The most common filesystems supported by Lightning are:
* Local filesystem: ``file://`` - It's the default and doesn't need any protocol to be used. It's installed by default in Lightning.
* Amazon S3: ``s3://`` - Amazon S3 remote binary store, using the library `s3fs <>`__. Run ``pip install fsspec[s3]`` to install it.
* Google Cloud Storage: ``gcs://`` or ``gs://`` - Google Cloud Storage, using `gcsfs <>`__. Run ``pip install fsspec[gcs]`` to install it.
* Microsoft Azure Storage: ``adl://``, ``abfs://`` or ``az://`` - Microsoft Azure Storage, using `adlfs <>`__. Run ``pip install fsspec[adl]`` to install it.
* Hadoop File System: ``hdfs://`` - Hadoop Distributed File System. This uses `PyArrow <>`__ as the backend. Run ``pip install fsspec[hdfs]`` to install it.
You could learn more about the available filesystems with:
You could also look into :ref:`CheckpointIO Plugin <common/checkpointing:Customize Checkpointing>` for more details on how to customize saving and loading checkpoints.