mirror of https://github.com/kivy/kivy.git
471 lines
14 KiB
471 lines
14 KiB
Implement the grammar of Kivy language
One level = 4 spaces. No more, no less. Tab not allowed.
Example of Kivy files ::
#:kivy 1.0
id: cs
backgroundcolor: #927836
pos: 100, 100
size: 867, 567
rgb: cs.backgroundcolor
pos: self.pos
size: self.size
__all__ = ('Builder', 'Parser')
import re
from os.path import join
from copy import copy
from kivy.factory import Factory
from kivy.logger import Logger
from kivy import kivy_data_dir
trace = Logger.trace
class ParserError(Exception):
def __init__(self, context, line, message):
self.filename = context.filename or '<inline>'
self.line = line
sourcecode = context.sourcecode
sc_start = max(0, line - 3)
sc_stop = min(len(sourcecode), line + 3)
sc = ['...']
sc += [' %4d:%s' % x for x in sourcecode[sc_start:line]]
sc += ['>> %4d:%s' % (line, sourcecode[line][1])]
sc += [' %4d:%s' % x for x in sourcecode[line+1:sc_stop]]
sc += ['...']
sc = '\n'.join(sc)
message = 'Parser: File "%s", line %d:\n%s\n%s' % (
self.filename, self.line, sc, message)
super(ParserError, self).__init__(message)
class Parser(object):
'''Create an Parser object to parse a Kivy file or Kivy content.
CLASS_RANGE = range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Parser, self).__init__()
self.sourcecode = []
self.objects = []
content = kwargs.get('content', None)
self.filename = filename = kwargs.get('filename', None)
if filename:
content = self.load_resource(filename)
if content is None:
raise ValueError('No content passed. Use filename or '
'content attribute')
def parse(self, content):
'''Parse the content of a Parser file, and return a list
of root objects.
# Read and parse the lines of the file
lines = content.split('\n')
if not lines:
lines = zip(range(len(lines)), lines)
self.sourcecode = lines[:]
trace('Parser: parse %d lines' % len(lines))
# Ensure the version
if self.filename:
# Strip all comments
# Get object from the first level
objects, lines = self.parse_level(0, lines)
if len(lines):
ln, content = lines[0]
raise ParserError(self, ln, 'Invalid data (not parsed)')
self.objects = objects
def parse_version(self, line):
'''Parse the version line.
The version line is always #:kivy <version>
ln, content = line
if not content.startswith('#:kivy '):
raise ParserError(self, ln,
'Invalid doctype, must start with '
'#:kivy <version>')
version = content[6:].strip()
if version != '1.0':
raise ParserError(self, ln, 'Only Kivy 1.0 are supported'
' (<%s> found)' % version)
trace('Parser: Kivy version is %s' % version)
def strip_comments(self, lines):
'''Remove all comments from lines inplace.
for x in lines[:]:
if x[1].startswith('#'):
if not len(x[1]):
def parse_level(self, level, lines):
'''Parse the current level (level * 4) indentation
indent = 4 * level
objects = []
current_object = None
current_property = None
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
line = lines[i]
ln, content = line
# Get the number of space
tmp = content.lstrip(' \t')
# Replace any tab with 4 spaces
tmp = content[:len(content)-len(tmp)]
tmp = tmp.replace('\t', ' ')
count = len(tmp)
if count % 4 != 0:
raise ParserError(self, ln,
'Invalid indentation, must be a multiple of 4')
content = content.strip()
# Level finished
if count < indent:
return objects, lines[i-1:]
# Current level, create an object
elif count == indent:
current_object = {'__line__': ln, '__ctx__': self}
current_property = None
x = content.split(':', 2)
if not len(x[0]):
raise ParserError(self, ln, 'Identifier missing')
if len(x) == 2 and len(x[1]):
raise ParserError(self, ln, 'Invalid data after declaration')
objects.append((x[0], current_object))
# Next level, is it a property or an object ?
elif count == indent + 4:
x = content.split(':', 2)
if not len(x[0]):
raise ParserError(self, ln, 'Identifier missing')
# It's a class, add to the current object as a children
current_property = None
name = x[0]
if ord(name[0]) in Parser.CLASS_RANGE:
_objects, _lines = self.parse_level(level + 1, lines[i:])
current_object['children'] = (_objects, ln, self)
lines = _lines
i = 0
# It's a property
if len(x) == 1:
raise ParserError(self, ln, 'Syntax error')
value = x[1].strip()
if len(value):
current_object[name] = (value, ln, self)
current_property = name
# Two more level ?
elif count == indent + 8:
if current_property not in ('canvas', ):
raise ParserError(self, ln,
'Invalid indentation, only allowed '
'for canvas')
_objects, _lines = self.parse_level(level + 2, lines[i:])
current_object[current_property] = (_objects, ln, self)
current_property = None
lines = _lines
i = 0
# Too much indent, invalid
raise ParserError(self, ln,
'Invalid indentation (too much level)')
# Check the next line
i += 1
return objects, []
def load_resource(self, filename):
'''Load an external resource
trace('Parser: load external <%s>' % filename)
with open(filename, 'r') as fd:
return fd.read()
# Utilities for eval()
_eval_globals = {}
def _eval_center(boxsize, center):
return center[0] - boxsize[0] / 2., center[1] - boxsize[1] / 2.
