit_train_batches=2, limit_val_batches=2, max_epochs=2, log_every_n_steps=1, weights_summary=None, ) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: for msg in w: assert 'should not return anything ' not in str(msg)