[build-system] requires = [ "setuptools", "wheel", ] [tool.isort] known_first_party = [ "pl_examples", "pytorch_lightning", "tests_pytorch", ] profile = "black" line_length = 120 force_sort_within_sections = "False" order_by_type = "False" skip = ["_notebooks"] [tool.black] line-length = 120 exclude = '(_notebooks/.*)' [tool.mypy] files = [ "src/pytorch_lightning", # TODO: Check typing in app source # "src/lightning_app", ] install_types = "True" non_interactive = "True" disallow_untyped_defs = "True" ignore_missing_imports = "True" show_error_codes = "True" warn_redundant_casts = "True" warn_unused_configs = "True" warn_unused_ignores = "True" allow_redefinition = "True" # disable this rule as the Trainer attributes are defined in the connectors, not in its __init__ disable_error_code = "attr-defined" # style choices warn_no_return = "False" # Ignore mypy errors for these files # TODO: the goal is for this to be empty [[tool.mypy.overrides]] # the list can be generated with: # mypy --no-error-summary 2>&1 | tr ':' ' ' | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq | sed 's/\.py//g; s|src/||g; s|\/|\.|g' | xargs -I {} echo '"{}",' module = [ "pytorch_lightning.callbacks.progress.rich_progress", "pytorch_lightning.profilers.base", "pytorch_lightning.profilers.pytorch", "pytorch_lightning.trainer.supporters", "pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer", "pytorch_lightning.tuner.batch_size_scaling", "pytorch_lightning.utilities.auto_restart", "pytorch_lightning.utilities.data", ] ignore_errors = "True"