mirror of https://github.com/kivy/kivy.git
877 lines
32 KiB
877 lines
32 KiB
# Kivy - Crossplatform NUI toolkit
# http://kivy.org/
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
import os
from os.path import join, dirname, sep, exists, basename
from os import walk, environ
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from collections import OrderedDict
if sys.version > '3':
PY3 = True
PY3 = False
def getoutput(cmd):
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
if p.returncode: # if not returncode == 0
print('WARNING: A problem occured while running {0} (code {1})\n'.format(cmd,p.returncode))
stderr_content = p.stderr.read()
if stderr_content:
return ""
return p.stdout.read()
def pkgconfig(*packages, **kw):
flag_map = {'-I': 'include_dirs', '-L': 'library_dirs', '-l': 'libraries'}
cmd = 'pkg-config --libs --cflags {}'.format(' '.join(packages))
results = getoutput(cmd).split()
for token in results:
ext = token[:2].decode('utf-8')
flag = flag_map.get(ext)
if not flag:
kw.setdefault(flag, []).append(token[2:].decode('utf-8'))
return kw
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Determine on which platform we are
platform = sys.platform
# Detect 32/64bit for OSX (http://stackoverflow.com/a/1405971/798575)
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32:
osx_arch = 'x86_64'
osx_arch = 'i386'
# Detect Python for android project (http://github.com/kivy/python-for-android)
ndkplatform = environ.get('NDKPLATFORM')
if ndkplatform is not None and environ.get('LIBLINK'):
platform = 'android'
kivy_ios_root = environ.get('KIVYIOSROOT', None)
if kivy_ios_root is not None:
platform = 'ios'
if exists('/opt/vc/include/bcm_host.h'):
platform = 'rpi'
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Detect options
c_options = OrderedDict()
c_options['use_rpi'] = platform == 'rpi'
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = None
c_options['use_opengl_debug'] = False
c_options['use_glew'] = False
c_options['use_sdl'] = False
c_options['use_sdl2'] = None
c_options['use_ios'] = False
c_options['use_mesagl'] = False
c_options['use_x11'] = False
c_options['use_gstreamer'] = None
c_options['use_avfoundation'] = platform == 'darwin'
c_options['use_osx_frameworks'] = platform == 'darwin'
# now check if environ is changing the default values
for key in list(c_options.keys()):
ukey = key.upper()
if ukey in environ:
value = bool(int(environ[ukey]))
print('Environ change {0} -> {1}'.format(key, value))
c_options[key] = value
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cython check
# on python-for-android and kivy-ios, cython usage is external
have_cython = False
if platform in ('ios', 'android'):
print('\nCython check avoided.')
# check for cython
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
have_cython = True
except ImportError:
print('\nCython is missing, its required for compiling kivy !\n\n')
if not have_cython:
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup classes
# the build path where kivy is being compiled
build_path = dirname(__file__)
class KivyBuildExt(build_ext):
def finalize_options(self):
retval = build_ext.finalize_options(self)
global build_path
if (self.build_lib is not None and exists(self.build_lib) and
not self.inplace):
build_path = self.build_lib
return retval
def build_extensions(self):
# build files
config_h_fn = expand('graphics', 'config.h')
config_pxi_fn = expand('graphics', 'config.pxi')
config_py_fn = expand('setupconfig.py')
# generate headers
config_h = '// Autogenerated file for Kivy C configuration\n'
config_h += '#define __PY3 {0}\n'.format(int(PY3))
config_pxi = '# Autogenerated file for Kivy Cython configuration\n'
config_pxi += 'DEF PY3 = {0}\n'.format(int(PY3))
config_py = '# Autogenerated file for Kivy configuration\n'
config_py += 'PY3 = {0}\n'.format(int(PY3))
# generate content
print('Build configuration is:')
for opt, value in c_options.items():
value = int(bool(value))
print(' * {0} = {1}'.format(opt, value))
opt = opt.upper()
config_h += '#define __{0} {1}\n'.format(opt, value)
config_pxi += 'DEF {0} = {1}\n'.format(opt, value)
config_py += '{0} = {1}\n'.format(opt, value)
debug = bool(self.debug)
print(' * debug = {0}'.format(debug))
config_pxi += 'DEF DEBUG = {0}\n'.format(debug)
config_py += 'DEBUG = {0}\n'.format(debug)
for fn, content in (
(config_h_fn, config_h), (config_pxi_fn, config_pxi),
(config_py_fn, config_py)):
if self.update_if_changed(fn, content):
print('Updated {}'.format(fn))
c = self.compiler.compiler_type
print('Detected compiler is {}'.format(c))
if c != 'msvc':
for e in self.extensions:
e.extra_link_args += ['-lm']
def update_if_changed(self, fn, content):
need_update = True
if exists(fn):
with open(fn) as fd:
need_update = fd.read() != content
if need_update:
with open(fn, 'w') as fd:
return need_update
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# extract version (simulate doc generation, kivy will be not imported)
environ['KIVY_DOC_INCLUDE'] = '1'
import kivy
# extra build commands go in the cmdclass dict {'command-name': CommandClass}
# see tools.packaging.{platform}.build.py for custom build commands for
# portable packages. also e.g. we use build_ext command from cython if its
# installed for c extensions.
from kivy.tools.packaging.factory import FactoryBuild
cmdclass = {
'build_factory': FactoryBuild,
'build_ext': KivyBuildExt}
# add build rules for portable packages to cmdclass
if platform == 'win32':
from kivy.tools.packaging.win32.build import WindowsPortableBuild
cmdclass['build_portable'] = WindowsPortableBuild
elif platform == 'darwin':
from kivy.tools.packaging.osx.build import OSXPortableBuild
cmdclass['build_portable'] = OSXPortableBuild
except ImportError:
print('User distribution detected, avoid portable command.')
# Detect which opengl version headers to use
if platform in ('android', 'darwin', 'ios', 'rpi'):
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = True
elif platform == 'win32':
print('Windows platform detected, force GLEW usage.')
c_options['use_glew'] = True
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = False
if c_options['use_opengl_es2'] is None:
GLES = environ.get('GRAPHICS') == 'GLES'
OPENGL = environ.get('GRAPHICS') == 'OPENGL'
if GLES:
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = True
elif OPENGL:
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = False
# auto detection of GLES headers
default_header_dirs = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include']
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = False
for hdir in default_header_dirs:
filename = join(hdir, 'GLES2', 'gl2.h')
if exists(filename):
c_options['use_opengl_es2'] = True
print('NOTE: Found GLES 2.0 headers at {0}'.format(
if not c_options['use_opengl_es2']:
print('NOTE: Not found GLES 2.0 headers at: {}'.format(
print(' Please contact us if your distribution '
'uses an alternative path for the headers.')
print('Using this graphics system: {}'.format(
['OpenGL', 'OpenGL ES 2'][int(c_options['use_opengl_es2'] or False)]))
# check if we are in a kivy-ios build
if platform == 'ios':
print('Kivy-IOS project environment detect, use it.')
print('Kivy-IOS project located at {0}'.format(kivy_ios_root))
print('Activate SDL compilation.')
c_options['use_ios'] = True
c_options['use_sdl'] = True
# detect gstreamer, only on desktop
# works if we forced the options or in autodetection
if platform not in ('ios', 'android') and c_options['use_gstreamer'] in (None, True):
if c_options['use_osx_frameworks'] and platform == 'darwin':
# check the existence of frameworks
f_path = '/Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework'
if not exists(f_path):
c_options['use_gstreamer'] = False
print('Missing GStreamer framework {}'.format(f_path))
c_options['use_gstreamer'] = True
gst_flags = {
'extra_link_args': [
'-Xlinker', '-headerpad',
'-Xlinker', '190',
'-framework', 'GStreamer'],
'include_dirs': [join(f_path, 'Headers')]}
# use pkg-config approach instead
gst_flags = pkgconfig('gstreamer-1.0')
if 'libraries' in gst_flags:
c_options['use_gstreamer'] = True
# detect SDL2, only on desktop
# works if we forced the options or in autodetection
sdl2_flags = {}
if platform not in ('ios', 'android') and c_options['use_sdl2'] in (None, True):
if c_options['use_osx_frameworks'] and platform == 'darwin':
# check the existence of frameworks
sdl2_valid = True
sdl2_flags = {
'extra_link_args': [
'-Xlinker', '-headerpad',
'-Xlinker', '190'],
'include_dirs': []
for name in ('SDL2', 'SDL2_ttf', 'SDL2_image', 'SDL2_mixer'):
f_path = '/Library/Frameworks/{}.framework'.format(name)
if not exists(f_path):
print('Missing framework {}'.format(f_path))
sdl2_valid = False
sdl2_flags['extra_link_args'] += ['-framework', name]
sdl2_flags['include_dirs'] += [join(f_path, 'Headers')]
print('Found sdl2 frameworks: {}'.format(f_path))
if not sdl2_valid:
c_options['use_sdl2'] = False
