Welcome to the PyTorch Lightning community! We're building the most advanced research platform on the planet to implement the latest, best practices that the amazing PyTorch team rolls out!
When something becomes a best practice, we add it to the framework. This is usually something like bits of code in utils or in the model file that everyone keeps adding over and over again across projects. When this happens, bring that code inside the trainer and add a flag for it.
What makes sense to you may not make sense to others. When creating an issue with an API change suggestion, please validate that it makes sense for others.
We all hate updating our deep learning packages because we don't want to refactor a bunch of stuff. In Lightning, we make sure every change we make which could break an API is backward compatible with good deprecation warnings.
As a researcher, you can't have any part of your code going wrong. So, make thorough tests to ensure that every implementation of a new trick or subtle change is correct.
Have a favorite feature from other libraries like fast.ai or transformers? Those should just work with lightning as well. Grab your favorite model or learning rate scheduler from your favorite library and run it in Lightning.
A lot of good work has already been done in project mechanics (requirements.txt, setup.py, pep8, badges, ci, etc...) so we're in a good state there thanks to all the early contributors (even pre-beta release)!
_**Note**, even if you do not find the solution, sending a PR with a test covering the issue is a valid contribution and we can help you or finish it with you :]_
- [This PR](https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning/pull/2671) is a good example for adding a new metric, and [this one for a new logger](https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning/pull/2721).
Want to keep Lightning healthy? Love seeing those green tests? So do we! How to we keep it that way? We write tests! We value tests contribution even more than new features.
Most of the tests in PyTorch Lightning train a trial MNIST model under various trainer conditions (ddp, ddp2+amp, etc...). The tests expect the model to perform to a reasonable degree of testing accuracy to pass. Want to add a new test case and not sure how? [Talk to us!](https://join.slack.com/t/pytorch-lightning/shared_invite/zt-f6bl2l0l-JYMK3tbAgAmGRrlNr00f1A)
If you use some third-party implementation, all such blocks/functions/modules shall be properly referred and if possible also agreed by code's author. For example - `This code is inspired from http://...`.
In case you adding new dependencies, make sure that they are compatible with the actual PyTorch Lightning license (ie. dependencies should be _at least_ as permissive as the PyTorch Lightning license).
**Docker:** Another option is utilize the [pytorch lightning cuda base docker image](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/pytorchlightning/pytorch_lightning/tags?page=1&name=cuda). You can then run:
0. Think about what you want to do - fix a bug, repair docs, etc. If you want to implement a new feature or enhance an existing one, start by opening a GitHub issue to explain the feature and the motivation. Members from core-contributors will take a look (it might take some time - we are often overloaded with issues!) and discuss it. Once an agreement was reached - start coding.
1. Start your work locally (usually until you need our CI testing).
- Create a branch and prepare your changes.
- Tip: do not work with your master directly, it may become complicated when you need to rebase.
All types of contributions are welcome - reporting bugs, fixing documentation, adding test cases, solving issues, and preparing bug fixes.
To get started with code contributions, look for issues marked with the label [good first issue](https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) or chose something close to your domain with the label [help wanted](https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22help+wanted%22). Before coding, make sure that the issue description is clear and comment on the issue so that we can assign it to you (or simply self-assign if you can).
We recommend you follow this convention `<type>/<issue-id>_<short-name>` where the types are: `bugfix`, `feature`, `docs`, or `tests` (but if you are using your own fork that's optional).
We recommend creating a PR in a separate branch other than `master`, especially if you plan to submit several changes and do not want to wait until the first one is resolved (we can work on them in parallel).
First, make sure you have set [upstream](https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/configuring-a-remote-for-a-fork) by running:
Currently we have separate streams/branches for bugfixes/features and release from the default branch (`master`).
Bugfixes should land in this `master` branch and features should land in `release/X.y-dev`.
This means that when starting your contribution and creating a branch according to question 2) you should start this new branch from master or future release dev branch.
Later in PR creation also pay attention to properly set the target branch, usually the starting (base) and target branch are the same.
_Note, that this flow may change after the 1.2 release as we will adjust releasing strategy._
#### How to fix PR with mixed base and target branches?
Sometimes you start your PR as a bug-fix but it turns out to be more of a feature (or the other way around).
Do not panic, the solution is very straightforward and quite simple.
All you need to do are these two steps in arbitrary order:
- Ask someone from Core to change the base/target branch to the correct one
- Rebase or cherry-pick your commits onto the correct base branch...
Let's show how to deal with the git...
the sample case is moving a PR from `master` to `release/1.2-dev` assuming my branch name is `my-branch`
and the last true master commit is `ccc111` and your first commit is `mmm222`.
* **Cherry-picking** way
git checkout my-branch
# create a local backup of your branch
git checkout -b my-branch-backup
# reset your branch to the correct base
git reset release/1.2-dev --hard
# ACTION: this step is much easier to do with IDE
# so open one and cherry-pick your last commits from `my-branch-backup`
# resolve all eventual conflict as the new base may contain different code
# when all done, push back to the open PR
git push -f
* **Rebasing way**, see more about [rebase onto usage](https://womanonrails.com/git-rebase-onto)
git checkout my-branch
# rebase your commits on the correct branch
git rebase --onto release/1.2-dev ccc111
# if there is no collision you shall see just success
# eventually you would need to resolve collision and in such case follow the instruction in terminal
If you don't want to remember all the commands above every time you want to push some code/setup a Lightning Dev environment on a new VM, you can set up bash aliases for some common commands. You can add these to one of your `~/.bashrc`, `~/.zshrc`, or `~/.bash_aliases` files.
NOTE: Once you edit one of these files, remember to `source` it or restart your shell. (ex. `source ~/.bashrc` if you added these to your `~/.bashrc` file).