_eval_globals['center'] = _eval_center
def create_handler(element, key, value, idmap):
# first, remove all the string from the value
tmp = re.sub('([\'"][^\'"]*[\'"])', '', value)
# detect key.value inside value
kw = re.findall('([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)', tmp)
if not kw:
# look like no reference, just pass it
return eval(value, _eval_globals)
# create an handler
idmap = copy(idmap)
def call_fn(sender, _value):
trace('Builder: call_fn %s, key=%s, value=%s' % (element, key, value))
e_value = eval(value, _eval_globals, idmap)
trace('Builder: call_fn => value=%s' % str(e_value))
setattr(element, key, e_value)
# bind every key.value
for x in kw:
k = x.split('.')
if len(k) != 2:
f = idmap[k[0]]
f.bind(**{k[1]: call_fn})
return eval(value, _eval_globals, idmap)
class BuilderRule(object):
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key.lower()
def match(self, widget):
raise NotImplemented()
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s key=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.key)
class BuilderRuleId(BuilderRule):
def match(self, widget):
return widget.id.lower() == self.key
class BuilderRuleClass(BuilderRule):
def match(self, widget):
return self.key in widget.cls
class BuilderRuleName(BuilderRule):
def match(self, widget):
return widget.__class__.__name__.lower() == self.key
class BuilderBase(object):
'''Kv object are able to load Kv file or string, return the root object of
the file, and inject rules in the rules database.
def __init__(self):
super(BuilderBase, self).__init__()
self.rules = []
self.idmap = {}
self.idmaps = []
def add_rule(self, rule, defs):
trace('Builder: add rule %s' % str(rule))
self.rules.append((rule, defs))
def load_file(self, filename, **kwargs):
trace('Builder: load file %s' % filename)
with open(filename, 'r') as fd:
return self.load_string(fd.read(), **kwargs)
def load_string(self, string, rulesonly=False):
parser = Parser(content=string)
root = self.build(parser.objects)
if rulesonly and root:
raise Exception('The file <%s> contain also non-rules '
'directives' % filename)
return root
def match(self, widget):
'''Return the list of the rules matching the widget
matches = []
for rule, defs in self.rules:
if rule.match(widget):
return matches
def apply(self, widget):
'''Apply all the Kivy rules matching the widget on the widget.
matches = self.match(widget)
trace('Builder: Found %d matches for %s' % (len(matches), widget))
if not matches:
have_root = 'root' in self.idmap
if not have_root:
self.idmap['root'] = widget
for defs in matches:
self.build_item(widget, defs, is_instance=True)
if not have_root:
del self.idmap['root']
# Private
def _push_ids(self):
self.idmap = copy(self.idmap)
def _pop_ids(self):
self.idmap = self.idmaps.pop()
def build(self, objects):
root = None
for item, params in objects:
if item.startswith('<'):
self.build_rule(item, params)
if root is not None:
raise ParserError(params['__ctx__'], params['__line__'],
'Only one root object is allowed')
root = self.build_item(item, params)
return root
def build_item(self, item, params, is_instance=False):
if is_instance is False:
trace('Builder: build item %s' % item)
if item.startswith('<'):
raise ParserError(params['__ctx__'], params['__line__'],
'Rules are not accepted inside Widget')
widget = Factory.get(item)()
widget = item
self.idmap['self'] = widget
# first loop, do attributes
for key, value in params.iteritems():
if key in ('__line__', '__ctx__'):
value, ln, ctx = value
if key == 'children':
for citem, cparams, in value:
child = self.build_item(citem, cparams)
elif key == 'canvas':
value = create_handler(widget, key, value, self.idmap)
trace('Builder: set %s=%s for %s' % (key, value, widget))
setattr(widget, key, value)
except Exception, e:
m = ParserError(ctx, ln, str(e))
print m
# second loop, only for canvas
for key, value in params.iteritems():
if key != 'canvas':
value, ln, ctx = value
with widget.canvas:
self.build_canvas(item, value)
return widget
def build_canvas(self, item, elements):
trace('Builder: build canvas for %s' % item)
for name, params in elements:
element = Factory.get(name)()
for key, value in params.iteritems():
if key in ('__line__', '__ctx__'):
value, ln, ctx = value
value = create_handler(element, key, value, self.idmap)
trace('Builder: set %s=%s for %s' % (key, value, element))
setattr(element, key, value)
except Exception, e:
m = ParserError(ctx, ln, str(e))
print m.message
def build_rule(self, item, params):
trace('Builder: build rule for %s' % item)
if item[0] != '<' or item[-1] != '>':
raise ParserError(params['__ctx__'], params['__line__'],
'Invalid rule (must be inside <>)')
rules = item[1:-1].split(',')
for rule in rules:
if not len(rule):
raise ParserError(params['__ctx__'], params['__line__'],
'Empty rule detected')
crule = None
if rule[0] == '.':
crule = BuilderRuleClass(rule[1:])
elif rule[0] == '#':
crule = BuilderRuleId(rule[1:])
crule = BuilderRuleName(rule)
self.add_rule(crule, params)
#: Rules instance, can be use for asking if we are matching a rule or not
Builder = BuilderBase()
Builder.load_file(join(kivy_data_dir, 'style.kv'), rulesonly=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
content = '''#:Kv 1.0
id: cs
backgroundcolor: #927836
pos: 100, 100
size: 867, 567
rgb: cs.backgroundcolor
pos: self.pos
size: self.size