mirror of https://github.com/celery/kombu.git
301 lines
9.7 KiB
301 lines
9.7 KiB
import pytest
import socket
import warnings
from case import Mock, patch
from kombu import Connection
from kombu import pidbox
from kombu.exceptions import ContentDisallowed, InconsistencyError
from kombu.utils.uuid import uuid
def is_cast(message):
return message['method']
def is_call(message):
return message['method'] and message['reply_to']
class test_Mailbox:
class Mailbox(pidbox.Mailbox):
def _collect(self, *args, **kwargs):
return 'COLLECTED'
def setup(self):
self.mailbox = self.Mailbox('test_pidbox')
self.connection = Connection(transport='memory')
self.state = {'var': 1}
self.handlers = {'mymethod': self._handler}
self.bound = self.mailbox(self.connection)
self.default_chan = self.connection.channel()
self.node = self.bound.Node(
state=self.state, handlers=self.handlers,
def _handler(self, state):
return self.stats['var']
def test_broadcast_matcher_pattern_string_type(self):
mailbox = pidbox.Mailbox("test_matcher_str")(self.connection)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
mailbox._broadcast("ping", pattern=1, matcher=2)
def test_publish_reply_ignores_InconsistencyError(self):
mailbox = pidbox.Mailbox('test_reply__collect')(self.connection)
with patch('kombu.pidbox.Producer') as Producer:
producer = Producer.return_value = Mock(name='producer')
producer.publish.side_effect = InconsistencyError()
{'foo': 'bar'}, mailbox.reply_exchange, mailbox.oid, 'foo',
def test_reply__collect(self):
mailbox = pidbox.Mailbox('test_reply__collect')(self.connection)
exchange = mailbox.reply_exchange.name
channel = self.connection.channel()
ticket = uuid()
mailbox._publish_reply({'foo': 'bar'}, exchange, mailbox.oid, ticket)
_callback_called = [False]
def callback(body):
_callback_called[0] = True
reply = mailbox._collect(ticket, limit=1,
callback=callback, channel=channel)
assert reply == [{'foo': 'bar'}]
assert _callback_called[0]
ticket = uuid()
mailbox._publish_reply({'biz': 'boz'}, exchange, mailbox.oid, ticket)
reply = mailbox._collect(ticket, limit=1, channel=channel)
assert reply == [{'biz': 'boz'}]
mailbox._publish_reply({'foo': 'BAM'}, exchange, mailbox.oid, 'doom',
with pytest.raises(ContentDisallowed):
reply = mailbox._collect('doom', limit=1, channel=channel)
{'foo': 'BAMBAM'}, exchange, mailbox.oid, 'doom',
reply = mailbox._collect('doom', limit=1, channel=channel,
assert reply[0]['foo'] == 'BAMBAM'
de = mailbox.connection.drain_events = Mock()
de.side_effect = socket.timeout
mailbox._collect(ticket, limit=1, channel=channel)
def test_constructor(self):
assert self.mailbox.connection is None
assert self.mailbox.exchange.name
assert self.mailbox.reply_exchange.name
def test_bound(self):
bound = self.mailbox(self.connection)
assert bound.connection is self.connection
def test_Node(self):
assert self.node.hostname
assert self.node.state
assert self.node.mailbox is self.bound
assert self.handlers
# No initial handlers
node2 = self.bound.Node('test_pidbox2', state=self.state)
assert node2.handlers == {}
def test_Node_consumer(self):
consumer1 = self.node.Consumer()
assert consumer1.channel is self.default_chan
assert consumer1.no_ack
chan2 = self.connection.channel()
consumer2 = self.node.Consumer(channel=chan2, no_ack=False)
assert consumer2.channel is chan2
assert not consumer2.no_ack
def test_Node_consumer_multiple_listeners(self):
consumer = self.node.Consumer()
q = consumer.queues[0]
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as log:
q.on_declared('foo', 1, 1)
assert log
assert 'already using this' in log[0].message.args[0]
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as log:
q.on_declared('foo', 1, 0)
assert not log
def test_handler(self):
