trigger: tags: include: - '*' branches: include: - master - release/* - refs/tags/* pr: branches: include: - "master" - "release/*" paths: include: - ".actions/**" - ".azure/ipu-tests.yml" - "requirements/fabric/**" - "src/lightning_fabric/**" - "requirements/pytorch/**" - "src/pytorch_lightning/**" - "tests/tests_pytorch/**" - "setup.cfg" # includes pytest config exclude: - "requirements/*/docs.txt" - "*.md" - "**/*.md" variables: - name: poplar_sdk # value: "poplar_sdk-ubuntu_20_04-3.0.0+1145-1b114aac3a" jobs: - job: testing # how long to run the job before automatically cancelling timeoutInMinutes: "15" pool: graphcore-ipus workspace: clean: all steps: - script: tar -xvzf /opt/poplar/${{ variables.poplar_sdk }}.tar.gz displayName: "Extract Poplar SDK" - script: | set -eux pip debug --verbose pip install ${{ variables.poplar_sdk }}/poptorch-*ubuntu*.whl displayName: "Install poptorch" - script: | set -eux source ${{ variables.poplar_sdk }}/poplar-ubuntu*/ NUM_IPUS=$(gc-info --ipu-count) if [[ -z "${NUM_IPUS}" ]] || [[ "${NUM_IPUS}" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "No IPUs found to reset. Exiting" exit 1 fi echo "Resetting parity on ${NUM_IPUS} IPU devices" i=0 while [[ i -lt "${NUM_IPUS}" ]]; do gc-reset -d "${i}" i=$((i + 1)) done displayName: "Reset IPU devices" - bash: | for fpath in `ls requirements/**/*.txt`; do \ python ./requirements/pytorch/ $fpath; \ done pip install -e .[dev] pip list env: PACKAGE_NAME: "pytorch" FREEZE_REQUIREMENTS: "1" GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT: "1" displayName: 'Install dependencies' - bash: | python requirements/ python -c "import torch" displayName: 'Env details' - script: | set -eux source ${{ variables.poplar_sdk }}/poplar-ubuntu*/ source ${{ variables.poplar_sdk }}/popart-ubuntu*/ python -c "import poptorch; print(poptorch.__version__)" displayName: "Check poptorch installation" - bash: | source ${{ variables.poplar_sdk }}/poplar-ubuntu*/ source ${{ variables.poplar_sdk }}/popart-ubuntu*/ python -m coverage run --source pytorch_lightning -m pytest tests/tests_pytorch -vv --durations=50 env: MKL_THREADING_LAYER: "GNU" POPTORCH_WAIT_FOR_IPU: "1" PL_RUN_IPU_TESTS: "1" displayName: 'Testing: PyTorch standard'