print('Deactivate SDL2 compilation due to missing frameworks')
c_options['use_sdl2'] = True
print('Activate SDL2 compilation')
# use pkg-config approach instead
sdl2_flags = pkgconfig('sdl2', 'SDL2_ttf', 'SDL2_image', 'SDL2_mixer')
if 'libraries' in sdl2_flags:
c_options['use_sdl2'] = True
if c_options['use_sdl2']:
print('SDL2 compilation enabled, deactivate 1.x')
c_options['use_sdl'] = False
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# declare flags
def get_modulename_from_file(filename):
filename = filename.replace(sep, '/')
pyx = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[:-1])
pyxl = pyx.split('/')
while pyxl[0] != 'kivy':
if pyxl[1] == 'kivy':
return '.'.join(pyxl)
def expand(*args):
return join(build_path, 'kivy', *args)
class CythonExtension(Extension):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.cython_directives = {
'c_string_encoding': 'utf-8',
'profile': 'USE_PROFILE' in environ,
'embedsignature': 'USE_EMBEDSIGNATURE' in environ}
# XXX with pip, setuptools is imported before distutils, and change
# our pyx to c, then, cythonize doesn't happen. So force again our
# sources
self.sources = args[1]
def merge(d1, *args):
d1 = deepcopy(d1)
for d2 in args:
for key, value in d2.items():
value = deepcopy(value)
if key in d1:
d1[key] = value
return d1
def determine_base_flags():
flags = {
'libraries': [],
'include_dirs': [],
'extra_link_args': [],
'extra_compile_args': []}
if c_options['use_ios']:
sysroot = environ.get('IOSSDKROOT', environ.get('SDKROOT'))
if not sysroot:
raise Exception('IOSSDKROOT is not set')
flags['include_dirs'] += [sysroot]
flags['extra_compile_args'] += ['-isysroot', sysroot]
flags['extra_link_args'] += ['-isysroot', sysroot]
elif platform == 'darwin':
v = os.uname()
if v[2] >= '13.0.0':
# use xcode-select to search on the right Xcode path
# XXX use the best SDK available instead of a specific one
import platform as _platform
xcode_dev = getoutput('xcode-select -p').splitlines()[0]
sdk_mac_ver = '.'.join(_platform.mac_ver()[0].split('.')[:2])
print('Xcode detected at {}, and using MacOSX{} sdk'.format(
xcode_dev, sdk_mac_ver))
sysroot = join(xcode_dev.decode('utf-8'),
sysroot = ('/System/Library/Frameworks/'
flags['extra_compile_args'] += ['-F%s' % sysroot]
flags['extra_link_args'] += ['-F%s' % sysroot]
return flags
def determine_gl_flags():
flags = {'libraries': []}
if platform == 'win32':
flags['libraries'] = ['opengl32']
elif platform == 'ios':
flags['libraries'] = ['GLESv2']
flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-framework', 'OpenGLES']
elif platform == 'darwin':
flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-framework', 'OpenGL', '-arch', osx_arch]
flags['extra_compile_args'] = ['-arch', osx_arch]
elif platform.startswith('freebsd'):
flags['include_dirs'] = ['/usr/local/include']
flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-L', '/usr/local/lib']
flags['libraries'] = ['GL']
elif platform.startswith('openbsd'):
flags['include_dirs'] = ['/usr/X11R6/include']
flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-L', '/usr/X11R6/lib']
flags['libraries'] = ['GL']
elif platform == 'android':
flags['include_dirs'] = [join(ndkplatform, 'usr', 'include')]
flags['extra_link_args'] = ['-L', join(ndkplatform, 'usr', 'lib')]
flags['libraries'] = ['GLESv2']
elif platform == 'rpi':
flags['include_dirs'] = ['/opt/vc/include',
flags['library_dirs'] = ['/opt/vc/lib']
flags['libraries'] = ['bcm_host', 'EGL', 'GLESv2']
flags['libraries'] = ['GL']
if c_options['use_glew']:
if platform == 'win32':
flags['libraries'] += ['glew32']
flags['libraries'] += ['GLEW']
return flags
def determine_sdl():
flags = {}
if not c_options['use_sdl']:
return flags
flags['libraries'] = ['SDL', 'SDL_ttf', 'freetype', 'z', 'bz2']
flags['include_dirs'] = []
flags['extra_link_args'] = []
flags['extra_compile_args'] = []
# Paths as per homebrew (modified formula to use hg checkout)
if c_options['use_ios']:
