
1068 lines
29 KiB

Change history
.. _version-2.1.7:
:release-date: 2012-04-27 6:00 P.M BST
* compat consumerset now accepts optional channel argument.
.. _version-2.1.6:
:release-date: 2012-04-23 1:30 P.M BST
* SQLAlchemy transport was not working correctly after URL parser change.
* maybe_declare now stores cached declarations per underlying connection
instead of globally, in the rare case that data disappears from the
broker after connection loss.
* Django: Added South migrations.
Contributed by Joseph Crosland.
.. _version-2.1.5:
:release-date: 2012-04-13 3:30 P.M BST
* The url parser removed more than the first leading slash (Issue #121).
* SQLAlchemy: Can now specify url using + separator
* Better support for anonymous queues (Issue #116).
Contributed by Michael Barrett.
* ``Connection.as_uri`` now quotes url parts (Issue #117).
* Beanstalk: Can now set message TTR as a message property.
Contributed by Andrii Kostenko
.. _version-2.1.4:
:release-date: 2012-04-03 4:00 P.M GMT
* MongoDB: URL parsing are now delegated to the pymongo library
(Fixes Issue #103 and Issue #87).
Fix contributed by Flavio Percoco Premoli and James Sullivan
* SQS: A bug caused SimpleDB to be used even if sdb persistence
was not enabled (Issue #108).
Fix contributed by Anand Kumria.
* Django: Transaction was committed in the wrong place, causing
data cleanup to fail (Issue #115).
Fix contributed by Daisuke Fujiwara.
* MongoDB: Now supports replica set URLs.
Contributed by Flavio Percoco Premoli.
* Redis: Now raises a channel error if a queue key that is currently
being consumed from disappears.
Fix contributed by Stephan Jaekel.
* All transport 'channel_errors' lists now includes
* All kombu exceptions now inherit from a common
.. _version-2.1.3:
:release-date: 2012-03-20 3:00 P.M GMT
:by: Ask Solem
* Fixes Jython compatibility issues.
* Fixes Python 2.5 compatibility issues.
.. _version-2.1.2:
:release-date: 2012-03-01 01:00 P.M GMT
:by: Ask Solem
* amqplib: Last version broke SSL support.
.. _version-2.1.1:
:release-date: 2012-02-24 02:00 P.M GMT
:by: Ask Solem
* Connection URLs now supports encoded characters.
* Fixed a case where connection pool could not recover from connection loss.
Fix contributed by Florian Munz.
* We now patch amqplib's ``__del__`` method to skip trying to close the socket
if it is not connected, as this resulted in an annoying warning.
* Compression can now be used with binary message payloads.
Fix contributed by Steeve Morin.
.. _version-2.1.0:
:release-date: 2012-02-04 10:38 P.M GMT
:by: Ask Solem
* MongoDB: Now supports fanout (broadcast) (Issue #98).
Contributed by Scott Lyons.
* amqplib: Now detects broken connections by using ``MSG_PEEK``.
* pylibrabbitmq: Now supports ``basic_get`` (Issue #97).
* gevent: Now always uses the ``select`` polling backend.
* pika transport: Now works with pika 0.9.5 and 0.9.6dev.
The old pika transport (supporting 0.5.x) is now available
as alias ``oldpika``.
(Note terribly latency has been experienced with the new pika
versions, so this is still an experimental transport).
* Virtual transports: can now set polling interval via the
transport options (Issue #96).
>>> BrokerConnection("sqs://", transport_options={
... "polling_interval": 5.0})
The default interval is transport specific, but usually
1.0s (or 5.0s for the Django database transport, which
can also be set using the ``KOMBU_POLLING_INTERVAL`` setting).
* Adds convenience function: :func:`kombu.common.eventloop`.
.. _version-2.0.0:
:release-date: 2012-01-15 18:34 P.M GMT
:by: Ask Solem
.. _v200-important:
Important Notes
.. _v200-python-compatibility:
Python Compatibility
* No longer supports Python 2.4.
Users of Python 2.4 can still use the 1.x series.
The 1.x series has entered bugfix-only maintenance mode, and will
stay that way as long as there is demand, and a willingness to
maintain it.
.. _v200-new-transports:
New Transports
* ``django-kombu`` is now part of Kombu core.
The Django message transport uses the Django ORM to store messages.
It uses polling, with a default polling interval of 5 seconds.
