[tool:pytest] testpaths = t/unit/ python_classes = test_* [build_sphinx] source-dir = docs/ build-dir = docs/_build all_files = 1 [flake8] # classes can be lowercase, arguments and variables can be uppercase # whenever it makes the code more readable. extend-ignore = W504, N806, N802, N801, N803 [isort] add_imports = from __future__ import annotations [mypy] warn_unused_configs = True strict = False follow_imports = skip show_error_codes = True disallow_untyped_defs = True ignore_missing_imports = True files = kombu/abstract.py, kombu/utils/time.py, kombu/utils/uuid.py, t/unit/utils/test_uuid.py, kombu/utils/text.py, kombu/exceptions.py, t/unit/test_exceptions.py, kombu/clocks.py, t/unit/test_clocks.py, kombu/__init__.py, kombu/asynchronous/__init__.py, kombu/asynchronous/aws/__init__.py, kombu/asynchronous/aws/sqs/__init__.py, kombu/asynchronous/http/__init__.py, kombu/transport/__init__.py, kombu/transport/virtual/__init__.py, kombu/utils/__init__.py, kombu/matcher.py, kombu/asynchronous/semaphore.py [pep257] ignore = D102,D104,D203,D105,D213 [bdist_rpm] requires = amqp >= 5. [metadata] license_file = LICENSE