# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Profiler to check if there are any bottlenecks in your code.""" import cProfile import io import logging import os import pstats import time from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union import numpy as np from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_warn from pytorch_lightning.utilities.cloud_io import get_filesystem log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AbstractProfiler(ABC): """Specification of a profiler.""" @abstractmethod def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: """Defines how to start recording an action.""" @abstractmethod def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: """Defines how to record the duration once an action is complete.""" @abstractmethod def summary(self) -> str: """Create profiler summary in text format.""" @abstractmethod def setup(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Execute arbitrary pre-profiling set-up steps as defined by subclass.""" @abstractmethod def teardown(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Execute arbitrary post-profiling tear-down steps as defined by subclass.""" class BaseProfiler(AbstractProfiler): """ If you wish to write a custom profiler, you should inherit from this class. """ def __init__( self, dirpath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, output_filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.dirpath = dirpath self.filename = filename if output_filename is not None: rank_zero_warn( "`Profiler` signature has changed in v1.3. The `output_filename` parameter has been removed in" " favor of `dirpath` and `filename`. Support for the old signature will be removed in v1.5", DeprecationWarning ) filepath = Path(output_filename) self.dirpath = filepath.parent self.filename = filepath.stem self._output_file: Optional[TextIO] = None self._write_stream: Optional[Callable] = None self._local_rank: Optional[int] = None self._log_dir: Optional[str] = None self._stage: Optional[str] = None @contextmanager def profile(self, action_name: str) -> None: """ Yields a context manager to encapsulate the scope of a profiled action. Example:: with self.profile('load training data'): # load training data code The profiler will start once you've entered the context and will automatically stop once you exit the code block. """ try: self.start(action_name) yield action_name finally: self.stop(action_name) def profile_iterable(self, iterable, action_name: str) -> None: iterator = iter(iterable) while True: try: self.start(action_name) value = next(iterator) self.stop(action_name) yield value except StopIteration: self.stop(action_name) break def _rank_zero_info(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: if self._local_rank in (None, 0): log.info(*args, **kwargs) def _prepare_filename(self) -> str: filename = "" if self._stage is not None: filename += f"{self._stage}-" filename += str(self.filename) if self._local_rank is not None: filename += f"-{self.local_rank}" filename += ".txt" return filename def _prepare_streams(self) -> None: if self._write_stream is not None: return if self.filename: dirpath = self.dirpath or self._log_dir filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, self._prepare_filename()) fs = get_filesystem(filepath) file = fs.open(filepath, "a") self._output_file = file self._write_stream = file.write else: self._write_stream = self._rank_zero_info def describe(self) -> None: """Logs a profile report after the conclusion of run.""" # there are pickling issues with open file handles in Python 3.6 # so to avoid them, we open and close the files within this function # by calling `_prepare_streams` and `teardown` self._prepare_streams() self._write_stream(self.summary()) if self._output_file is not None: self._output_file.flush() self.teardown(stage=self._stage) def _stats_to_str(self, stats: Dict[str, str]) -> str: stage = f"{self._stage.upper()} " if self._stage is not None else "" output = [stage + "Profiler Report"] for action, value in stats.items(): header = f"Profile stats for: {action}" if self._local_rank is not None: header += f" rank: {self._local_rank}" output.append(header) output.append(value) return os.linesep.join(output) def setup( self, stage: Optional[str] = None, local_rank: Optional[int] = None, log_dir: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Execute arbitrary pre-profiling set-up steps.""" self._stage = stage self._local_rank = local_rank self._log_dir = log_dir if self.dirpath is None: self.dirpath = self._log_dir def teardown(self, stage: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Execute arbitrary post-profiling tear-down steps. Closes the currently open file and stream. """ self._write_stream = None if self._output_file is not None: self._output_file.close() self._output_file = None # can't pickle TextIOWrapper def __del__(self) -> None: self.teardown(stage=self._stage) def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError def summary(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError @property def local_rank(self): return '0' if self._local_rank is None else self._local_rank class PassThroughProfiler(BaseProfiler): """ This class should be used when you don't want the (small) overhead of profiling. The Trainer uses this class by default. """ def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: pass def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: pass def summary(self) -> str: return "" class SimpleProfiler(BaseProfiler): """ This profiler simply records the duration of actions (in seconds) and reports the mean duration of each action and the total time spent over the entire training run. """ def __init__( self, dirpath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, extended: bool = True, output_filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: dirpath: Directory path for the ``filename``. If ``dirpath`` is ``None`` but ``filename`` is present, the ``trainer.log_dir`` (from :class:`~pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard.TensorBoardLogger`) will be used. filename: If present, filename where the profiler results will be saved instead of printing to stdout. The ``.txt`` extension will be used automatically. Raises: ValueError: If you attempt to start an action which has already started, or if you attempt to stop recording an action which was never started. """ super().