use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use home::home_dir; use hotwatch::Hotwatch; use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::Value; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use toml; use wasmer::ChainableNamedResolver; use wasmer::ImportObject; use wasmer::Store; use wasmer::WasmerEnv; use wasmer_wasi::Pipe; use wasmer_wasi::WasiEnv; use wasmer_wasi::WasiState; use crate::dispatch::Dispatcher; pub type PluginName = String; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct Counter(usize); impl Counter { pub fn next(&mut self) -> usize { let n = self.0; self.0 = n + 1; n + 1 } } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct PluginId(pub usize); #[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")] pub struct PluginDescription { pub name: String, pub version: String, pub display_name: String, pub author: String, pub description: String, pub repository: String, pub wasm: String, dir: Option, configuration: Option, } #[derive(Serialize, Clone)] pub struct PluginInfo { arch: String, os: String, configuration: Option, } #[derive(WasmerEnv, Clone)] pub(crate) struct PluginEnv { wasi_env: WasiEnv, desc: PluginDescription, dispatcher: Dispatcher, } #[derive(Clone)] pub(crate) struct PluginNew { instance: wasmer::Instance, env: PluginEnv, } pub struct PluginCatalog { id_counter: Counter, pub items: HashMap, plugins: HashMap, store: wasmer::Store, } impl PluginCatalog { pub fn new() -> PluginCatalog { PluginCatalog { id_counter: Counter::default(), items: HashMap::new(), plugins: HashMap::new(), store: wasmer::Store::default(), } } pub fn stop(&mut self) { self.items.clear(); self.plugins.clear(); } pub fn reload(&mut self) { self.items.clear(); self.plugins.clear(); self.load(); } pub fn load(&mut self) { let all_plugins = find_all_plugins(); for plugin_path in &all_plugins { match load_plugin(plugin_path) { Err(_e) => (), Ok(plugin) => { self.items.insert(, plugin); } } } } pub fn install_plugin( &mut self, dispatcher: Dispatcher, plugin: PluginDescription, ) -> Result<()> { let home = home_dir().unwrap(); let path = home.join(".lapce").join("plugins").join(&; let _ = std::fs::remove_dir_all(&path); std::fs::create_dir_all(&path)?; { let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(path.join("plugin.toml"))?; file.write_all(&toml::to_vec(&plugin)?)?; } { let url = format!( "{}/master/{}", plugin.repository, plugin.wasm ); let mut resp = reqwest::blocking::get(url)?; let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(path.join(&plugin.wasm))?; std::io::copy(&mut resp, &mut file)?; } let mut plugin = plugin; plugin.dir = Some(path.clone()); plugin.wasm = path .join(&plugin.wasm) .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("path can't to string"))? .to_string(); let p = self.start_plugin(dispatcher, plugin.clone())?; self.items.insert(, plugin.clone()); self.plugins.insert(, p); Ok(()) } pub fn start_all(&mut self, dispatcher: Dispatcher) { for (_, plugin) in self.items.clone().iter() { if let Ok(p) = self.start_plugin(dispatcher.clone(), plugin.clone()) { self.plugins.insert(, p); } } } fn start_plugin( &mut self, dispatcher: Dispatcher, plugin_desc: PluginDescription, ) -> Result { let module = wasmer::Module::from_file(&, &plugin_desc.wasm)?; let output = Pipe::new(); let input = Pipe::new(); let mut wasi_env = WasiState::new("Lapce") .map_dir("/", plugin_desc.dir.clone().unwrap())? .stdin(Box::new(input)) .stdout(Box::new(output)) .finalize()?; let wasi = wasi_env.import_object(&module)?; let plugin_env = PluginEnv { wasi_env, desc: plugin_desc.clone(), dispatcher, }; let lapce = lapce_exports(&, &plugin_env); let instance = wasmer::Instance::new(&module, &lapce.chain_back(wasi))?; let plugin = PluginNew { instance, env: plugin_env, }; let local_plugin = plugin.