import os from importlib import import_module import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error import lightning as L from import TracerPythonScript from import Payload from import Dict, List def get_path(path): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path) class GetDataWork(L.LightningWork): """This component is responsible to download some data and store them with a PayLoad.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.df_data = None self.df_target = None def run(self): print("Starting data collection...") data = datasets.fetch_california_housing(data_home=get_path("data")) self.df_data = Payload(pd.DataFrame(data["data"], columns=data["feature_names"])) self.df_target = Payload(pd.DataFrame(data["target"], columns=["MedHouseVal"])) print("Finished data collection.") class ModelWork(L.LightningWork): """This component is receiving some data and train a sklearn model.""" def __init__(self, model_path: str, parallel: bool): super().__init__(parallel=parallel) self.model_path, self.model_name = model_path.split(".") self.test_rmse = None def run(self, X_train: Payload, X_test: Payload, y_train: Payload, y_test: Payload): print(f"Starting training and evaluating {self.model_name}...") module = import_module(f"sklearn.{self.model_path}") model = getattr(module, self.model_name)(), y_train.value.ravel()) y_test_prediction = model.predict(X_test.value) self.test_rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test.value, y_test_prediction)) print(f"Finished training and evaluating {self.model_name}.") class DAG(L.LightningFlow): """This component is a DAG.""" def __init__(self, models_paths): super().__init__() # Step 1: Create a work to get the data. self.data_collector = GetDataWork() # Step 2: Create a tracer component. This is used to execute python script # and collect any outputs from its globals as Payloads. self.processing = TracerPythonScript( get_path(""), outputs=["X_train", "X_test", "y_train", "y_test"], ) # Step 3: Create the work to train the models_paths in parallel. self.dict = Dict( **{model_path.split(".")[-1]: ModelWork(model_path, parallel=True) for model_path in models_paths} ) # Step 4: Some element to track components progress. self.has_completed = False self.metrics = {} def run(self): # Step 1 and 2: Download and process the data. self.data_collector.stop() # Stop the data_collector to reduce cost df_data=self.data_collector.df_data, df_target=self.data_collector.df_target, ) self.processing.stop() # Stop the processing to reduce cost # Step 3: Launch n models training in parallel. for model, work in self.dict.items(): X_train=self.processing.X_train, X_test=self.processing.X_test, y_train=self.processing.y_train, y_test=self.processing.y_test, ) if work.test_rmse: # Use the state to control when to collect and stop. self.metrics[model] = work.test_rmse work.stop() # Stop the model work to reduce cost # Step 4: Print the score of each model when they are all finished. if len(self.metrics) == len(self.dict): print(self.metrics) self.has_completed = True class ScheduledDAG(L.LightningFlow): def __init__(self, dag_cls, **dag_kwargs): super().__init__() self.dags = List() self._dag_cls = dag_cls self.dag_kwargs = dag_kwargs def run(self): """Example of scheduling an infinite number of DAG runs continuously.""" # Step 1: Every minute, create and launch a new DAG. if self.schedule("* * * * *"): print("Launching a new DAG") self.dags.append(self._dag_cls(**self.dag_kwargs)) for dag in self.dags: if not dag.has_completed: app = L.LightningApp( ScheduledDAG( DAG, models=[ "svm.SVR", "linear_model.LinearRegression", "tree.DecisionTreeRegressor", ], ), )