.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: <../fundamentals/convert> <../fundamentals/accelerators> <../fundamentals/code_structure> <../fundamentals/launch> <../fundamentals/notebooks> <../fundamentals/precision> ############ Basic skills ############ .. raw:: html
.. displayitem:: :header: Convert to Fabric in 5 minutes :description: Learn how to add Fabric to your PyTorch code :button_link: ../fundamentals/convert.html :col_css: col-md-4 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Accelerators :description: Take advantage of your hardware with a switch of a flag :button_link: ../fundamentals/accelerators.html :col_css: col-md-4 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Code Structure :description: Best practices for setting up your training script with Fabric :button_link: ../fundamentals/code_structure.html :col_css: col-md-4 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Launch Distributed Training :description: Launch a Python script on multiple devices and machines :button_link: ../fundamentals/launch.html :col_css: col-md-4 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Fabric in Notebooks :description: Launch on multiple devices from within a Jupyter notebook :button_link: ../fundamentals/notebooks.html :col_css: col-md-4 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Mixed Precision Training :description: Save memory and speed up training using mixed precision :button_link: ../fundamentals/precision.html :col_css: col-md-4 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. raw:: html