================ Change history ================ .. _version-1.2.1: 1.2.1 ===== :release-date: TBA * ``serialization.unregister`` added so it is possible to remove unwanted seralizers. * ``BrokerConnection.autoretry`` is a version of ``ensure`` that works with arbitrary functions (i.e. it does not need an associated object that implements the ``revive`` method. Example usage: .. code-block:: python channel = connection.channel() try: ret, channel = connection.autoretry(send_messages, channel=channel) finally: channel.close() * ``ConnectionPool.acquire`` no longer force establishes the connection. The connection will be established as needed. * ``BrokerConnection.ensure`` now supports an ``on_revive`` callback that is applied whenever the connection is re-established. * ``Consumer.consuming_from(queue)`` returns True if the Consumer is consuming from ``queue``. * ``Consumer.cancel_by_queue`` did not remove the queue from ``queues``. * ``compat.ConsumerSet.add_queue_from_dict`` now automatically declared the queue if ``auto_declare`` set. .. _version-1.2.0: 1.2.0 ===== :release-date: 2011-07-15 12:00 P.M BST * Virtual: Fixes cyclic reference in Channel.close (Issue #49). * Producer.publish: Can now set additional properties using keyword arguments (Issue #48). * Adds Queue.no_ack option to control the no_ack option for individual queues. * Recent versions broke pylibrabbitmq support. * SimpleQueue and SimpleBuffer can now be used as contexts. * Test requirements specifies PyYAML==3.09 as 3.10 dropped Python 2.4 support * Now properly reports default values in Connection.info/.as_uri .. _version-1.1.6: 1.1.6 ===== :release-date: 2011-06-13 04:00 P.M BST * Redis: Fixes issue introduced in 1.1.4, where a redis connection failure could leave consumer hanging forever. * SQS: Now supports fanout messaging by using SimpleDB to store routing tables. This can be disabled by setting the `supports_fanout` transport option: >>> BrokerConnection(transport="SQS", ... transport_options={"supports_fanout": False}) * SQS: Now properly deletes a message when a message is acked. * SQS: Can now set the Amazon AWS region, by using the ``region`` transport option. * amqplib: Now uses `localhost` as default hostname instead of raising an error. .. _version-1.1.5: 1.1.5 ===== :release-date: 2011-06-07 06:00 P.M BST * Fixes compatibility with redis-py 2.4.4. .. _version-1.1.4: 1.1.4 ===== :release-date: 2011-06-07 04:00 P.M BST * Redis transport: Now requires redis-py version 2.4.4 or later. * New Amazon SQS transport added. Usage: >>> conn = BrokerConnection(transport="SQS", ... userid=aws_access_key_id, ... password=aws_secret_access_key) The environment variables :envvar:`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and :envvar:`AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` are also supported. * librabbitmq transport: Fixes default credentials support. * amqplib transport: Now supports `login_method` for SSL auth. :class:`BrokerConnection` now supports the `login_method` keyword argument. Default `login_method` is ``AMQPLAIN``. .. _version-1.1.3: 1.1.3 ===== :release-date: 2011-04-21 16:00 P.M CEST * Redis: Consuming from multiple connections now works with Eventlet. * Redis: Can now perform channel operations while the channel is in BRPOP/LISTEN mode (Issue #35). Also the async BRPOP now times out after 1 second, this means that cancelling consuming from a queue/starting consuming from additional queues has a latency of up to one second (BRPOP does not support subsecond timeouts). * Virtual: Allow channel objects to be closed multiple times without error. * amqplib: ``AttributeError`` has been added to the list of known connection related errors (:attr:`Connection.connection_errors`). * amqplib: Now converts :exc:`SSLError` timeout errors to :exc:`socket.timeout` (http://bugs.python.org/issue10272) * Ensures cyclic references are destroyed when the connection is closed. .. _version-1.1.2: 1.1.2 ===== :release-date: 2011-04-06 16:00 P.M CEST * Redis: Fixes serious issue where messages could be lost. The issue could happen if the message exceeded a certain number of kilobytes in size. It is recommended that all users of the Redis transport should upgrade to this version, even if not currently experiencing any issues. .. _version-1.1.1: 1.1.1 ===== :release-date: 2011-04-05 15:51 P.M CEST * 1.1.0 started using ``Queue.LifoQueue`` which is only available in Python 2.6+ (Issue #33). We now ship with our own LifoQueue. .. _version-1.1.0: 1.1.0 ===== :release-date: 2011-04-05 01:05 P.M CEST .. _v110-important: Important Notes --------------- * Virtual transports: Message body is now base64 encoded by default (Issue #27). This should solve problems sending binary data with virtual transports. Message compatibility is handled by adding a ``body_encoding`` property, so messages sent by older versions is compatible with this release. However -- If you are accessing the messages directly not using Kombu, then you have to respect the ``body_encoding`` property. If you need to disable base64 encoding then you can do so via the transport options:: BrokerConnection(transport="...", transport_options={"body_encoding": None}) **For transport authors**: You don't have to change anything in your custom transports, as this is handled automatically by the base class. If you want to use a different encoder you can do so by adding a key to ``Channel.codecs``. Default encoding is specified by the ``Channel.body_encoding`` attribute. A new codec must provide two methods: ``encode(data)`` and ``decode(data)``. * ConnectionPool/ChannelPool/Resource: Setting ``limit=None`` (or 0) now disables pool semantics, and will establish and close the resource whenever acquired or released. * ConnectionPool/ChannelPool/Resource: Is now using a LIFO queue instead of the previous FIFO behavior. This means that the last resource released will be the one acquired next. I.e. if only a single thread is using the pool this means only a single connection will ever be used. * BrokerConnection: Cloned connections did not inherit transport_options (``__copy__``). * contrib/requirements is now located in the top directory of the distribution. * MongoDB: Now supports authentication using the ``userid`` and ``password`` arguments to :class:`BrokerConnection` (Issue #30). * BrokerConnection: Default autentication credentials are now delegated to the individual transports. This means that the ``userid`` and ``password`` arguments to BrokerConnection is no longer *guest/guest* by default. The amqplib and pika transports will still have the default credentials. * :meth:`Consumer.__exit__` did not have the correct signature (Issue #32). * Channel objects now have a ``channel_id`` attribute. * MongoDB: Version sniffing broke with development versions of mongod (Issue #29). * New environment variable :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_CONNECTION` will now emit debug log messages for connection related actions. :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG` will also enable :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_CONNECTION`. .. _version-1.0.7: 1.0.7 ===== :release-date: 2011-03-28 05:45 P.M CEST * Now depends on anyjson 0.3.1 cjson is no longer a recommended json implementation, and anyjson will now emit a deprecation warning if used. * Please note that the Pika backend only works with version 0.5.2. The latest version (0.9.x) drastically changed API, and it is not compatible yet. * on_decode_error is now called for exceptions in message_to_python (Issue #24). * Redis: did not respect QoS settings. * Redis: Creating a connection now ensures the connection is established. This means ``BrokerConnection.ensure_connection`` works properly with Redis. * consumer_tag argument to ``Queue.consume`` can't be :const:`None` (Issue #21). A None value is now automatically converted to empty string. An empty string will make the server generate a unique tag. * BrokerConnection now supports a ``transport_options`` argument. This can be used to pass additional arguments to transports. * Pika: ``drain_events`` raised :exc:`socket.timeout` even if no timeout set (Issue #8). .. version-1.0.6: 1.0.6 ===== :release-date: 2011-03-22 04:00 P.M CET * The ``delivery_mode`` aliases (persistent/transient) were not automatically converted to integer, and would cause a crash if using the amqplib transport. * Redis: The redis-py :exc:`InvalidData` exception suddenly changed name to :exc:`DataError`. * The :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG` environment variable can now be set to log all channel method calls. Support for the following environment variables have been added: * :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_CHANNEL` will wrap channels in an object that logs every method call. * :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG` both enables channel logging and configures the root logger to emit messages to standard error. **Example Usage**:: $ KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG=1 python >>> from kombu import BrokerConnection >>> conn = BrokerConnection() >>> channel = conn.channel() Start from server, version: 8.0, properties: {u'product': 'RabbitMQ',.............. } Open OK! known_hosts [] using channel_id: 1 Channel open >>> channel.queue_declare("myq", passive=True) [Kombu channel:1] queue_declare('myq', passive=True) (u'myq', 0, 1) .. _version-1.0.5: 1.0.5 ===== :release-date: 2011-03-17 04:00 P.M CET * Fixed memory leak when creating virtual channels. All virtual transports affected (redis, mongodb, memory, django, sqlalchemy, couchdb, beanstalk). * Virtual Transports: Fixed potential race condition when acking messages. If you have been affected by this, the error would show itself as an exception raised by the OrderedDict implementation. (``object no longer exists``). * MongoDB transport requires the ``findandmodify`` command only available in MongoDB 1.3+, so now raises an exception if connected to an incompatible server version. * Virtual Transports: ``basic.cancel`` should not try to remove unknown consumer tag. .. _version-1.0.4: 1.0.4 ===== :release-date: 2011-02-28 04:00 P.M CET * Added Transport.polling_interval Used by django-kombu to increase the time to sleep between SELECTs when there are no messages in the queue. Users of django-kombu should upgrade to django-kombu v0.9.2. .. _version-1.0.3: 1.0.3 ===== :release-date: 2011-02-12 04:00 P.M CET * ConnectionPool: Re-connect if amqplib connection closed * Adds ``Queue.as_dict`` + ``Exchange.as_dict``. * Copyright headers updated to include 2011. .. _version-1.0.2: 1.0.2 ===== :release-date: 2011-01-31 10:45 P.M CET * amqplib: Message properties were not set properly. * Ghettoq backend names are now automatically translated to the new names. .. _version-1.0.1: 1.0.1 ===== :release-date: 2011-01-28 12:00 P.M CET * Redis: Now works with Linux (epoll) .. _version-1.0.0: 1.0.0 ===== :release-date: 2011-01-27 12:00 P.M CET * Initial release .. _version-0.1.0: 0.1.0 ===== :release-date: 2010-07-22 04:20 P.M CET * Initial fork of carrot