__init__(dirpath=dirpath, filename=filename, output_filename=output_filename) self.current_actions: Dict[str, float] = {} self.recorded_durations = defaultdict(list) self.extended = extended self.start_time = time.monotonic() def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: if action_name in self.current_actions: raise ValueError(f"Attempted to start {action_name} which has already started.") self.current_actions[action_name] = time.monotonic() def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: end_time = time.monotonic() if action_name not in self.current_actions: raise ValueError(f"Attempting to stop recording an action ({action_name}) which was never started.") start_time = self.current_actions.pop(action_name) duration = end_time - start_time self.recorded_durations[action_name].append(duration) def _make_report(self) -> Tuple[list, float]: total_duration = time.monotonic() - self.start_time report = [[a, d, 100. * np.sum(d) / total_duration] for a, d in self.recorded_durations.items()] report.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) return report, total_duration def summary(self) -> str: sep = os.linesep output_string = "" if self._stage is not None: output_string += f"{self._stage.upper()} " output_string += f"Profiler Report{sep}" if self.extended: if len(self.recorded_durations) > 0: max_key = np.max([len(k) for k in self.recorded_durations.keys()]) def log_row(action, mean, num_calls, total, per): row = f"{sep}{action:<{max_key}s}\t| {mean:<15}\t|" row += f"{num_calls:<15}\t| {total:<15}\t| {per:<15}\t|" return row output_string += log_row("Action", "Mean duration (s)", "Num calls", "Total time (s)", "Percentage %") output_string_len = len(output_string) output_string += f"{sep}{'-' * output_string_len}" report, total_duration = self._make_report() output_string += log_row("Total", "-", "_", f"{total_duration:.5}", "100 %") output_string += f"{sep}{'-' * output_string_len}" for action, durations, duration_per in report: output_string += log_row( action, f"{np.mean(durations):.5}", f"{len(durations):}", f"{np.sum(durations):.5}", f"{duration_per:.5}", ) else: def log_row(action, mean, total): return f"{sep}{action:<20s}\t| {mean:<15}\t| {total:<15}" output_string += log_row("Action", "Mean duration (s)", "Total time (s)") output_string += f"{sep}{'-' * 65}" for action, durations in self.recorded_durations.items(): output_string += log_row(action, f"{np.mean(durations):.5}", f"{np.sum(durations):.5}") output_string += sep return output_string class AdvancedProfiler(BaseProfiler): """ This profiler uses Python's cProfiler to record more detailed information about time spent in each function call recorded during a given action. The output is quite verbose and you should only use this if you want very detailed reports. """ def __init__( self, dirpath: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, line_count_restriction: float = 1.0, output_filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: dirpath: Directory path for the ``filename``. If ``dirpath`` is ``None`` but ``filename`` is present, the ``trainer.log_dir`` (from :class:`~pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard.TensorBoardLogger`) will be used. filename: If present, filename where the profiler results will be saved instead of printing to stdout. The ``.txt`` extension will be used automatically. line_count_restriction: this can be used to limit the number of functions reported for each action. either an integer (to select a count of lines), or a decimal fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive (to select a percentage of lines) Raises: ValueError: If you attempt to stop recording an action which was never started. """ super().__init__(dirpath=dirpath, filename=filename, output_filename=output_filename) self.profiled_actions: Dict[str, cProfile.Profile] = {} self.line_count_restriction = line_count_restriction def start(self, action_name: str) -> None: if action_name not in self.profiled_actions: self.profiled_actions[action_name] = cProfile.Profile() self.profiled_actions[action_name].enable() def stop(self, action_name: str) -> None: pr = self.profiled_actions.get(action_name) if pr is None: raise ValueError(f"Attempting to stop recording an action ({action_name}) which was never started.") pr.disable() def summary(self) -> str: recorded_stats = {} for action_name, pr in self.profiled_actions.items(): s = io.StringIO() ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).strip_dirs().sort_stats('cumulative') ps.print_stats(self.line_count_restriction) recorded_stats[action_name] = s.getvalue() return self._stats_to_str(recorded_stats) def teardown(self, stage: Optional[str] = None) -> None: super().teardown(stage=stage) self.profiled_actions = {} def __reduce__(self): # avoids `TypeError: cannot pickle 'cProfile.Profile' object` return ( self.__class__, tuple(), dict(dirpath=self.dirpath, filename=self.filename, line_count_restriction=self.line_count_restriction), )