The polling interval can be increased or decreased by configuring the
``KOMBU_POLLING_INTERVAL`` Django setting, which is the polling
interval in seconds as an int or a float. Note that shorter polling
intervals can cause extreme strain on the database: if responsiveness
is needed you shall consider switching to a non-polling transport.
To use it you must use transport alias ``"django"``,
or as an URL::
and then add ``kombu.transport.django`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``, and
run ``manage.py syncdb`` to create the necessary database tables.
If you have previously used ``django-kombu``, then the entry
in ``INSTALLED_APPS`` must be changed from ``djkombu``
to ``kombu.transport.django``::
If you have previously used django-kombu, then there is no need
to recreate the tables, as the old tables will be fully compatible
with the new version.
* ``kombu-sqlalchemy`` is now part of Kombu core.
This change requires no code changes given that the
``sqlalchemy`` transport alias is used.
.. _v200-news:
* :class:`kombu.mixins.ConsumerMixin` is a mixin class that lets you
easily write consumer programs and threads.
See :ref:`examples` and :ref:`guide-consumers`.
* SQS Transport: Added support for SQS queue prefixes (Issue #84).
The queue prefix can be set using the transport option
BrokerTransport("SQS://", transport_options={
"queue_name_prefix": "myapp"})
Contributed by Nitzan Miron.
* ``Producer.publish`` now supports automatic retry.
Retry is enabled by the ``reply`` argument, and retry options
set by the ``retry_policy`` argument::
exchange = Exchange("foo")
producer.publish(message, exchange=exchange, retry=True,
declare=[exchange], retry_policy={
"interval_start": 1.0})
See :meth:`~kombu.connection.BrokerConnection.ensure`
for a list of supported retry policy options.
* ``Producer.publish`` now supports a ``declare`` keyword argument.
This is a list of entities (:class:`Exchange`, or :class:`Queue`)
that should be declared before the message is published.
.. _v200-fixes:
* Redis transport: Timeout was multiplied by 1000 seconds when using
``select`` for event I/O (Issue #86).
.. _version-1.5.1:
:release-date: 2011-11-30 01:00 P.M GMT
:by: Ask Solem
* Fixes issue with ``kombu.compat`` introduced in 1.5.0 (Issue #83).
* Adds the ability to disable content_types in the serializer registry.
Any message with a content type that is disabled will be refused.
One example would be to disable the Pickle serializer:
>>> from kombu.serialization import registry
# by name
>>> registry.disable("pickle")
# or by mime-type.
>>> registry.disable("application/x-python-serialize")
.. _version-1.5.0:
:release-date: 2011-11-27 06:00 P.M GMT
:by: Ask Solem
* kombu.pools: Fixed a bug resulting in resources not being properly released.
This was caused by the use of ``__hash__`` to distinguish them.
* Virtual transports: Dead-letter queue is now disabled by default.
The dead-letter queue was enabled by default to help application
authors, but now that Kombu is stable it should be removed.
There are after all many cases where messages should just be dropped
when there are no queues to buffer them, and keeping them without
supporting automatic cleanup is rather considered a resource leak
than a feature.
If wanted the dead-letter queue can still be enabled, by using
the ``deadletter_queue`` transport option::
>>> x = BrokerConnection("redis://",
... transport_options={"deadletter_queue": "ae.undeliver"})
In addition, an :class:`UndeliverableWarning` is now emitted when
the dead-letter queue is enabled and a message ends up there.
Contributed by Ionel Maries Cristian.
* MongoDB transport now supports Replicasets (Issue #81).
Contributed by Ivan Metzlar.
* The ``Connection.ensure`` methods now accepts a ``max_retries`` value
of 0.
A value of 0 now means *do not retry*, which is distinct from :const:`None`
which means *retry indefinitely*.
Contributed by Dan McGee.
* SQS Transport: Now has a lowercase ``sqs`` alias, so that it can be
used with broker URLs (Issue #82).
Fix contributed by Hong Minhee
* SQS Transport: Fixes KeyError on message acknowledgements (Issue #73).
The SQS transport now uses UUID's for delivery tags, rather than
a counter.
Fix contributed by Brian Bernstein.
* SQS Transport: Unicode related fixes (Issue #82).
Fix contributed by Hong Minhee.
* Redis version check could crash because of improper handling of types
(Issue #63).
* Fixed error with `Resource.force_close_all` when resources
were not yet properly initialized (Issue #78).
