Updated Creating a 64 bit development environment with MinGW on Windows (rest)

matham 2015-11-30 15:35:07 -05:00
parent f9fc4e1acd
commit 0bb86f24f7
1 changed files with 2 additions and 0 deletions

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
**DEPRECATED**: Kivy wheels using mingwpy are available since 1.9.1. It is recommended that https://binstar.org/carlkl/mingwpy be used instead of generic MinGW.
In order to use kivy in true 64 bit mode you'll first need to set up your environment
to be able to build 64 bit binaries. For this you'll need the 64 bit mingw. We'll
assume that you already installed a 64 bit Python into e.g. ``C:\dev-64\python27``: