""" Example that sends a single message and exits using the simple interface. You can use `simple_receive.py` (or `complete_receive.py`) to receive the message sent. """ import eventlet from kombu import BrokerConnection eventlet.monkey_patch() def send_many(n): #: Create connection #: If hostname, userid, password and virtual_host is not specified #: the values below are the default, but listed here so it can #: be easily changed. connection = BrokerConnection("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//") #: SimpleQueue mimics the interface of the Python Queue module. #: First argument can either be a queue name or a kombu.Queue object. #: If a name, then the queue will be declared with the name as the queue #: name, exchange name and routing key. queue = connection.SimpleQueue("kombu_demo") def send_message(i): queue.put({"hello": "world%s" % (i, )}) pool = eventlet.GreenPool(10) for i in xrange(n): pool.spawn(send_message, i) pool.waitall() queue.close() connection.close() if __name__ == "__main__": send_many(10)