**Beginners**: Forget everything you knew about parsers. Lark's algorithm can quickly parse any grammar you throw at it, no matter how complicated. It also constructs a parse-tree for you, without additional code on your part.
**Experts**: Lark lets you choose between Earley and LALR(1), to trade-off power and speed. It also contains experimental features such as a contextual-lexer.
In the grammar, we shape the resulting tree. The '->' operator renames branches, and the '?' prefix tells Lark to inline single values. (see the [tutorial](/docs/json_tutorial.md) for a more in-depth explanation)
Then, the transformer calculates the tree and returns a number:
Lark can automatically resolve ambiguity by choosing the simplest solution. Or, you can ask it to return all the possible parse trees, wrapped in a meta "\_ambig" node.
Here's a toy example to parse the famously ambiguous phrase: "fruit flies like bananas"
Using Lark? Send me a message and I'll add your project!
### How to use Nearley grammars in Lark
Lark comes with a tool to convert grammars from [Nearley](https://github.com/Hardmath123/nearley), a popular Earley library for Javascript. It uses [Js2Py](https://github.com/PiotrDabkowski/Js2Py) to convert and run the Javascript postprocessing code segments.
Here's an example:
git clone https://github.com/Hardmath123/nearley
python -m lark.tools.nearley nearley/examples/calculator/arithmetic.ne main nearley > ncalc.py
You can use the output as a regular python module:
1.*Separates code from grammar*: Parsers written this way are cleaner and easier to read & work with.
2.*Automatically builds a parse tree (AST)*: Trees are always simpler to work with than state-machines. (But if you want to provide a callback for efficiency reasons, Lark lets you do that too)
3.*Follows Python's Idioms*: Beautiful is better than ugly. Readability counts.
- Note: Nondeterminstic grammars will run a little slower
- Note: Ambiguous grammars (grammars that can be parsed in more than one way) are supported, but may cause significant slowdown if the ambiguity is too big)
- You don't have to worry about terminals (regexps) or rules colliding
- You can repeat expressions without losing efficiency (turns out that's a thing)
### Performance comparison
| Code | CPython Time | PyPy Time | CPython Mem | PyPy Mem
(*LOC measures lines of code of the parsing algorithm(s), without accompanying files*)
It's hard to compare parsers with different parsing algorithms, since each algorithm has many advantages and disadvantages. However, I will try to summarize the main points here:
- **Earley**: The most powerful context-free algorithm. It can parse all context-free grammars, and it's Big-O efficient. But, its constant-time performance is slow.
- **LALR(1)**: The fastest, most efficient algorithm. It runs at O(n) and uses the least amount of memory. But while it can parse most programming languages, there are many grammars it can't handle.
- **PEG**: A powerful algorithm that can parse all deterministic context-free grammars\* at O(n). But, it hides ambiguity, and takes a lot of memory to run.
- **Recursive-Descent**: Fast for simple grammars, and simple to implement. But poor in Big-O complexity.
Lark offers both Earley and LALR(1), which means you can choose between the most powerful and the most efficient algorithms, without having to change libraries.
(\* *According to Wikipedia, it remains unanswered whether PEGs can really parse all deterministic CFGs*)