The transition through [LightningLite]( from pure PyTorch is optional but it might be helpful to learn about it.
- [MNIST with vanilla PyTorch](./basic_examples/mnist_examples/
- [MNIST with LightningLite](./basic_examples/mnist_examples/
- [MNIST LightningLite to LightningModule](./basic_examples/mnist_examples/
- [MNIST with LightningModule](./basic_examples/mnist_examples/
- [MNIST with LightningModule + LightningDataModule](./basic_examples/mnist_examples/
Contains implementations leveraging [loop customization]( to enhance the Trainer with new optimization routines.
- [K-fold Cross Validation Loop](./loop_examples/ Implemenation of cross validation in a loop and special datamodule.
- [Yield Loop](./loop_examples/ Enables yielding from the training_step like in a Python generator. Useful for automatic optimization with multiple optimizers.