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { let initialize = local_plugin .instance .exports .get_function("initialize") .unwrap(); wasi_write_object( &local_plugin.env.wasi_env, &PluginInfo { os: std::env::consts::OS.to_string(), arch: std::env::consts::ARCH.to_string(), configuration: plugin_desc.configuration, }, );[]).unwrap(); }); Ok(plugin) } pub fn next_plugin_id(&mut self) -> PluginId { PluginId( } } impl Default for PluginCatalog { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } pub(crate) fn lapce_exports(store: &Store, plugin_env: &PluginEnv) -> ImportObject { macro_rules! lapce_export { ($($host_function:ident),+ $(,)?) => { wasmer::imports! { "lapce" => { $(stringify!($host_function) => wasmer::Function::new_native_with_env(store, plugin_env.clone(), $host_function),)+ } } } } lapce_export! { host_handle_notification, } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] #[serde(tag = "method", content = "params")] pub enum PluginNotification { StartLspServer { exec_path: String, language_id: String, options: Option, }, DownloadFile { url: String, path: PathBuf, }, LockFile { path: PathBuf, }, MakeFileExecutable { path: PathBuf, }, } fn host_handle_notification(plugin_env: &PluginEnv) { let notification: Result = wasi_read_object(&plugin_env.wasi_env); if let Ok(notification) = notification { match notification { PluginNotification::StartLspServer { exec_path, language_id, options, } => { plugin_env.dispatcher.lsp.lock().start_server( plugin_env .desc .dir .clone() .unwrap() .join(&exec_path) .to_str() .unwrap(), &language_id, options, ); } PluginNotification::DownloadFile { url, path } => { let mut resp = reqwest::blocking::get(url).expect("request failed"); let mut out = std::fs::File::create( plugin_env.desc.dir.clone().unwrap().join(path), ) .expect("failed to create file"); std::io::copy(&mut resp, &mut out).expect("failed to copy content"); } PluginNotification::LockFile { path } => { let path = plugin_env.desc.dir.clone().unwrap().join(path); let mut n = 0; loop { if let Ok(_file) = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create_new(true) .open(&path) { return; } if n > 10 { return; } n += 1; let mut hotwatch = Hotwatch::new().expect("hotwatch failed to initialize!"); let (tx, rx) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(1); let _ =, move |_event| { #[allow(deprecated)] let _ = tx.send(0); }); let _ = rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)); } } PluginNotification::MakeFileExecutable { path } => { let _ = Command::new("chmod") .arg("+x") .arg(&plugin_env.desc.dir.clone().unwrap().join(path)) .output(); } } } } pub fn wasi_read_string(wasi_env: &WasiEnv) -> Result { let mut state = wasi_env.state(); let wasi_file = state .fs .stdout_mut()? .as_mut() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("can't get stdout"))?; let mut buf = String::new(); wasi_file.read_to_string(&mut buf)?; Ok(buf) } pub fn wasi_read_object(wasi_env: &WasiEnv) -> Result { let json = wasi_read_string(wasi_env)?; Ok(serde_json::from_str(&json)?) } pub fn wasi_write_string(wasi_env: &WasiEnv, buf: &str) { let mut state = wasi_env.state(); let wasi_file = state.fs.stdin_mut().unwrap().as_mut().unwrap(); writeln!(wasi_file, "{}\r", buf).unwrap(); } pub fn wasi_write_object(wasi_env: &WasiEnv, object: &(impl Serialize + ?Sized)) { wasi_write_string(wasi_env, &serde_json::to_string(&object).unwrap()); } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub enum PluginRequest {} pub struct PluginHandler { #[allow(dead_code)] dispatcher: Dispatcher, } fn find_all_plugins() -> Vec { let mut plugin_paths = Vec::new(); let home = home_dir().unwrap(); let path = home.join(".lapce").join("plugins"); let _ = path.read_dir().map(|dir| { dir.flat_map(|item||p| p.path()).ok()) .map(|dir| dir.join("plugin.toml")) .filter(|f| f.exists()) .for_each(|f| plugin_paths.push(f)) }); plugin_paths } fn load_plugin(path: &Path) -> Result { let mut file = fs::File::open(&path)?; let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?; let mut plugin: PluginDescription = toml::from_str(&contents)?; plugin.dir = Some(path.parent().unwrap().canonicalize()?); plugin.wasm = path .parent() .unwrap() .join(&plugin.wasm) .canonicalize()? .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("path can't to string"))? .to_string(); Ok(plugin) }