# Note: on IOS, SDL is already loaded by the launcher/main.m
# So if we add it here, it will just complain about duplicate
# symbol, cause libSDL.a would be included in main.m binary +
# text_sdlttf.so
# At the result, we are linking without SDL explicitly, and add
# -undefined dynamic_lookup
# (/tito)
flags['libraries'] = ['SDL_ttf', 'freetype', 'bz2']
flags['include_dirs'] += [
join(kivy_ios_root, 'build', 'include'),
join(kivy_ios_root, 'build', 'include', 'SDL'),
join(kivy_ios_root, 'build', 'include', 'freetype')]
flags['extra_link_args'] += [
'-L', join(kivy_ios_root, 'build', 'lib'),
'-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup']
flags['include_dirs'] = ['/usr/local/include/SDL']
flags['extra_link_args'] += ['-L/usr/local/lib/']
if platform == 'ios':
flags['extra_link_args'] += [
'-framework', 'Foundation',
'-framework', 'UIKit',
'-framework', 'AudioToolbox',
'-framework', 'CoreGraphics',
'-framework', 'QuartzCore',
'-framework', 'MobileCoreServices',
'-framework', 'ImageIO']
elif platform == 'darwin':
flags['extra_link_args'] += [
'-framework', 'ApplicationServices']
return flags
def determine_sdl2():
flags = {}
if not c_options['use_sdl2']:
return flags
sdl2_path = environ.get('KIVY_SDL2_PATH', None)
if sdl2_flags and not sdl2_path:
return sdl2_flags
# no pkgconfig info, or we want to use a specific sdl2 path, so perform
# manual configuration
flags['libraries'] = ['SDL2', 'SDL2_ttf', 'SDL2_image', 'SDL2_mixer']
flags['include_dirs'] = ([sdl2_path] if sdl2_path else
['/usr/local/include/SDL2', '/usr/include/SDL2'])
flags['extra_link_args'] = []
flags['extra_compile_args'] = []
flags['extra_link_args'] += (['-L' + sdl2_path] if sdl2_path else
# ensure headers for all the SDL2 and sub libraries are available
libs_to_check = ['SDL', 'SDL_mixer', 'SDL_ttf', 'SDL_image']
can_compile = True
for lib in libs_to_check:
found = False
for d in flags['include_dirs']:
fn = join(d, '{}.h'.format(lib))
if exists(fn):
found = True
print('SDL2: found {} header at {}'.format(lib, fn))
if not found:
print('SDL2: missing sub library {}'.format(lib))
can_compile = False
if not can_compile:
c_options['use_sdl2'] = False
return {}
return flags
base_flags = determine_base_flags()
gl_flags = determine_gl_flags()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sources to compile
# all the dependencies have been found manually with:
# grep -inr -E '(cimport|include)' kivy/graphics/context_instructions.{pxd,pyx}
graphics_dependencies = {
'gl_redirect.h': ['common_subset.h'],
'c_opengl.pxd': ['config.pxi', 'gl_redirect.h'],
'buffer.pyx': ['common.pxi'],
'context.pxd': [
'instructions.pxd', 'texture.pxd', 'vbo.pxd',
'c_opengl.pxd', 'c_opengl_debug.pxd'],
'c_opengl_debug.pyx': ['common.pxi', 'c_opengl.pxd'],
'compiler.pxd': ['instructions.pxd'],
'compiler.pyx': ['context_instructions.pxd'],
'context_instructions.pxd': [
'transformation.pxd', 'instructions.pxd', 'texture.pxd'],
'fbo.pxd': ['c_opengl.pxd', 'instructions.pxd', 'texture.pxd'],
'fbo.pyx': [
'config.pxi', 'opcodes.pxi', 'transformation.pxd', 'context.pxd',
'gl_instructions.pyx': [
'config.pxi', 'opcodes.pxi', 'c_opengl.pxd', 'c_opengl_debug.pxd',
'instructions.pxd': [
'vbo.pxd', 'context_instructions.pxd', 'compiler.pxd', 'shader.pxd',
'texture.pxd', '../_event.pxd'],
'instructions.pyx': [
'config.pxi', 'opcodes.pxi', 'c_opengl.pxd', 'c_opengl_debug.pxd',
'context.pxd', 'common.pxi', 'vertex.pxd', 'transformation.pxd'],
'opengl.pyx': ['config.pxi', 'common.pxi', 'c_opengl.pxd', 'gl_redirect.h'],
'opengl_utils.pyx': ['opengl_utils_def.pxi', 'c_opengl.pxd'],
'shader.pxd': ['c_opengl.pxd', 'transformation.pxd', 'vertex.pxd'],
'shader.pyx': [
'config.pxi', 'common.pxi', 'c_opengl.pxd', 'c_opengl_debug.pxd',
'vertex.pxd', 'transformation.pxd', 'context.pxd'],
'stencil_instructions.pxd': ['instructions.pxd'],
'stencil_instructions.pyx': [
'config.pxi', 'opcodes.pxi', 'c_opengl.pxd', 'c_opengl_debug.pxd'],
'svg.pyx': ['config.pxi', 'common.pxi', 'texture.pxd', 'instructions.pxd',
