""" Example of simple consumer that waits for a single message, acknowledges it and exits. """ from kombu import Connection, Exchange, Queue, Consumer, eventloop from pprint import pformat #: By default messages sent to exchanges are persistent (delivery_mode=2), #: and queues and exchanges are durable. exchange = Exchange('kombu_demo', type='direct') queue = Queue('kombu_demo', exchange, routing_key='kombu_demo') def pretty(obj): return pformat(obj, indent=4) #: This is the callback applied when a message is received. def handle_message(body, message): print('Received message: %r' % (body, )) print(' properties:\n%s' % (pretty(message.properties), )) print(' delivery_info:\n%s' % (pretty(message.delivery_info), )) message.ack() #: Create a connection and a channel. #: If hostname, userid, password and virtual_host is not specified #: the values below are the default, but listed here so it can #: be easily changed. with Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//') as connection: #: Create consumer using our callback and queue. #: Second argument can also be a list to consume from #: any number of queues. with Consumer(connection, queue, callbacks=[handle_message]): #: Each iteration waits for a single event. Note that this #: event may not be a message, or a message that is to be #: delivered to the consumers channel, but any event received #: on the connection. for _ in eventloop(connection): pass