# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import inspect from functools import partial from typing import Generator import torch from pl_examples.domain_templates.generative_adversarial_net import GAN as GANTemplate from pl_examples.domain_templates.generative_adversarial_net import MNISTDataModule from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.loops import OptimizerLoop from pytorch_lightning.loops.optimization.optimizer_loop import ClosureResult from pytorch_lightning.loops.utilities import _build_training_step_kwargs from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException ############################################################################################# # Yield Loop # # # # This example shows an implementation of a custom loop that changes how the # # `LightningModule.training_step` behaves. In particular, this custom "Yield" loop will # # enable the `training_step` to yield like a Python generator, retaining the values # # of local variables for subsequent calls. This can result in much cleaner and elegant # # code when dealing with multiple optimizers (automatic optimization). # # # # Learn more about the loop structure from the documentation: # # https://pytorch-lightning.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extensions/loops.html # ############################################################################################# ############################################################################################# # Step 1 / 3: Implement a custom OptimizerLoop # # # # The `training_step` gets called in the # # `pytorch_lightning.loops.optimization.OptimizerLoop`. To make it into a Python generator, # # we need to override the place where it gets called. # ############################################################################################# class YieldLoop(OptimizerLoop): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._generator = None def connect(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not connect any child loops.") def on_run_start(self, batch, optimizers, batch_idx): super().on_run_start(batch, optimizers, batch_idx) if not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(self.trainer.lightning_module.training_step): raise MisconfigurationException("The `LightningModule` does not yield anything in the `training_step`.") assert self.trainer.lightning_module.automatic_optimization # We request the generator once and save it for later # so we can call next() on it. self._generator = self._get_generator(batch, batch_idx, opt_idx=0) def _make_step_fn(self, split_batch, batch_idx, opt_idx): return partial(self._training_step, self._generator) def _get_generator(self, split_batch, batch_idx, opt_idx): step_kwargs = _build_training_step_kwargs( self.trainer.lightning_module, self.trainer.optimizers, split_batch, batch_idx, opt_idx, hiddens=None ) # Here we are basically calling `lightning_module.training_step()` # and this returns a generator! The `training_step` is handled by the # accelerator to enable distributed training. return self.trainer.training_type_plugin.training_step(*step_kwargs.values()) def _training_step(self, generator): # required for logging self.trainer.lightning_module._current_fx_name = "training_step" # Here, instead of calling `lightning_module.training_step()` # we call next() on the generator! training_step_output = next(generator) self.trainer.training_type_plugin.post_training_step() model_output = self.trainer._call_lightning_module_hook("training_step_end", training_step_output) strategy_output = self.trainer._call_strategy_hook("training_step_end", training_step_output) training_step_output = strategy_output if model_output is None else model_output # The closure result takes care of properly detaching the loss for logging and peforms # some additional checks that the output format is correct. result = ClosureResult.from_training_step_output(training_step_output, self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches) return result ############################################################################################# # Step 2 / 3: Implement a model using the new yield mechanism # # # # We can now implement a model that defines the `training_step` using "yield" statements. # # We choose a generative adversarial network (GAN) because it alternates between two # # optimizers updating the model parameters. In the first step we compute the loss of the # # first network (coincidentally also named "generator") and yield the loss. In the second # # step we compute the loss of the second network (the "discriminator") and yield again. # # The nice property of this yield approach is that we can reuse variables that we computed # # earlier. If this was a regular Lightning `training_step`, we would have to recompute the # # output of the first network. # ############################################################################################# class GAN(GANTemplate): # This training_step method is now a Python generator def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx, optimizer_idx=0) -> Generator: imgs, _ = batch z = torch.randn(imgs.shape[0], self.hparams.latent_dim) z = z.type_as(imgs) # Here, we compute the generator output once and reuse it later. # It gets saved when we yield from the training_step. # The output then gets re-used again in the discriminator update. generator_output = self(z) # train generator real_labels = torch.ones(imgs.size(0), 1) real_labels = real_labels.type_as(imgs) g_loss = self.adversarial_loss(self.discriminator(generator_output), real_labels) self.log("g_loss", g_loss) # Yield instead of return: This makes the training_step a Python generator. # Once we call it again, it will continue the execution with the block below yield g_loss # train discriminator real_labels = torch.ones(imgs.size(0), 1) real_labels = real_labels.type_as(imgs) real_loss = self.adversarial_loss(self.discriminator(imgs), real_labels) fake_labels = torch.zeros(imgs.size(0), 1) fake_labels = fake_labels.type_as(imgs) # We make use again of the generator_output fake_loss = self.adversarial_loss(self.discriminator(generator_output.detach()), fake_labels) d_loss = (real_loss + fake_loss) / 2 self.log("d_loss", d_loss) yield d_loss ############################################################################################# # Step 3 / 3: Connect the loop to the Trainer # # # # Finally, attach the loop to the `Trainer`. Here, we modified the `AutomaticOptimization` # # loop which is a subloop of the `TrainingBatchLoop`. We use `.connect()` to attach it. # ############################################################################################# if __name__ == "__main__": model = GAN() dm = MNISTDataModule() trainer = Trainer() # Connect the new loop # YieldLoop now replaces the previous optimizer loop trainer.fit_loop.epoch_loop.batch_loop.connect(optimizer_loop=YieldLoop()) # fit() will now use the new loop! trainer.fit(model, dm)