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.. _guide-consumers:
.. _consumer-basics:
The :class:`~kombu.messaging.Consumer` takes a connection (or channel) and a list of queues to
consume from. Several consumers can be mixed to consume from different
channels, as they all bind to the same connection, and ``drain_events`` will
drain events from all channels on that connection.
.. note::
Kombu since 3.0 will only accept json/binary or text messages by default,
to allow deserialization of other formats you have to specify them
in the ``accept`` argument (in addition to setting the right content type for your messages):
.. code-block:: python
>>> Consumer(conn, accept=['json', 'pickle', 'msgpack', 'yaml'])
You can create a consumer using a Connection. This consumer is consuming from a single queue with name `'queue'`:
.. code-block:: python
>>> queue = Queue('queue', routing_key='queue')
>>> consumer = connection.Consumer(queue)
You can also instantiate Consumer directly, it takes a channel or a connection as an argument. This consumer also
consumes from single queue with name `'queue'`:
.. code-block:: python
>>> queue = Queue('queue', routing_key='queue')
>>> with Connection('amqp://') as conn:
... with conn.channel() as channel:
... consumer = Consumer(channel, queue)
A consumer needs to specify a handler for received data. This handler is specified in the form of a callback. The callback function is called
by kombu every time a new message is received. The callback is called with two parameters: ``body``, containing deserialized
data sent by a producer, and a :class:`~kombu.message.Message` instance ``message``. The user is responsible for acknowledging messages when manual
acknowledgement is set.
.. code-block:: python
>>> def callback(body, message):
... print(body)
... message.ack()
>>> consumer.register_callback(callback)
Draining events from a single consumer
The method ``drain_events`` blocks indefinitely by default. This example sets the timeout to 1 second:
.. code-block:: python
>>> with consumer:
... connection.drain_events(timeout=1)
Draining events from several consumers
Each consumer has its own list of queues. Each consumer accepts data in `'json'` format:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from kombu.utils.compat import nested
>>> queues1 = [Queue('queue11', routing_key='queue11'),
Queue('queue12', routing_key='queue12')]
>>> queues2 = [Queue('queue21', routing_key='queue21'),
Queue('queue22', routing_key='queue22')]
>>> with connection.channel(), connection.channel() as (channel1, channel2):
... with nested(Consumer(channel1, queues1, accept=['json']),
... Consumer(channel2, queues2, accept=['json'])):
... connection.drain_events(timeout=1)
The full example will look as follows:
.. code-block:: python
from kombu import Connection, Consumer, Queue
def callback(body, message):
print('RECEIVED MESSAGE: {0!r}'.format(body))
queue1 = Queue('queue1', routing_key='queue1')
queue2 = Queue('queue2', routing_key='queue2')
with Connection('amqp://') as conn:
with conn.channel() as channel:
consumer = Consumer(conn, [queue1, queue2], accept=['json'])
with consumer:
Consumer mixin classes
Kombu provides predefined mixin classes in module :py:mod:`~kombu.mixins`. It contains two classes:
:class:`~kombu.mixins.ConsumerMixin` for creating consumers and :class:`~kombu.mixins.ConsumerProducerMixin`
for creating consumers supporting also publishing messages. Consumers can be created just by subclassing
mixin class and overriding some of the methods:
.. code-block:: python
from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin
class C(ConsumerMixin):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel):
return [
Consumer(channel, callbacks=[self.on_message], accept=['json']),
def on_message(self, body, message):
print('RECEIVED MESSAGE: {0!r}'.format(body))
and with multiple channels again:
.. code-block:: python
from kombu import Consumer
from kombu.mixins import ConsumerMixin
class C(ConsumerMixin):
channel2 = None
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def get_consumers(self, _, default_channel):
self.channel2 = default_channel.connection.channel()
return [Consumer(default_channel, queues1,
Consumer(self.channel2, queues2,
def on_consume_end(self, connection, default_channel):
if self.channel2:
The main use of :class:`~kombu.mixins.ConsumerProducerMixin` is to create consumers
that need to also publish messages on a separate connection (e.g. sending rpc
replies, streaming results):
.. code-block:: python
from kombu import Producer, Queue
from kombu.mixins import ConsumerProducerMixin
rpc_queue = Queue('rpc_queue')
class Worker(ConsumerProducerMixin):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def get_consumers(self, Consumer, channel):
return [Consumer(
def on_request(self, message):
n = message.payload['n']
print(' [.] fib({0})'.format(n))
result = fib(n)
{'result': result},
exchange='', routing_key=message.properties['reply_to'],
.. seealso::
:file:`examples/rpc-tut6/` in the Github repository.
Advanced Topics
Consumer Priorities
RabbitMQ defines a consumer priority extension to the amqp protocol,
that can be enabled by setting the ``x-priority`` argument to
In kombu you can specify this argument on the :class:`~kombu.Queue`, like
.. code-block:: python
queue = Queue('name', Exchange('exchange_name', type='direct'),
consumer_arguments={'x-priority': 10})
Read more about consumer priorities here:
.. autoclass:: kombu.Consumer