PyTorch Lightning uses `fsspec <>`_ internally to handle all filesystem operations.
Modularize your checkpoints
Checkpoints can also save the state of :doc:`datamodules <../extensions/datamodules_state>` and :doc:`callbacks <../extensions/callbacks_state>`.
Modify a checkpoint anywhere
When you need to change the components of a checkpoint before saving or loading, use the :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.core.hooks.CheckpointHooks.on_save_checkpoint` and :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.core.hooks.CheckpointHooks.on_load_checkpoint` of your ``LightningModule``.
Use the above approach when you need to couple this behavior to your LightningModule for reproducibility reasons. Otherwise, Callbacks also have the :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.callback.Callback.on_save_checkpoint` and :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.callback.Callback.on_load_checkpoint` which you should use instead: