**Audience**: Machine learning engineers optimizing models for enterprise-scale production environments.
Compile your model to ONNX
`ONNX <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/onnx.html>`_ is a package developed by Microsoft to optimize inference. ONNX allows the model to be independent of PyTorch and run on any ONNX Runtime.
To export your model to ONNX format call the :meth:`~lightning.pytorch.core.LightningModule.to_onnx` function on your :class:`~lightning.pytorch.core.LightningModule` with the ``filepath`` and ``input_sample``.
You can also skip passing the input sample if the ``example_input_array`` property is specified in your :class:`~lightning.pytorch.core.LightningModule`.
Production ML Engineers would argue that a model shouldn't be trained if it can't be deployed reliably and in a fully automated manner.
In order to ease transition from training to production, PyTorch Lightning provides a way for you to validate a model can be served even before starting training.
In order to do so, your LightningModule needs to subclass the :class:`~lightning.pytorch.serve.servable_module.ServableModule`, implements its hooks and pass a :class:`~lightning.pytorch.serve.servable_module_validator.ServableModuleValidator` callback to the Trainer.