'vertex_instructions.pxd', 'tesselator.pxd'],
'texture.pxd': ['c_opengl.pxd'],
'texture.pyx': [
'config.pxi', 'common.pxi', 'opengl_utils_def.pxi', 'context.pxd',
'c_opengl.pxd', 'c_opengl_debug.pxd', 'opengl_utils.pxd',
'vbo.pxd': ['buffer.pxd', 'c_opengl.pxd', 'vertex.pxd'],
'vbo.pyx': [
'config.pxi', 'common.pxi', 'c_opengl_debug.pxd', 'context.pxd',
'instructions.pxd', 'shader.pxd'],
'vertex.pxd': ['c_opengl.pxd'],
'vertex.pyx': ['config.pxi', 'common.pxi'],
'vertex_instructions.pyx': [
'config.pxi', 'common.pxi', 'vbo.pxd', 'vertex.pxd', 'instructions.pxd',
'c_opengl.pxd', 'c_opengl_debug.pxd', 'texture.pxd',
'vertex_instructions_line.pxi': ['stencil_instructions.pxd']}
sources = {
'_event.pyx': merge(base_flags, {'depends': ['properties.pxd']}),
'properties.pyx': merge(base_flags, {'depends': ['_event.pxd']}),
'graphics/buffer.pyx': base_flags,
'graphics/context.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/c_opengl_debug.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/compiler.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/context_instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/fbo.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/gl_instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/opengl.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/opengl_utils.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/shader.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/stencil_instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/texture.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/transformation.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/vbo.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/vertex.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'graphics/vertex_instructions.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags),
'core/text/text_layout.pyx': base_flags,
'graphics/tesselator.pyx': merge(base_flags, {
'include_dirs': ['kivy/lib/libtess2/Include'],
'c_depends': [
'graphics/svg.pyx': merge(base_flags, gl_flags)
if c_options['use_sdl']:
sdl_flags = determine_sdl()
sources['core/window/sdl.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags, sdl_flags)
sources['core/text/text_sdlttf.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags, sdl_flags)
sources['core/audio/audio_sdl.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, sdl_flags)
if c_options['use_sdl2']:
sdl2_flags = determine_sdl2()
if sdl2_flags:
sources['core/window/_window_sdl2.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags, sdl2_flags)
sources['core/image/_img_sdl2.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags, sdl2_flags)
sources['core/text/_text_sdl2.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags, sdl2_flags)
sources['core/clipboard/_clipboard_sdl2.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags, sdl2_flags)
if platform in ('darwin', 'ios'):
# activate ImageIO provider for our core image
if platform == 'ios':
osx_flags = {'extra_link_args': [
'-framework', 'Foundation',
'-framework', 'UIKit',
'-framework', 'AudioToolbox',
'-framework', 'CoreGraphics',
'-framework', 'QuartzCore',
'-framework', 'ImageIO',
'-framework', 'Accelerate']}
osx_flags = {'extra_link_args': [
'-framework', 'ApplicationServices']}
sources['core/image/img_imageio.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, osx_flags)
if c_options['use_avfoundation']:
import platform as _platform
mac_ver = [int(x) for x in _platform.mac_ver()[0].split('.')[:2]]
if mac_ver >= [10, 7]:
osx_flags = {
'extra_link_args': ['-framework', 'AVFoundation'],
'extra_compile_args': ['-ObjC++'],
'depends': ['core/camera/camera_avfoundation_implem.m']}
sources['core/camera/camera_avfoundation.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, osx_flags)
print('AVFoundation cannot be used, OSX >= 10.7 is required')
if c_options['use_rpi']:
sources['lib/vidcore_lite/egl.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags)
