from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import os import pytest import kombu from time import sleep from .common import BasicFunctionality, BaseExchangeTypes, BasePriority def get_connection( hostname, port, vhost): return kombu.Connection('redis://{}:{}'.format(hostname, port)) @pytest.fixture() def connection(request): # this fixture yields plain connections to broker and TLS encrypted return get_connection( hostname=os.environ.get('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost'), port=os.environ.get('REDIS_6379_TCP', '6379'), vhost=getattr( request.config, "slaveinput", {} ).get("slaveid", None), ) @pytest.mark.env('redis') @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=5, reruns_delay=2) class test_RedisBasicFunctionality(BasicFunctionality): pass @pytest.mark.env('redis') @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=5, reruns_delay=2) class test_RedisBaseExchangeTypes(BaseExchangeTypes): pass @pytest.mark.env('redis') @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=5, reruns_delay=2) class test_RedisPriority(BasePriority): # Comparing to py-amqp transport has Redis transport several # differences: # 1. Order of priorities is reversed # 2. drain_events() consumes only single value # redis transport has lower numbers higher priority PRIORITY_ORDER = 'desc' def test_publish_consume(self, connection): test_queue = kombu.Queue( 'priority_test', routing_key='priority_test', max_priority=10 ) received_messages = [] def callback(body, message): received_messages.append(body) message.ack() with connection as conn: with as channel: producer = kombu.Producer(channel) for msg, prio in [ [{'msg': 'first'}, 6], [{'msg': 'second'}, 3], [{'msg': 'third'}, 6], ]: producer.publish( msg, retry=True,, routing_key=test_queue.routing_key, declare=[test_queue], serializer='pickle', priority=prio ) # Sleep to make sure that queue sorted based on priority sleep(0.5) consumer = kombu.Consumer( conn, [test_queue], accept=['pickle'] ) consumer.register_callback(callback) with consumer: # drain_events() returns just on number in # Virtual transports conn.drain_events(timeout=1) conn.drain_events(timeout=1) conn.drain_events(timeout=1) # Second message must be received first assert received_messages[0] == {'msg': 'second'} assert received_messages[1] == {'msg': 'first'} assert received_messages[2] == {'msg': 'third'}