default files

This commit is contained in:
Dongdong Zhou 2021-09-27 14:39:39 +01:00
parent 847c568ac4
commit 594b6ec69c
1 changed files with 163 additions and 0 deletions

core/src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use druid::{theme, Color, Env, FontDescriptor, FontFamily, Key};
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize};
use crate::{data::hex_to_color, state::LapceWorkspace};
const default_settings: &'static str = include_str!("../../defaults/settings.toml");
const default_theme: &'static str = include_str!("../../defaults/light-theme.toml");
pub struct LapceTheme {}
impl LapceTheme {
pub const EDITOR_BACKGROUND: &'static str = "editor.background";
pub const EDITOR_FOREGROUND: &'static str = "editor.foreground";
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct LapceConfig {
pub color_theme: String,
pub icon_theme: String,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct EditorConfig {
pub font_family: String,
pub font_size: usize,
pub line_height: usize,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
pub struct Config {
pub lapce: LapceConfig,
pub editor: EditorConfig,
pub theme: HashMap<String, Color>,
pub themes: HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Color>>,
impl Config {
pub fn load(workspace: Option<LapceWorkspace>) -> Self {
let mut settings_string = default_settings.to_string();
let mut files = vec!["/Users/Lulu/.lapce/settings.toml".to_string()];
if let Some(workspace) = workspace {
match workspace.kind {
crate::state::LapceWorkspaceType::Local => {
let mut path = workspace.path.clone();
crate::state::LapceWorkspaceType::RemoteSSH(_, _) => {}
for f in files {
if let Ok(content) = std::fs::read_to_string(f) {
if content != "" {
settings_string += &content;
let config: toml::Value = toml::from_str(&settings_string).unwrap();
let mut config: Config = config.try_into().unwrap();
let theme_colors: HashMap<String, String> =
let mut theme = HashMap::new();
for (k, v) in theme_colors.iter() {
if v.starts_with("$") {
let var_name = &v[1..];
if let Some(hex) = theme_colors.get(var_name) {
if let Ok(color) = hex_to_color(hex) {
theme.insert(k.clone(), color);
} else {
if let Ok(color) = hex_to_color(v) {
theme.insert(k.clone(), color);
config.theme = theme;
let themes = HashMap::new();
config.themes = themes;
println!("{:?}", config);
pub fn get_color_unchecked(&self, name: &str) -> &Color {
let theme = self
pub fn get_color(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Color> {
let theme = self
pub fn reload_env(&self, env: &mut Env) {
env.set(theme::SCROLLBAR_RADIUS, 0.0);
env.set(theme::SCROLLBAR_EDGE_WIDTH, 0.0);
env.set(theme::SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, 10.0);
env.set(theme::SCROLLBAR_PAD, 0.0);
// env.set(key, value);
// let theme = &self.theme;
// if let Some(line_highlight) = theme.get("line_highlight") {
// env.set(
// line_highlight.clone(),
// );
// };
// if let Some(caret) = theme.get("caret") {
// env.set(LapceTheme::EDITOR_CURSOR_COLOR, caret.clone());
// };
// if let Some(foreground) = theme.get("foreground") {
// env.set(LapceTheme::EDITOR_FOREGROUND, foreground.clone());
// };
// if let Some(background) = theme.get("background") {
// env.set(LapceTheme::EDITOR_BACKGROUND, background.clone());
// };
// if let Some(selection) = theme.get("selection") {
// env.set(LapceTheme::EDITOR_SELECTION_COLOR, selection.clone());
// };
// if let Some(color) = theme.get("comment") {
// env.set(LapceTheme::EDITOR_COMMENT, color.clone());
// };
// if let Some(color) = theme.get("error") {
// env.set(LapceTheme::EDITOR_ERROR, color.clone());
// };
// if let Some(color) = theme.get("warn") {
// env.set(LapceTheme::EDITOR_WARN, color.clone());
// };
// env.set(LapceTheme::EDITOR_LINE_HEIGHT, 25.0);
// env.set(LapceTheme::PALETTE_BACKGROUND, Color::rgb8(125, 125, 125));
// env.set(LapceTheme::PALETTE_INPUT_FOREROUND, Color::rgb8(0, 0, 0));
// env.set(
// Color::rgb8(255, 255, 255),
// );
// env.set(LapceTheme::PALETTE_INPUT_BORDER, Color::rgb8(0, 0, 0));
// env.set(LapceTheme::LIST_BACKGROUND, Color::rgb8(234, 234, 235));
// env.set(LapceTheme::LIST_CURRENT, Color::rgb8(219, 219, 220));