node = self.bound.Node('test_handler', state=self.state)
def my_handler_name(state):
return 42
assert 'my_handler_name' in node.handlers
def test_dispatch(self):
node = self.bound.Node('test_dispatch', state=self.state)
def my_handler_name(state, x=None, y=None):
return x + y
assert node.dispatch('my_handler_name',
arguments={'x': 10, 'y': 10}) == 20
def test_dispatch_raising_SystemExit(self):
node = self.bound.Node('test_dispatch_raising_SystemExit',
def my_handler_name(state):
raise SystemExit
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
def test_dispatch_raising(self):
node = self.bound.Node('test_dispatch_raising', state=self.state)
def my_handler_name(state):
raise KeyError('foo')
res = node.dispatch('my_handler_name')
assert 'error' in res
assert 'KeyError' in res['error']
def test_dispatch_replies(self):
_replied = [False]
def reply(data, **options):
_replied[0] = True
node = self.bound.Node('test_dispatch', state=self.state)
node.reply = reply
def my_handler_name(state, x=None, y=None):
return x + y
arguments={'x': 10, 'y': 10},
reply_to={'exchange': 'foo', 'routing_key': 'bar'})
assert _replied[0]
def test_reply(self):
_replied = [(None, None, None)]
def publish_reply(data, exchange, routing_key, ticket, **kwargs):
_replied[0] = (data, exchange, routing_key, ticket)
mailbox = self.mailbox(self.connection)
mailbox._publish_reply = publish_reply
node = mailbox.Node('test_reply')
def my_handler_name(state):
return 42
reply_to={'exchange': 'exchange',
'routing_key': 'rkey'},
data, exchange, routing_key, ticket = _replied[0]
assert data == {'test_reply': 42}
assert exchange == 'exchange'
assert routing_key == 'rkey'
assert ticket == 'TICKET'
def test_handle_message(self):
node = self.bound.Node('test_dispatch_from_message')
def my_handler_name(state, x=None, y=None):
return x * y
body = {'method': 'my_handler_name',
'arguments': {'x': 64, 'y': 64}}
assert node.handle_message(body, None) == 64 * 64
# message not for me should not be processed.
body['destination'] = ['some_other_node']
assert node.handle_message(body, None) is None
# message for me should be processed.
body['destination'] = ['test_dispatch_from_message']
assert node.handle_message(body, None) is not None
# message not for me should not be processed.
body['matcher'] = 'glob'
body["pattern"] = "something*"
assert node.handle_message(body, None) is None
body["pattern"] = "test*"
assert node.handle_message(body, None) is not None
def test_handle_message_adjusts_clock(self):
node = self.bound.Node('test_adjusts_clock')
def my_handler_name(state):
return 10
body = {'method': 'my_handler_name',
'arguments': {}}
message = Mock(name='message')
message.headers = {'clock': 313}
node.adjust_clock = Mock(name='adjust_clock')
res = node.handle_message(body, message)
assert res == 10
def test_listen(self):
consumer = self.node.listen()
assert consumer.callbacks[0] == self.node.handle_message
assert consumer.channel == self.default_chan
def test_cast(self):
self.bound.cast(['somenode'], 'mymethod')
consumer = self.node.Consumer()
assert is_cast(self.get_next(consumer))
def test_abcast(self):
consumer = self.node.Consumer()
assert is_cast(self.get_next(consumer))
def test_call_destination_must_be_sequence(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
self.bound.call('some_node', 'mymethod')
def test_call(self):
assert self.bound.call(['some_node'], 'mymethod') == 'COLLECTED'
consumer = self.node.Consumer()
assert is_call(self.get_next(consumer))
def test_multi_call(self):
assert self.bound.multi_call('mymethod') == 'COLLECTED'
consumer = self.node.Consumer()
assert is_call(self.get_next(consumer))
def get_next(self, consumer):
m = consumer.queues[0].get()
if m:
return m.payload