.. _version-1.4.3:
:release-date: 2011-10-27 10:00 P.M BST
* Fixes bug in ProducerPool where too many resources would be acquired.
.. _version-1.4.2:
:release-date: 2011-10-26 05:00 P.M BST
:by: Ask Solem
* Eventio: Polling should ignore `errno.EINTR`
* SQS: str.encode did only start accepting kwargs after Py2.7.
* simple_task_queue example didn't run correctly (Issue #72).
Fix contributed by Stefan Eletzhofer.
* Empty messages would not raise an exception not able to be handled
by `on_decode_error` (Issue #72)
Fix contributed by Christophe Chauvet.
* CouchDB: Properly authenticate if user/password set (Issue #70)
Fix contributed by Rafael Duran Castaneda
* BrokerConnection.Consumer had the wrong signature.
Fix contributed by Pavel Skvazh
.. _version-1.4.1:
:release-date: 2011-09-26 04:00 P.M BST
:by: Ask Solem
* 1.4.0 broke the producer pool, resulting in new connections being
established for every acquire.
.. _version-1.4.0:
:release-date: 2011-09-22 05:00 P.M BST
:by: Ask Solem
* Adds module :mod:`kombu.mixins`.
This module contains a :class:`~kombu.mixins.ConsumerMixin` class
that can be used to easily implement a message consumer
thread that consumes messages from one or more
:class:`kombu.messaging.Consumer` instances.
* New example: :ref:`task-queue-example`
Using the ``ConsumerMixin``, default channels and
the global connection pool to demonstrate new Kombu features.
* MongoDB transport did not work with MongoDB >= 2.0 (Issue #66)
Fix contributed by James Turk.
* Redis-py version check did not account for beta identifiers
in version string.
Fix contributed by David Ziegler.
* Producer and Consumer now accepts a connection instance as the
first argument.
The connections default channel will then be used.
In addition shortcut methods has been added to BrokerConnection::
>>> connection.Producer(exchange)
>>> connection.Consumer(queues=..., callbacks=...)
* BrokerConnection has aquired a ``connected`` attribute that
can be used to check if the connection instance has established
a connection.
* ``ConnectionPool.acquire_channel`` now returns the connections
default channel rather than establising a new channel that
must be manually handled.
* Added ``kombu.common.maybe_declare``
``maybe_declare(entity)`` declares an entity if it has
not previously been declared in the same process.
* :func:`kombu.compat.entry_to_queue` has been moved to :mod:`kombu.common`
* New module :mod:`kombu.clocks` now contains an implementation
of Lamports logical clock.
.. _version-1.3.5:
:release-date: 2011-09-16 06:00 P.M BST
:by: Ask Solem
* Python 3: AMQP_PROTOCOL_HEADER must be bytes, not str.
.. _version-1.3.4:
:release-date: 2011-09-16 06:00 P.M BST
:by: Ask Solem
* Fixes syntax error in pools.reset
.. _version-1.3.3:
:release-date: 2011-09-15 02:00 P.M BST
:by: Ask Solem
* pools.reset did not support after forker arguments.
.. _version-1.3.2:
:release-date: 2011-09-10 01:00 P.M BST
:by: Mher Movsisyan
* Broke Python 2.5 compatibility by importing ``parse_qsl`` from ``urlparse``
* Connection.default_channel is now closed when connection is revived
after connection failures.
* Pika: Channel now supports the ``connection.client`` attribute
as required by the simple interface.
* pools.set_limit now raises an exception if the limit is lower
than the previous limit.
* pools.set_limit no longer resets the pools.
.. _version-1.3.1:
:release-date: 2011-10-07 03:00 P.M BST
* Last release broke after fork for pool reinitialization.
* Producer/Consumer now has a ``connection`` attribute,
giving access to the :class:`BrokerConnection` of the
* Pika: Channels now have access to the underlying
:class:`BrokerConnection` instance using ``channel.connection.client``.
This was previously required by the ``Simple`` classes and is now
also required by :class:`Consumer` and :class:`Producer`.
* Connection.default_channel is now closed at object revival.
* Adds kombu.clocks.LamportClock.
* compat.entry_to_queue has been moved to new module :mod:`kombu.common`.
.. _version-1.3.0:
:release-date: 2011-10-05 01:00 P.M BST
* Broker connection info can be now be specified using URLs
The broker hostname can now be given as an URL instead, of the format::
for example the default broker is expressed as::
>>> BrokerConnection("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//")
Transport defaults to amqp, and is not required.
user, password, port and virtual_host is also not mandatory and
will default to the corresponding transports default.
