# New Contributor Guide **Users** This document contains some useful resources for anyone wishing to contribute to the Lapce project by suggesting improvements, requesting features, or supporting the community. Where it says _question_ in this document, it can also apply to _suggestions_, _requests_, etc. ## Quick Start 1. Open a text editor 2. Write out your question (or request, or suggestion). 3. _Revise_ your question 4. Choose where to post your question 5. Post it! ## Resources For general information about open source software, [see these FAQs](https://opensource.org/faq) by the Open Source Initiative. We don't have a specified code of conduct yet, but for some reasonable guidelines see the [Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/participation/). [This guide](http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html), by Eric Steven Raymond, is about how to ask excellent questions. You can apply the same techniques (such as _Use meaningful, specific subject headers_) to suggestions and bug reports. The more specific (and helpful!) you can be with your question, the more it helps us to provide a solution.