sources['lib/vidcore_lite/bcm.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags)
if c_options['use_x11']:
sources['core/window/window_x11.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gl_flags, {
# FIXME add an option to depend on them but not compile them
# cause keytab is included in core, and core is included in
# window_x11
#'depends': [
# 'core/window/window_x11_keytab.c',
# 'core/window/window_x11_core.c'],
'libraries': ['Xrender', 'X11']})
if c_options['use_gstreamer']:
sources['lib/gstplayer/_gstplayer.pyx'] = merge(
base_flags, gst_flags, {
'depends': ['lib/gstplayer/_gstplayer.h']})
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# extension modules
def get_dependencies(name, deps=None):
if deps is None:
deps = []
for dep in graphics_dependencies.get(name, []):
if dep not in deps:
get_dependencies(dep, deps)
return deps
def resolve_dependencies(fn, depends):
fn = basename(fn)
deps = []
get_dependencies(fn, deps)
get_dependencies(fn.replace('.pyx', '.pxd'), deps)
return [expand('graphics', x) for x in deps]
def get_extensions_from_sources(sources):
ext_modules = []
if environ.get('KIVY_FAKE_BUILDEXT'):
print('Fake build_ext asked, will generate only .h/.c')
return ext_modules
for pyx, flags in sources.items():
is_graphics = pyx.startswith('graphics')
pyx = expand(pyx)
depends = [expand(x) for x in flags.pop('depends', [])]
c_depends = [expand(x) for x in flags.pop('c_depends', [])]
if not have_cython:
pyx = '%s.c' % pyx[:-4]
if is_graphics:
depends = resolve_dependencies(pyx, depends)
f_depends = [x for x in depends if x.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] in (
'c', 'cpp', 'm')]
module_name = get_modulename_from_file(pyx)
flags_clean = {'depends': depends}
for key, value in flags.items():
if len(value):
flags_clean[key] = value
[pyx] + f_depends + c_depends, **flags_clean))
return ext_modules
ext_modules = get_extensions_from_sources(sources)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# automatically detect data files
data_file_prefix = 'share/kivy-'
examples = {}
examples_allowed_ext = ('readme', 'py', 'wav', 'png', 'jpg', 'svg', 'json',
'avi', 'gif', 'txt', 'ttf', 'obj', 'mtl', 'kv')
for root, subFolders, files in walk('examples'):
for fn in files:
ext = fn.split('.')[-1].lower()
if ext not in examples_allowed_ext:
filename = join(root, fn)
directory = '%s%s' % (data_file_prefix, dirname(filename))
if not directory in examples:
examples[directory] = []
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# setup !
author='Kivy Crew',
'A software library for rapid development of '
'hardware-accelerated multitouch applications.'),
'kivy.uix', ],
package_dir={'kivy': 'kivy'},
package_data={'kivy': [
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Environment :: MacOS X',
'Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)',
'Environment :: X11 Applications',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop',
'Intended Audience :: Information Technology',
'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
'Natural Language :: English',
'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
'Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD',
'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
'Topic :: Artistic Software',
'Topic :: Games/Entertainment',
'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering',
'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera',
'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation',
'Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers',
'Topic :: Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players :: MP3',
'Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Display',
'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces',
'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization',
'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks',
'Topic :: Software Development :: User Interfaces'],