.. note::
Note that the path component (virtual_host) always starts with a
forward-slash. This is necessary to distinguish between the virtual
host '' (empty) and '/', which are both acceptable virtual host names.
A virtual host of '/' becomes:
and a virtual host of '' (empty) becomes::
So the leading slash in the path component is **always required**.
* Now comes with default global connection and producer pools.
The acquire a connection using the connection parameters
from a :class:`BrokerConnection`::
>>> from kombu import BrokerConnection, connections
>>> connection = BrokerConnection("amqp://guest:guest@localhost//")
>>> with connections[connection].acquire(block=True):
... # do something with connection
To acquire a producer using the connection parameters
from a :class:`BrokerConnection`::
>>> from kombu import BrokerConnection, producers
>>> connection = BrokerConnection("amqp://guest:guest@localhost//")
>>> with producers[connection].acquire(block=True):
... producer.publish({"hello": "world"}, exchange="hello")
Acquiring a producer will in turn also acquire a connection
from the associated pool in ``connections``, so you the number
of producers is bound the same limit as number of connections.
The default limit of 100 connections per connection instance
can be changed by doing::
>>> from kombu import pools
>>> pools.set_limit(10)
The pool can also be forcefully closed by doing::
>>> from kombu import pools
>>> pool.reset()
* SQS Transport: Persistence using SimpleDB is now disabled by default,
after reports of unstable SimpleDB connections leading to errors.
* :class:`Producer` can now be used as a context manager.
* ``Producer.__exit__`` now properly calls ``release`` instead of close.
The previous behavior would lead to a memory leak when using
the :class:`kombu.pools.ProducerPool`
* Now silences all exceptions from `import ctypes` to match behaviour
of the standard Python uuid module, and avoid passing on MemoryError
exceptions on SELinux-enabled systems (Issue #52 + Issue #53)
* ``amqp`` is now an alias to the ``amqplib`` transport.
* ``kombu.syn.detect_environment`` now returns 'default', 'eventlet', or
'gevent' depending on what monkey patches have been installed.
* Serialization registry has new attribute ``type_to_name`` so it is
possible to lookup serializater name by content type.
* Exchange argument to ``Producer.publish`` can now be an :class:`Exchange`
* ``compat.Publisher`` now supports the ``channel`` keyword argument.
* Acking a message on some transports could lead to :exc:`KeyError` being
raised (Issue #57).
* Connection pool: Connections are no long instantiated when the pool is
created, but instantiated as needed instead.
* Tests now pass on PyPy.
* ``Connection.as_uri`` now includes the password if the keyword argument
``include_password`` is set.
* Virtual transports now comes with a default ``default_connection_params``
.. _version-1.2.1:
:release-date: 2011-07-29 12:52 P.M BST
* Now depends on amqplib >= 1.0.0.
* Redis: Now automatically deletes auto_delete queues at ``basic_cancel``.
* ``serialization.unregister`` added so it is possible to remove unwanted
* Fixes MemoryError while importing ctypes on SELinux (Issue #52).
* ``BrokerConnection.autoretry`` is a version of ``ensure`` that works
with arbitrary functions (i.e. it does not need an associated object
that implements the ``revive`` method.
Example usage:
.. code-block:: python
channel = connection.channel()
ret, channel = connection.autoretry(send_messages, channel=channel)
* ``ConnectionPool.acquire`` no longer force establishes the connection.
The connection will be established as needed.
* ``BrokerConnection.ensure`` now supports an ``on_revive`` callback
that is applied whenever the connection is re-established.
* ``Consumer.consuming_from(queue)`` returns True if the Consumer is
consuming from ``queue``.
* ``Consumer.cancel_by_queue`` did not remove the queue from ``queues``.
* ``compat.ConsumerSet.add_queue_from_dict`` now automatically declared
the queue if ``auto_declare`` set.
.. _version-1.2.0:
:release-date: 2011-07-15 12:00 P.M BST
* Virtual: Fixes cyclic reference in Channel.close (Issue #49).
* Producer.publish: Can now set additional properties using keyword
arguments (Issue #48).
* Adds Queue.no_ack option to control the no_ack option for individual queues.
* Recent versions broke pylibrabbitmq support.
