2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
import sys
from pathlib import Path
2020-08-06 00:42:09 +00:00
import pytest
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.multiprocessing as mp
2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer, seed_everything
2020-08-06 00:42:09 +00:00
from pytorch_lightning.core.step_result import Result, TrainResult, EvalResult
import tests.base.develop_utils as tutils
2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
from tests.base import EvalModelTemplate
from tests.base.datamodules import TrialMNISTDataModule
2020-08-06 00:42:09 +00:00
def _setup_ddp(rank, worldsize):
import os
os.environ["MASTER_ADDR"] = "localhost"
# initialize the process group
dist.init_process_group("gloo", rank=rank, world_size=worldsize)
def _ddp_test_fn(rank, worldsize, result_cls: Result):
_setup_ddp(rank, worldsize)
tensor = torch.tensor([1.0])
res = result_cls()
2020-08-11 23:39:43 +00:00
res.log("test_tensor", tensor, sync_dist=True, sync_dist_op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)
2020-08-06 00:42:09 +00:00
assert res["test_tensor"].item() == dist.get_world_size(), "Result-Log does not work properly with DDP and Tensors"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("result_cls", [Result, TrainResult, EvalResult])
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="DDP not available on windows")
def test_result_reduce_ddp(result_cls):
"""Make sure result logging works with DDP"""
worldsize = 2
mp.spawn(_ddp_test_fn, args=(worldsize, result_cls), nprocs=worldsize)
2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
0, True, 0, id='full_loop'
0, False, 0, id='test_only'
1, False, 0, id='test_only_mismatching_tensor', marks=pytest.mark.xfail(raises=ValueError, match="Mism.*")
2, False, 0, id='mix_of_tensor_dims'
3, False, 0, id='string_list_predictions'
4, False, 0, id='int_list_predictions'
5, False, 0, id='nested_list_predictions'
6, False, 0, id='dict_list_predictions'
0, True, 1, id='full_loop_single_gpu', marks=pytest.mark.skipif(torch.cuda.device_count() < 1, reason="test requires single-GPU machine")
def test_result_obj_predictions(tmpdir, test_option, do_train, gpus):
dm = TrialMNISTDataModule(tmpdir)
2020-09-23 11:44:15 +00:00
prediction_file = Path(tmpdir) / 'predictions.pt'
2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
model = EvalModelTemplate()
model.test_option = test_option
model.prediction_file = prediction_file.as_posix()
model.test_step = model.test_step_result_preds
model.test_step_end = None
model.test_epoch_end = None
model.test_end = None
if prediction_file.exists():
trainer = Trainer(
# Prediction file shouldn't exist yet because we haven't done anything
assert not prediction_file.exists()
if do_train:
result = trainer.fit(model, dm)
assert result == 1
result = trainer.test(datamodule=dm)
result = result[0]
assert result['test_loss'] < 0.6
assert result['test_acc'] > 0.8
result = trainer.test(model, datamodule=dm)
# check prediction file now exists and is of expected length
assert prediction_file.exists()
predictions = torch.load(prediction_file)
assert len(predictions) == len(dm.mnist_test)
@pytest.mark.skipif(torch.cuda.device_count() < 2, reason="test requires multi-GPU machine")
def test_result_obj_predictions_ddp_spawn(tmpdir):
2020-08-24 13:22:05 +00:00
2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
distributed_backend = 'ddp_spawn'
option = 0
import os
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0,1'
dm = TrialMNISTDataModule(tmpdir)
2020-09-23 11:44:15 +00:00
prediction_file = Path(tmpdir) / 'predictions.pt'
2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
2020-09-07 13:31:42 +00:00
model = EvalModelTemplate(learning_rate=0.005)
2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
model.test_option = option
model.prediction_file = prediction_file.as_posix()
model.test_step = model.test_step_result_preds
model.test_step_end = None
model.test_epoch_end = None
model.test_end = None
2020-09-23 11:44:15 +00:00
prediction_files = [Path(tmpdir) / 'predictions_rank_0.pt', Path(tmpdir) / 'predictions_rank_1.pt']
2020-08-14 21:52:43 +00:00
for prediction_file in prediction_files:
if prediction_file.exists():
trainer = Trainer(
gpus=[0, 1]
# Prediction file shouldn't exist yet because we haven't done anything
# assert not model.prediction_file.exists()
result = trainer.fit(model, dm)
assert result == 1
result = trainer.test(datamodule=dm)
result = result[0]
assert result['test_loss'] < 0.6
assert result['test_acc'] > 0.8
# check prediction file now exists and is of expected length
size = 0
for prediction_file in prediction_files:
assert prediction_file.exists()
predictions = torch.load(prediction_file)
size += len(predictions)
assert size == len(dm.mnist_test)
2020-08-19 00:27:48 +00:00
def test_result_gather_stack():
""" Test that tensors get concatenated when they all have the same shape. """
outputs = [
{"foo": torch.zeros(4, 5)},
{"foo": torch.zeros(4, 5)},
{"foo": torch.zeros(4, 5)},
result = Result.gather(outputs)
assert isinstance(result["foo"], torch.Tensor)
assert list(result["foo"].shape) == [12, 5]
def test_result_gather_concatenate():
""" Test that tensors get concatenated when they have varying size in first dimension. """
outputs = [
{"foo": torch.zeros(4, 5)},
{"foo": torch.zeros(8, 5)},
{"foo": torch.zeros(3, 5)},
result = Result.gather(outputs)
assert isinstance(result["foo"], torch.Tensor)
assert list(result["foo"].shape) == [15, 5]
def test_result_gather_scalar():
""" Test that 0-dim tensors get gathered and stacked correctly. """
outputs = [
{"foo": torch.tensor(1)},
{"foo": torch.tensor(2)},
{"foo": torch.tensor(3)},
result = Result.gather(outputs)
assert isinstance(result["foo"], torch.Tensor)
assert list(result["foo"].shape) == [3]
def test_result_gather_different_shapes():
""" Test that tensors of varying shape get gathered into a list. """
outputs = [
{"foo": torch.tensor(1)},
{"foo": torch.zeros(2, 3)},
{"foo": torch.zeros(1, 2, 3)},
result = Result.gather(outputs)
expected = [torch.tensor(1), torch.zeros(2, 3), torch.zeros(1, 2, 3)]
assert isinstance(result["foo"], list)
assert all(torch.eq(r, e).all() for r, e in zip(result["foo"], expected))
def test_result_gather_mixed_types():
""" Test that a collection of mixed types gets gathered into a list. """
outputs = [
{"foo": 1.2},
{"foo": ["bar", None]},
{"foo": torch.tensor(1)},
result = Result.gather(outputs)
expected = [1.2, ["bar", None], torch.tensor(1)]
assert isinstance(result["foo"], list)
assert result["foo"] == expected
2020-08-19 22:59:14 +00:00
def test_result_retrieve_last_logged_item():
result = Result()
result.log('a', 5., on_step=True, on_epoch=True)
assert result['epoch_a'] == 5.
assert result['step_a'] == 5.
assert result['a'] == 5.