* SimpleQueue and SimpleBuffer can now be used as contexts.
* Test requirements specifies PyYAML==3.09 as 3.10 dropped Python 2.4 support
* Now properly reports default values in Connection.info/.as_uri
.. _version-1.1.6:
:release-date: 2011-06-13 04:00 P.M BST
* Redis: Fixes issue introduced in 1.1.4, where a redis connection
failure could leave consumer hanging forever.
* SQS: Now supports fanout messaging by using SimpleDB to store routing
This can be disabled by setting the `supports_fanout` transport option:
>>> BrokerConnection(transport="SQS",
... transport_options={"supports_fanout": False})
* SQS: Now properly deletes a message when a message is acked.
* SQS: Can now set the Amazon AWS region, by using the ``region``
transport option.
* amqplib: Now uses `localhost` as default hostname instead of raising an
.. _version-1.1.5:
:release-date: 2011-06-07 06:00 P.M BST
* Fixes compatibility with redis-py 2.4.4.
.. _version-1.1.4:
:release-date: 2011-06-07 04:00 P.M BST
* Redis transport: Now requires redis-py version 2.4.4 or later.
* New Amazon SQS transport added.
>>> conn = BrokerConnection(transport="SQS",
... userid=aws_access_key_id,
... password=aws_secret_access_key)
The environment variables :envvar:`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and
:envvar:`AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` are also supported.
* librabbitmq transport: Fixes default credentials support.
* amqplib transport: Now supports `login_method` for SSL auth.
:class:`BrokerConnection` now supports the `login_method`
keyword argument.
Default `login_method` is ``AMQPLAIN``.
.. _version-1.1.3:
:release-date: 2011-04-21 16:00 P.M CEST
* Redis: Consuming from multiple connections now works with Eventlet.
* Redis: Can now perform channel operations while the channel is in
BRPOP/LISTEN mode (Issue #35).
Also the async BRPOP now times out after 1 second, this means that
cancelling consuming from a queue/starting consuming from additional queues
has a latency of up to one second (BRPOP does not support subsecond
* Virtual: Allow channel objects to be closed multiple times without error.
* amqplib: ``AttributeError`` has been added to the list of known
connection related errors (:attr:`Connection.connection_errors`).
* amqplib: Now converts :exc:`SSLError` timeout errors to
:exc:`socket.timeout` (http://bugs.python.org/issue10272)
* Ensures cyclic references are destroyed when the connection is closed.
.. _version-1.1.2:
:release-date: 2011-04-06 16:00 P.M CEST
* Redis: Fixes serious issue where messages could be lost.
The issue could happen if the message exceeded a certain number
of kilobytes in size.
It is recommended that all users of the Redis transport should
upgrade to this version, even if not currently experiencing any
.. _version-1.1.1:
:release-date: 2011-04-05 15:51 P.M CEST
* 1.1.0 started using ``Queue.LifoQueue`` which is only available
in Python 2.6+ (Issue #33). We now ship with our own LifoQueue.
.. _version-1.1.0:
:release-date: 2011-04-05 01:05 P.M CEST
.. _v110-important:
Important Notes
* Virtual transports: Message body is now base64 encoded by default
(Issue #27).
This should solve problems sending binary data with virtual
Message compatibility is handled by adding a ``body_encoding``
property, so messages sent by older versions is compatible
with this release. However -- If you are accessing the messages
directly not using Kombu, then you have to respect
the ``body_encoding`` property.
If you need to disable base64 encoding then you can do so
via the transport options::
transport_options={"body_encoding": None})
**For transport authors**:
You don't have to change anything in your custom transports,
as this is handled automatically by the base class.
If you want to use a different encoder you can do so by adding
a key to ``Channel.codecs``. Default encoding is specified
by the ``Channel.body_encoding`` attribute.
A new codec must provide two methods: ``encode(data)`` and
* ConnectionPool/ChannelPool/Resource: Setting ``limit=None`` (or 0)
now disables pool semantics, and will establish and close
the resource whenever acquired or released.
* ConnectionPool/ChannelPool/Resource: Is now using a LIFO queue
instead of the previous FIFO behavior.
This means that the last resource released will be the one
acquired next. I.e. if only a single thread is using the pool
this means only a single connection will ever be used.
* BrokerConnection: Cloned connections did not inherit transport_options
* contrib/requirements is now located in the top directory
of the distribution.
* MongoDB: Now supports authentication using the ``userid`` and ``password``
arguments to :class:`BrokerConnection` (Issue #30).
* BrokerConnection: Default autentication credentials are now delegated to
the individual transports.
This means that the ``userid`` and ``password`` arguments to
BrokerConnection is no longer *guest/guest* by default.
The amqplib and pika transports will still have the default
* :meth:`Consumer.__exit__` did not have the correct signature (Issue #32).
* Channel objects now have a ``channel_id`` attribute.
* MongoDB: Version sniffing broke with development versions of
mongod (Issue #29).
* New environment variable :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_CONNECTION` will now emit debug
log messages for connection related actions.
:envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG` will also enable :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_CONNECTION`.
.. _version-1.0.7:
:release-date: 2011-03-28 05:45 P.M CEST
* Now depends on anyjson 0.3.1
cjson is no longer a recommended json implementation, and anyjson
will now emit a deprecation warning if used.
* Please note that the Pika backend only works with version 0.5.2.
The latest version (0.9.x) drastically changed API, and it is not
compatible yet.
* on_decode_error is now called for exceptions in message_to_python
(Issue #24).
* Redis: did not respect QoS settings.
* Redis: Creating a connection now ensures the connection is established.
This means ``BrokerConnection.ensure_connection`` works properly with
* consumer_tag argument to ``Queue.consume`` can't be :const:`None`
(Issue #21).
A None value is now automatically converted to empty string.
An empty string will make the server generate a unique tag.
* BrokerConnection now supports a ``transport_options`` argument.
This can be used to pass additional arguments to transports.
* Pika: ``drain_events`` raised :exc:`socket.timeout` even if no timeout
set (Issue #8).
.. version-1.0.6:
:release-date: 2011-03-22 04:00 P.M CET
* The ``delivery_mode`` aliases (persistent/transient) were not automatically
converted to integer, and would cause a crash if using the amqplib
* Redis: The redis-py :exc:`InvalidData` exception suddenly changed name to
* The :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG` environment variable can now be set to log all
channel method calls.
Support for the following environment variables have been added:
* :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_CHANNEL` will wrap channels in an object that
logs every method call.
* :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG` both enables channel logging and configures the
root logger to emit messages to standard error.
**Example Usage**::
$ KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG=1 python
>>> from kombu import BrokerConnection
>>> conn = BrokerConnection()
>>> channel = conn.channel()
Start from server, version: 8.0, properties:
{u'product': 'RabbitMQ',.............. }
Open OK! known_hosts []
using channel_id: 1
Channel open
>>> channel.queue_declare("myq", passive=True)
[Kombu channel:1] queue_declare('myq', passive=True)
(u'myq', 0, 1)
.. _version-1.0.5:
:release-date: 2011-03-17 04:00 P.M CET
* Fixed memory leak when creating virtual channels. All virtual transports
affected (redis, mongodb, memory, django, sqlalchemy, couchdb, beanstalk).
* Virtual Transports: Fixed potential race condition when acking messages.
If you have been affected by this, the error would show itself as an
exception raised by the OrderedDict implementation. (``object no longer
* MongoDB transport requires the ``findandmodify`` command only available in
MongoDB 1.3+, so now raises an exception if connected to an incompatible
server version.
* Virtual Transports: ``basic.cancel`` should not try to remove unknown
consumer tag.
.. _version-1.0.4:
:release-date: 2011-02-28 04:00 P.M CET
* Added Transport.polling_interval
Used by django-kombu to increase the time to sleep between SELECTs when
there are no messages in the queue.
Users of django-kombu should upgrade to django-kombu v0.9.2.
.. _version-1.0.3:
:release-date: 2011-02-12 04:00 P.M CET
* ConnectionPool: Re-connect if amqplib connection closed
* Adds ``Queue.as_dict`` + ``Exchange.as_dict``.
* Copyright headers updated to include 2011.
.. _version-1.0.2:
:release-date: 2011-01-31 10:45 P.M CET
* amqplib: Message properties were not set properly.
* Ghettoq backend names are now automatically translated to the new names.
.. _version-1.0.1:
:release-date: 2011-01-28 12:00 P.M CET
* Redis: Now works with Linux (epoll)
.. _version-1.0.0:
:release-date: 2011-01-27 12:00 P.M CET
* Initial release
.. _version-0.1.0:
:release-date: 2010-07-22 04:20 P.M CET
* Initial fork of carrot